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May 18, 2017 - Image 30

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-05-18

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jews d


continued from page 28

wife, Devorah, and today
they are the proud par-
ents of Chaya Mushka,
Steve Migliore is a native
Menachem Mendel,
Detroiter who grew up in
Shmuel, Shayna and Aryeh
Farmington Hills. His mother,
Pam, believed in the impor-
In 2002, after spending
tance of Jewish education
a year in France, Yisrael
and enrolled her sons, Steve
Steve Migliore
returned to direct the
and brother, Matt, at Temple
Daniel B. Sobel Friendship
Beth El. Upon graduation
House, a program that
from North Farmington High
provides support and guidance to
School, Steve attended Michigan
individuals and families struggling
State University and then entered
with life crises, such as addiction. He a combined JD/MBA program at
remained in that position until 2011, Wayne State University. Along the
when he took the position of devel-
way, he met his wife, Jessica, and
opment director.
today they are the busy parents of
Throughout his tenure at the
three young children: Alexa, Jacob
Friendship House, he counseled
and Dylan.
hundreds of recovering addicts and
The family affiliates with both
their families and worked to build
Adat Shalom and Temple Israel,
a recovery community for Metro
maintaining and building their con-
Detroit. Today, he continues in a
nection to Jewish life. By day, Steve
similar supportive role, offering
is a partner at the Honigman Miller
assistance to those in a hospital or
law firm, specializing in mergers
facility, in his work with the Jewish
and acquisitions. Despite his family
Hospice and Chaplaincy Services.
responsibilities and the demands of
After leaving Friendship House,
his law career, he still finds time to
Yisrael began to focus on the young
give back to the community.
adult community. While working to
Steve’s involvement began with
recruit young adults to Friendship
the NEXTGen Detroit Couples
Circle, he joined what was then
Committee. He and Jessica joined
Federation’s Young Adult Division,
the group, a step that opened the
now NEXTGen Detroit. He took a
door to other NEXTGen Detroit pro-
seat on the first NEXTGen board
grams, including Entrée, which aims
and continues in that role today. He
to inspire participants to give their
has also held leadership positions
time and talents to the community.
such as vice president of NEXTGen
Steve welcomed all that NEXTGen
Detroit Affinities and has served on
Detroit had to offer and joined
numerous committees, including
numerous committees, includ-
Latke Vodka, Outreach, Menorah in
ing Entrée, Campaign Council,
the D and the Community Events
Latke Vodka and EPIC and was
Task Force.
a co-chair of Elevate, the Becker
Additionally, Yisrael is often
All-Star Mission, NEXTGen Detroit
found at a Federation telethon,
Campaign and Entrée. In 2013, he
helping raise funds for the Annual
became a NEXTGen Detroit board
Campaign. He is a current member
member and, in 2015, he assumed
of the Jewish Family Service board,
the office of president. He is also a
a past board member of ORT and
board member of Michigan State
a former staff member of Frankel
Hillel and the Jewish Federation.
Jewish Academy.
During his tenure, the NEXTGen
In 2013, Yisrael established
Detroit campaign grew by 15 per-
Chabad of Greater Downtown
cent and donors increased by 67
Detroit, creating a center of Jewish
percent, from 1,500 to 2,500. He also
life that offers friendship, education- played an important role in two
al classes, and social and cultural
new NEXTGen Detroit initiatives,
events, while promoting volunteer
Interfaith Couples and Pride, two
opportunities for Jews, wherever
outreach and inclusivity programs
they might live. Through Chabad
responsible for the return of many
in the D, Yisrael has built a bridge
young adults to the Jewish commu-
that connects Jews with the city and nity.
helps them find purpose, meaning,
Steve Migliore is a mentor and
and a place of comfort and warmth.
friend to many. He works tirelessly to
At the heart of what Yisrael does
ensure a vibrant and strong Detroit
is his profound belief that every per- Jewish community for his children
son has a mission and purpose that
and the generations to follow. •
is God-given. His goal is to help Jew
This story first appeared on myjewishdetroit.org.
or non-Jew fulfill that purpose.

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May 18 • 2017


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