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September 28, 2017 - Image 16

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-09-28

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Scroll Roll!

The Downtown Synagogue’s Torah scrolls
take a ride up Woodward Avenue.



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alk about precious cargo. On
Tuesday, Sept. 19, two Torah
scrolls belonging to the Isaac
Agree Downtown Synagogue (and a
wooden ark) went for a ride dressed
in their High Holiday best. The
scrolls, in traditional white cover-
ings, were removed from the ark on
Griswold Street and loaded onto a
flatbed truck adorned with greenery
and beautiful flowers. Each featured
a stunning large silver crown, plate

and yad (pointer).
Congregants Oren Goldenberg
and Jacinta Branch held the scrolls
as they rolled up Woodward
Avenue to the Bethel Community
Transformation Center, the site of
this year’s High Holiday services.
The historic Albert Kahn building,
which dates back to 1921, is the for-
mer home of Temple Beth El.
“The Downtown Synagogue’s
decision to hold our High Holiday

ABOVE: Downtown Synagogue members Jacinta Branch and Oren Goldenberg hold the scrolls as
they roll up Woodward Avenue in a flatbed truck. TOP: Rabbi Ariana Silverman of the Isaac Agree
Downtown Synagogue and Pastor Aramis Hinds with Breakers Covenant Church International
accept the Torah as it is passed from congregant to congregant.


September 28 • 2017


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