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May 03, 2018 - Image 35

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-05-03

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A Personal Invitation

Ask the Orthodontist

continued from page 34



heryl and Gregg
Nathanson of Farmington
Hills are delighted to
announce the engagement
of their daughter Sara Leah
Nathanson to Michael Charles
Fiedler, son of Marcia and
Robert Fiedler of Northfield, N.J.
Sara is the granddaughter of
Karen and Jack Singer of West
Bloomfield and Boynton Beach,
Fla., and the late Corinne and
Bernard Nathanson. Mike is the
grandson of Murray Stein of
Pittsburgh, Pa., and the late Francis Stein, and the late Charlotte and
Marvin Fiedler.
Sara and Mike met on a study abroad trip in Europe. Sara gradu-
ated from the University of Michigan and earned a master’s degree in
literacy from Teacher’s College, Columbia University in New York City.
She teaches third grade at the Ramaz School in New York City. Mike
graduated from Emory University and earned a master’s degree in pub-
lic health from Columbia University. He works for the city of New York
as a legislative and health policy analyst.
An August wedding is planned in West Bloomfield. •

Dr. Nelson Hersh
Dr. Marsha Beattie
Dr. Amy Isenberg

Licensed Specialists
for Children
& Adults

West Bloomfi eld
Commerce Township
Located in the
Lakes Medical Building


Excellence. Caring. Quality. Creativity. These are the cornerstones of our
practice. The offi ces of Drs. Hersh, Beattie & Isenberg is designed to be a
unique and kid-friendly environment that appeals both to children and adults.
We have taken orthodontics and fun to a new level. Drs. Hersh, Beattie &
Isenberg have made it their mission to continue to discover unique ways to
offer the very best orthodontic care through leading-edge technology.

Their reputation for quality and innovation goes beyond the scope of this
offi ce. Our doctors are all members of this community. Our doctors and staff
also have captivated and educated young audiences in the classroom in a
manner their teachers fi nd both entertaining and informative. Community
involvement and innovative ideas have brought numerous newspaper,
television, and radio endorsements as well. The “wall of fame” in the offi ce is
also a growing testimonial to our community support and their overwhelming
positive response. Sponsoring and hosting special events for our community
and patients, combined with a genuine personal approach, impart a new kind
of camaraderie among our young patients. Our reward is in smiles and their
increased self-esteem generating greater self-confi dence in our patients. These
are very important benefi ts to our holistic patient approach for the best possible
oral health and esthetics.

Drs. Hersh, Beattie, Isenberg and their staff invite you to become a member of
our orthodontic family. Your fi rst visit will serve to inform, put you to ease, and
allow you to see for yourself what sets our offi ce apart. We are looking forward
to meeting you soon!

Our state-of-the-art orthodontic facilities are located in West Bloomfi eld/
Commerce Township. 2300 Haggerty Road, Suite 1160 248-926-4100 and
our 2nd location is in Waterford (at the corner of Crescent Lake Road and
M-59) 5133 Highland Road, 248-673-4100.


Tobin 90th



orton “Morty” Tobin
will celebrate his 90th
birthday with family
and friends at a special week-
end celebration May 18, 2018, in
Boca Raton. He is the beloved
husband of the late Diana to
whom he was married for 63
years. Morty was a partner with
his brother Harold in United
Auto Parts, started by their
father, Louis. He and Diana
also had produce stands at the
Chene and Eastern markets
in Detroit. Morty has five children, Aubrey, Sandra (Paul) Marx, Amy
(Allen) Olender, Aaron and Bonnie (Zoel) Silverman. He is the adored
Papa of Teddie and Max Olender, and Julie (Matan) Amon, Melanie and
Ilyse Silverman. •



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rs. Susan and Steven
Cohen of Franklin are
thrilled to announce
the engagement of their daugh-
ter Jaymie Cohen to Matthew
Epstein, son of Lori and Bruce
Epstein of West Bloomfield.
Jaymie earned her teaching
degree from Michigan State
University and is a second-
grade teacher. She is working
toward her master’s degree in
educational technology.
Matthew earned his engineer-
ing degree and law degree from Michigan State University and is work-
ing as a patent attorney at the law firm of LeClairRyan in Dearborn.
A June wedding is planned at the Colony Club in Detroit; they will be
living in Royal Oak. •

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May 3 • 2018


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