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June 01, 2017 - Image 43

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-06-01

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jews d


on the cover
eats | drinks | sweets


pon walking through the
doors, you are greeted by a
gorgeous wine cellar and a
smiling hostess.
Prime29 in West Bloomfield gets
its name from its USDA prime cut
beef that is aged 29 days before it
is served. General Manager Stoli
Mary Meldrum
Liti — who has been with the res-
taurant since before its opening in
2012 — explains that all meats are
butchered in-house by hand so the
chef, and ultimately the customer,
can guarantee the quality.
This is a beautiful contemporary steak-
house with a local, neighborhood flavor, a
great location for a special event such as
prom, a proposal or a party. With seating
for 125-185 if you include the 60-seat patio,
Prime29 has two private dining rooms that
stay very busy. One private room seats 50,
and the other seats 10 to 12 guests. The patio,
which will undergo remodeling this sum-
mer, is also a popular area that guests enjoy
reserving for their parties.
“We have a very wide selection of menu
options besides steaks,” Stoli explains. “We
have wonderful chicken and seafood dishes,
and we run specials daily.”
While Prime29 is known for its 24-ounce
Wagyu Tomahawk Bone-in Ribeye — some
would say its signature dish — it also has
high-quality filets, New York strip, lamb,
lobster, sea bass and salmon. There are even
specialty burgers, sweet potato fries and mac

continued on page 44

4000 Cass Elizabeth Rd. bWaterford

( The Original Mitch's On Cass Lake )



HOURS: Wed - Fri open @ 4pm bSat & Sun Open @ Noon



June 1 • 2017


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