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December 28, 2017 - Image 33

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-12-28

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| drinks | sweets


Find it in Ferndale
at Detroit Axe
and The Corner.


Allison Jacobs

Contributing Writer

Reservations are
recommended for Detroit
Axe (a minimum of
sixplayers is required/
ages 14+). Reservations
can be made online at
detroitaxe.com. Parties
of 36+ are required to
call for further booking
information at
(248) 291-5650.
Reservations The
Corner Grill, Bar & Game
Room can be made by
calling or through the

eoff Kretchmer and Brian Siegel know
how to get the party started. As long-
time pals and business partners, they
are the friendly faces and brilliant minds behind
Star Trax Event Productions and Local Kitchen
& Bar in downtown Ferndale.
Kretchmer is the service expert — he trains
his staff with a gentle, yet firm approach, while
Siegel complements him as the creative guru,
zoning in on every aesthetic detail. With much
success as partners, the dynamic duo have
always dreamt up new
ways to expand their
culinary horizons. Their
latest project became the
transformation of Local
“We had some good
years at Local — we love
the venue, but it wasn’t
the neighborhood hang-
out we wanted it to be,”
Kretchmer said.
After several years of
brainstorming sessions,
the two decided to take
action, giving the restaurant an entire makeover.
Siegel and Kretchmer’s latest development,
The Corner Grill, Bar & Game Room and
Detroit Axe came to life on Dec. 11. The action-
packed venue not only consists of food, drinks
and games, but also offers authentic axe-throw-
ing lanes.
Both Siegel, CEO of the Jewish Community
Center of Metropolitan Detroit, and Kretchmer
became fascinated with axe throwing when a
trusted colleague recommended a live throwing
competition in Canada. Siegel and Kretchmer
booked a trip to London, Ontario, to watch one
of the original axe-throwing organizations, the
Backyard Axe Throwing League.
“Within five minutes, we fell completely in
love,” Kretchmer said.

After observing a few rounds, both Kretchmer
and Siegel were determined to bring this excit-
ing sport to Metro Detroit. “Between the com-
petitiveness, the interactive nature of it, and the
ability to actually do it, we know it’s an appropri-
ate fit,” he added.
Axe throwing is surprisingly safe and easy
to learn — you don’t need to be a natural-born
athlete to succeed. Two participants on oppos-
ing teams throw simultaneously, standing about
12 feet from a rectangular board with a target
painted in the center. Individuals score points
by landing the axe within the target.
As a safety measure, lanes are divided by
wire fencing, and players on opposing teams
throw and retrieve their axes simultaneously.
Teammates waiting their turn are encouraged
to stand at a reasonable distance and are not to
interfere with the players.
Detroit Axe is located on the upper level of
the venue and is essentially the first spot in the
metro area fully committed to the sport. At all
12 lanes, guests are assisted by an “Axemaster,”
who explains the rules, demonstrates proper
technique and provides guidance throughout
the game. Alcohol use is kept to a strict mini-
mum while axe throwing, and rowdy guests are
not allowed to participate.
Detroit Axe patrons have access to a full-ser-
vice bar and The Corner’s food menu. For those
who need to rest their throwing arm, an interac-
tive photo booth and several throwback arcade
games are available as well.
On the main level, guests will find The Corner
Grill, Bar & Game Room. The 54-seat restaurant
features wood-finished tables designed by Ron
Rea of Michigan-based Ron & Roman. Diners
can even dine while cozying up on the sofas sur-
rounding the fireplace.


The menu features a wide selection of upscale,
casual dishes developed by Siegel, Kretchmer,

General Manager Ric Jewel, and experienced
Chef Consultants Jeremy Kalmus and Travis
The group collaborated on several share-
able plates featuring comforting dishes like
the Smoked Brisket Sliders and the decadent
Cornbread Skillet. In addition to tempting
sandwiches and salads, the menu also features
vegetarian and vegan-friendly options, like the
Charred Cauliflower Pita with Halloumi cheese
and the Vegetarian Mushroom Burger topped
with a charred onion aioli.
The Corner boasts reasonable prices, with
apps and main dishes falling in the $9-$12
range, and a few heartier entrees like the ribeye
and trout between $18-$24. For dessert or a late-
night snack, diners can indulge in customizable
mini-donuts made fresh before their eyes.
A substantial bar is central to the space,
seating up to 27 guests. Surrounding it are
high-top tables placed conveniently near a
massive shelf filled with more than 1,000 board
games. Whether you’re a fan of Scrabble or more
intrigued by strategy games like Catan, the
Game Room has it all.
With board game “sommeliers” readily avail-
able to make suggestions, groups are bound to
find a new favorite. Bartenders are also in on
the game-time fun, casually inviting patrons
for a round of Jenga or Boggle when the mood
Visitors can indulge in any of the three con-
cepts or sample a bit of each over the course of
an evening. Detroit Axe and The Corner Grill,
Bar & Game Room offer a novel variety of enter-
tainment and menu selections.
“We’ve got some really special dishes that we
think will make an impact, and we have a spe-
cial activity that will ‘wow’ people,” Kretchmer
With a cutting-edge concept, Detroit Axe and
The Corner definitely hit the target. •


December 28 • 2017


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