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March 16, 2017 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-03-16

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

The Michigan Muslim community is horrified and saddened by more
than 170 headstones that have been vandalized and desecrated at a
historic Jewish cemetery in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri.

Additionally, there have been numerous bomb threats against Jewish
community centers in the U.S. since the start of 2017.

The Michigan Muslim Community Council condemns this appalling
act of desecration against the cemetery and all forms of hate being
directed against the Jewish American community. We stand in
solidarity and prayer with the Jewish community against these

These senseless acts have filled us with sorrow. Our communities
share mutual values of respecting our neighbors and helping those
who are oppressed. We believe that through mutual support,
understanding, and compassion, we will overcome this challenging
period in America.

Special thanks to Dr. Parvez Khan (Chief of Medical Staff, Beaumont Oakwood),
Dr. Mohammed Hakim (Vice Chief of Medical Staff Beaumont Oakwood),
and Dr Muzammil Ahmed (Chief of Medical Staff, Beaumont Wayne) for sponsoring this message


March 16 • 2017


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