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June 07, 2018 - Image 26

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-06-07

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legs are

Jordan Adele
Bloom, daughter of
Carey and Ryan
Bloom, will chant
from the Torah on
the occasion of her
bat mitzvah at
Temple Israel in
West Bloomfield on
Saturday, June 9,
2018. Joining in her
celebration will be her sister Jamie
and her proud grandparents Barbara
and Fred Goldberg, and Janice and
Gary Bloom.
She is a student at Berkshire
Middle School in Birmingham. For
her most meaningful mitzvah expe-
rience, Jordan set up a supply drive
for Almost Home Animal Rescue
and volunteered at the organiza-
tion’s adoption events.

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June 7 • 2018


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Carli Isabella
Camens, daughter
of Jennifer Arkin
Camens and Mark
Camens, will lead
the congregation in
prayer as she
becomes a bat
mitzvah at Temple
Israel in West
Bloomfield on
Friday, June 8, 2018. She will be
joined in celebration by her sister
Addison and proud grandparents
Joane and Irwin Arkin, and Adele
and Sid Camens. She is the great-
granddaughter of the late Henrietta
and Sidney Levine, Ida Arkin,
Mildred and Hilbert Horwitz, and
Ida and Nathan Camens.
Carli attends West Hills Middle
School in Bloomfield Hills. For her
most meaningful mitzvah proj-
ect, she volunteered to read and
play games with third-graders at
Coleman A. Young Elementary
School. She also raised $3,000 for a
book drive at the school, enabling
each student to purchase a book.

Jaden Cohen

Madison Cohen

Jaden Rose Cohen and Madison
Reese Cohen will share the bimah
at Temple Israel in West Bloomfield
on Saturday, June 9, 2018, as they
lead the congregation in prayer on
the occasion of their b’not mitzvah.
Joining in their celebration will be
their proud parents, Cassi and
Michael Cohen, and siblings Logan,
Quinn and Ethan. They are the lov-
ing grandchildren of Esther Cohen
Wexler, the late Morry Wexler, the

late Ronald Cohen, and Margaret
and J.D. Himmelstein.
Jaden and Madison attend West
Hills Middle School in Bloomfield
Hills. They performed many mitzvah
projects but each felt one was most
rewarding; for Jaden, it was volun-
teering at the Beekman Therapeutic
Riding Center; for Madison, it was
raising funds for Almost Home
Animal Rescue.

Benjamin Diskin

Philip Diskin

Benjamin Ian Diskin and Philip
Andrew Diskin, sons of Dr. David
Diskin, will chant from the Torah
on the occasion of their bar mitzvah
at Congregation Shaarey Zedek
in Southfield on Saturday, June 9,
2018. They will be joined in the
celebration by their proud grand-
parents, Dorothy and Allen Menuck.
Benjamin and Philip are also the
grandchildren of the late Philip Diskin.
Benjamin and Philip are students at
Derby Middle School in Birmingham.
For their mitzvah project, Ben and
Philip volunteered at Jewish Senior Life.

Fredrick Ellis
Greenfield of
Huntington Woods,
will be called to the
Torah as a bar mitz-
vah on Saturday,
June 9, 2018, at
Temple Shir
Shalom in West
Bloomfield. Freddie
will be joined on
the bimah by his twin brother James,
along with his parents, Julie and
Robert Greenfield. He is the loving
grandson of Mel and Paula Kalt, and
the late Frieda and Edward Greenfield.
Freddie is a student at Norup
International School in Oak Park.

James Asher
Greenfield of
Huntington Woods
will be called to the
Torah as a bar mitz-
vah on Saturday,
June 9, 2018, at
Temple Shir
James Greenfield
Shalom in West
Bloomfield. J.J. will
be joined on the
bimah by his twin brother Fredrick,
along with his parents, Julie and
Robert Greenfield. He is the loving
grandson of Mel and Paula Kalt, and
the late Frieda and Edward Greenfield.
J.J. is a student at Norup
International School in Oak Park.

continued on page 28

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