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March 29, 2018 - Image 8

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-03-29

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wrote my initial viewpoint about the
future of the Oak Park JCC (“Former
Mayor to Federation: We Deserve
Better From You”), published in the Nov.
28, 2017, edition without knowing what
I expected. Would I be the only one to
carry the banner after two years or moti-
vate more to come forward?
The “Save the OP
JCC” group is organized
and raised money for
the cause, since donat-
ed to charities, and
several have similarly
written, and many have
voiced their support for
my opinion. I wanted to
Jerry Naftaly
bring attention to the
pledge that Federation
board members made
to the residents of this
I addressed the lack of transparency
— of promises made and not fulfilled,
of claims that an anonymous donor
came forward to save the JCC and then,
without a real, concrete plan of action,
tore down the whole building — and the
anonymous donor disappeared along
with it.
After meeting with residents and seek-
ing input, you tore down more than just
a building and plunked down a sign that
read, “Coming Soon – Spring-Summer
2017.” Winter arrived, and the sign was
still up, surrounded by snow as a haunt-
ing and offensive reminder to us. So,
what did I expect?
I expected some response from the
board, which we eventually got, kind
of, in the Jewish News on Dec. 19, 2017,
(“JPM: Jewish Federation Responds to
Community Concerns”) in a long state-
ment that did little to assuage our feel-
ings that it’s still just more talk, little
action … except to offer that a “popula-
tion study will begin in January 2018.”
So, that means we could expect a new
sign that reads “Coming Soon: Results
of Population Study – Spring/Summer
Let’s discuss this population study
being done by telephone, with a shortage
of funds that must be costing something.
Have you been called? Not me. Do they
base it on master lists of donors? Is it
possibly skewed or biased by the loca-
tion of donors?
Many of the people I’ve talked to in
this area have stopped making contri-
butions to the Federation and, instead,
make donations directly to their favorite
charity. Sadly, the level of trust has wors-
ened. They are disappointed, frustrated
and now, three years later, are non-
believers that anything will really hap-
pen. Many feel it’s a waste of time to try
and have a real conversation about the
issues facing us.


March 29 • 2018


A quick scan
and sampling of
the more than 200
board members/
directors listed by
Federation gives
me the impres-
sion that this
area of Oak Park,
Huntington Woods This sign remains.
and Southfield is
with under 25 percent of the names.
Are these the same people that voted
to kill the Oak Park JCC? Would they
have been so quick to do the same to the
West Bloomfield location? What was the
impetus for the Revolution — “No taxa-
tion without representation?”
Ask me — I can tell you where the
Jewish population is in this area. We’re
it! You recognize and wrote that “the
neighborhoods of Oak Park, Southfield,
Huntington Woods and surrounding
areas remain vital and essential parts
of our overall community” and … “The
A. Alfred Taubman Campus on 10 Mile
Road remains an important anchor for
Jewish life in the area.” And, in your reply,
you state “we can offer better informa-
tion — specifically an explanation of
why this has taken so long, as well as a
description of what we expect for the
future.” However, what we get is another
six months of waiting for something else.
I’ve spoken to several members of the
board and many “former” members and
donors. The feedback I got includes, “If
I knew then what I know now, I never
would have voted to tear it down.” “I’ve
already joined another health club.”
Despite the good that the Federation
has done, and hopefully continues to do,
many people distrust the Federation and
refuse to donate.
As Ben Falk wrote in the Jan. 28, 2015,
edition of the Jewish News, “The Morris
family’s wish was that the gym, named
for their son (Jimmy Prentis Morris, who
50 years earlier was struck by a train
while driving with three friends from
a U-M football game) at the OP Jewish
Community Center would inspire others
to see the needs of the 10 Mile branch
and come forth with gifts that will
enable the center to better serve its com-
Is this how we pay tribute to the
Morris family? Is this how we pay trib-
ute to all those who endeavor to leave
a legacy for future generations, like Al
Taubman, Eugene Applebaum, Max
Fisher and others? We must do better.
The time for more talking, more com-
mittees and more studies are past. Now
is the time for action. More talk just
rings hollow like echoes from the emp-
tiness of the OP JCC land surrounded
by the Charlotte Rothstein Park, the


A Letter To Federation

Was this sign an empty promise?

Federation apartments and the other
Come forward with your still-anon-
ymous donor and an action plan to
replace the JPM building. The new facil-
ity should have a large multi-purpose
room for community programs and
Israeli dance classes, a kitchen to teach
Jewish cooking and classrooms for music
and art. The building also should house
other Jewish agencies and a for-profit,
affordable kosher restaurant, offering
patrons a haimish place to meet. It’s got
to be larger than a room to hold a min-
yan, but there shoud be a place for that,
You have the power to make a differ-
ence. You say you want participation
from this side of Telegraph — but to
regain their trust, involvement and con-
tributions, the board not only has to lis-
ten to the people, but actually “hear” us.
While you aren’t mandated to provide
equal service based on contributions
and can make your decisions based on
financial support, you may be missing
the point of being held accountable to
the whole Jewish community.
The quality of your process has
strained the relationship between the
Federation and the smaller communities

in this area of the “former OP JCC.” The
leaders of the Federation must take steps
to start the healing process. Now.
It does not appear that the community
and the Federation assign the same pri-
ority of replacing the Oak Park JCC.
This should be about setting an exam-
ple for future generations — about rela-
tionships, not dollars. Shouldn’t we teach
our children that we all have a responsi-
bility; that we all have an obligation?
Is there time to repair the relationship
between the JFMD and the whole com-
You state, “The JFMD is the corner-
stone of the Jewish community. We are
committed to taking care of the needs of
the Jewish people and building a strong
and vibrant Jewish future in Detroit, in
Israel and around the world.”
You’ve put it in writing. If so, then
show it by letting it begin, again in Oak
Park as the central point of the contigu-
ous communities with significant Jewish
populations. Now, let your actions dem-
onstrate your commitment. The future
of this area — your legacy — depends on
your positive response. It’s up to you. •

Jerry Naftaly is the former mayor of Oak Park and a
60-plus year resident.

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