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February 08, 2018 - Image 53

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-02-08

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February is
National Children's
Dental Health Month.

Schedule your complimentary
orthodontic exam

Ask the Orthodontist

APRIL 19, 2017


Benjamin and Sara Kalish of West Bloomfield are thrilled
to announce the birth of their daughter, Isabelle Harley.
Welcoming her with love are proud big sister Parker
Ruby, grandparents Charles and Dharlene Norris of West
Bloomfield, Mimi and Jay Kalish of Farmington Hills, and
great-grandmother Bettina Katzman of Southfield. Isabelle
is named in loving memory of her maternal great-grandfa-
ther Harry Katzman.

Nolen Max Kovan
will lead the con-
gregation in prayer
on the occasion of
his bar mitzvah at
Temple Israel in
West Bloomfield
on Friday, Feb. 9.
He will be joined
in celebration by
his proud parents,
Carrie and Eric Kovan, and siblings
Sidrah and Brett. Nolen is the loving
grandchild of Barbara and the late
Dr. Thomas Kovan, and Marlene and
Ed Malkin.
He attends Berkshire Middle
School in Beverly Hills. For his mitz-
vah experience, Nolen organized
a GoFundMe page for the Jewish
Federation of Miami to help those
in South Florida affected by the hur-

Madeline Pitler,
daughter of Lori
Pitler and Randall
Pitler, will lead
the congregation
in prayer as she
becomes a bat
mitzvah at Temple
Shir Shalom in
West Bloomfield on
Saturday, Feb. 10.
She is the loving sister of Jacob and
granddaughter of Sandra Pitler, the

Rochlen 50th


llene and Gary Rochlen of
Farmington Hills celebrated 50 won-
derful years of marriage in August.
Surrounded by their family, Illene and
Gary had the trip of a lifetime in Costa
Rica this past December. They will cher-
ish the memories made with their chil-
dren, Michelle and Paul Kessler, Dana
and Jeff Rochlen, and Dawn and Brad
Rochlen, as well as their grandchildren,
Alexa and Madison Kessler, Abby and
Matthew Rochlen, and Rachel and Ben
Rochlen. •

late William Pitler, Ronald Boller,
and the late Marilyn Boller.
Maddy is a student at Norup
International School in Berkley.
Among other charitable acts, she
has volunteered at a local animal
shelter for her bat mitzvah project.

Jayden Marie
Roth, daughter of
Renee and Jaimey
Roth, and Sheryl
Roth, will chant
from the Torah on
the occasion of
her bat mitzvah at
Temple Israel in
West Bloomfield on
Saturday, Feb. 10.
She will be joined in celebration by
her siblings Jacob, Jayce and Jenna.
She is the loving granddaughter
of Janie and the late Michael Roth,
Diane and Phil Dmytryszyn, and
Wendy and David Bowen; and the
great-grandchild of Karen and Gary
Jayden attends West Hills Middle
School in Bloomfield Hills. As part of
her most meaningful mitzvah expe-
rience, she donated her time to the
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
Detroit Tikkun Olam Volunteers
and Women’s Philanthropy to create
packages for children who were in
the hospital this past holiday season.

Dr. Nelson Hersh
Dr. Marsha Beattie
Dr. Amy Isenberg

Licensed Specialists
for Children
& Adults

West Bloomfi eld
Commerce Township
Located in the
Lakes Medical Building


Staying Cavity-Free While in Braces

Those who wear the non-removable orthodontic appliances known,
as braces must guard against decay springing up around the edges
of brackets and bands by paying meticulous attention to oral hygiene.
Aside from rinsing, fl ossing, and brushing after meals, patients also have
the option of applying a prescription gel to their teeth as a means of
preventing decay or decalcifi cation. A recent study shows that those
patients with braces who brushed, then applied a 1.1% fl uoride gel
twice daily for eighteen months, reduced levels of plaque (the sticky,
germ laden substance that coats teeth and encourages cavities),
gum swelling, and gum bleeding by about half, when compared with
those patients who did not use the gel and only brushed. There are
also mouth rinses that contain a .63% stannous fl uoride and can be
supplement to the oral hygiene routine. Many offi ces carry these at their
offi ces for your convenience, or can write a prescription for their patients.

Electric toothbrushes can also help the patient comply with good oral
hygiene, but any soft bristle toothbrush can be used, and if the plague
is removed, the teeth will move more effi ciently, remain cavity-free, and
stain-free. For patient with work or school, our offi ce also provides a travel
toothbrush, which makes it more convenient to brush when not at home.

In general, excellent orthodontic treatment can only be obtained with
cooperative and informed patients. Once orthodontic therapy begins,
the patient will be expected to continue to see the family dentist for
regular check-ups, dental cleanings and routine care. Routine dental
care will help ensure best results from orthodontic therapy.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Drs.
Hersh, Beattie and Isenberg at their state-of-the-art facilities in West
Bloomfi eld/Commerce Township, 2300 Haggerty Road, Suite 1160,
248-926-4100 and in Waterford, 5133 Highland Road 248-673-4100.





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February 8 • 2018


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