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February 01, 2018 - Image 25

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-02-01

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on the go

people | places | events

thursday, feb. 1


6-8 pm, Feb. 1. The Giving Gardens
season will begin with brain-
storming on what items to grow
this year. Plant parsley seeds for
Passover plant distribution; make
pickled beets and watch Chef
Cari’s cooking demonstration of
a traditional Russian dish. At Yad
Ezra kosher food pantry, 2850 W.
11 Mile, Berkley. Free; includes
refreshments. Info: carly@yadezra.
org or 248-548-3663.

monday, feb. 5

9 am, Feb. 5-28. Instructor Harriet
Gelfond helps students grow artis-
tically on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays. Presentation of JCC
Without Borders - The Active Life.
At Cong. Beth Shalom, Oak Park.
$60 for 10 sessions; $40 for JCC
or Beth Shalom member. Materials
included. Info: Rosa, rchessler@
jccdet.org or 248-432-5467.

Arts & Life Editor

friday, feb. 2

Noon-2:30 pm, Feb. 2. Temple
member Amy Pook, an experienced
jewelry maker, will show par-
ticipants how to create a beautiful
piece of jewelry. At Temple Kol Ami,
West Bloomfield. $5; includes sup-
plies. Info: 248-661-0040.

everyone. RSVP: Melanie@
shirshalom.org or 248-406-4255.
Info: shirshalompreschool.com.

FEB. 3: Harlem Globetrotters

10 am, Feb. 5-26. Talk about
current events and socialize on
Mondays. At the JCC, Room 205,
West Bloomfield. Info: 248-432-

In 1927, the 5-foot-5-inch semi-pro ballplayer Abe Saperstein took over the Savoy Big Five — an
all-black basketball team named for Chicago’s Savoy Ballroom. He changed its name to the Harlem
Globetrotters (to indicate the players were African American) and pioneered an 80-plus-years-and-
counting legacy. Though they started as serious players, the Trotters had trouble finding opponents, so
Saperstein combined comedic razzle-dazzle with high-level skill — and acted as the team’s coach,
chauffeur, trainer and only substitute (Saperstein also was a pioneering entrepreneur in America’s Negro
Baseball League). Check out the unfaltering Harlem Globetrotters Amazing Feats of Basketball
World Tour at Little Caesars Arena. $26.50 and up. 313presents.com.

7:30 pm, Feb. 2 Guest speaker
at Shabbat service is Samantha
Magdalena, director of One
Michigan for the Global Majority.
She will speak on “The Fight for
the Dreamers.” At Birmingham
Temple, Farmington Hills. 248-477-
1410 or birminghamtemple.org.

saturday, feb. 3

5-6:30 pm, Feb. 3. Program for
babies through 5-year-olds attend-
ing with a special adult. Celebrate
the end of Shabbat and start
of a new week by smelling the
spices of Havdalah with Cong. Shir
Shalom rabbis and friends. Stay for
pizza and play, make a project and
meet new young families. At the
Corners, 2075 Walnut Lake Road,
West Bloomfield. Free, but RSVP
to ensure there’s enough pizza for

10 am-2 pm, Feb. 5-26. JVS-
sponsored group meets Mondays.
At the JCC, Room 202-203, West
Bloomfield. Info: 248-233-4247.

FEB. 3-4: Sammy Davis Jr.

“I’m Puerto Rican, Jewish, colored and married to a white woman,”
Sammy Davis Jr. said. “When I move into a neighborhood, people start
running in four ways at the same time.” Sammy Davis Jr.: I’ve Gotta
Be Me, directed by Spike Lee collaborator Sam Pollard, is the first major
film documentary to examine the dazzlingly talented singer, dancer and
actor — and his journey to achieve the American Dream in a time of
racial prejudice. The film features interviews with Billy Crystal, Norman
Lear, Jerry Lewis, Whoopi Goldberg, Kim Novak and more, and is
supplemented with vast photos and rare archival footage and interviews.
Part of Black History Month at the Detroit Film Theatre at the DIA. $9.50;
$7.50 seniors/students/members. (313) 833-7900; dia.org.

7 pm, Feb. 5-26. Join a group of
knitters that meets every Monday.
Presentation of JCC Without
Borders-The Active Life. At Cong.
Beth Shalom, Oak Park. Info: Rosa,
rchessler@jccdet.org or 248-432-

7 pm, Feb. 5. “Pirkei Avot: The Best
Jewish Guides to Living a Better
and More Meaningful Life.” Each
lecture in Rabbi Aaron Bergman’s
continuing learning series is
self-contained. At Adat Shalom
Synagogue, Farmington Hills. Free.
RSVP: Sheila, slederman@
adatshalom.org or 248-851-5100,
ext. 246. Info: adatshalom.org/

FEB. 6-18: Finding Neverland

Based on the Oscar-winning film and directed by
Tony-winner Diane Paulus, this musical version of
Finding Neverland tells the story behind the beloved
character Peter Pan. Playwright J.M. Barrie, who finds
inspiration when he meets a widow with four sons,
is delighted by the boys’ escapades and creates the
magical world of Neverland and Peter Pan — a boy
who can fly and never grows up. $39 and up. Fisher
Theatre, Detroit. Broadwayindetroit.com.

continued on page 26

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Expires 3/8/18


February 1 • 2018


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