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March 16, 2017 - Image 6

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-03-16

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guest column

Nationwide Th reats Against JCCS Are An Attack On Every American


here are perhaps no fundamental threats are unconscionable acts of
cowardice — acts that must be met
principles that more define our
and thwarted by a community empow-
nation than those laid out in the
ered by an unparalleled resolve to
First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
America’s cherished freedom of religion stand up for our neighbors, our friends
and, most importantly, our fellow
has been a cornerstone of our repub-
lic for 240 years. Regrettably,
Recently, I made clear my
our nation has witnessed a
concern about these recent
string of attacks against Jewish
events to the Department
Community Centers (JCC)
of Homeland Security, the
over the past few months that
FBI and the U.S. Justice
I believe are an attack against
Department. I implored them
America’s way of life.
to work in partnership with
Since January, there have
state and local governments,
been an onslaught of acts of
Dave Trott
local law enforcement officials
vandalism and anti-Semitic
and the Jewish community to
rhetoric as well as hundreds of
enhance security measures at
anonymous bomb threats that
these institutions but, most
have been made toward JCCs
importantly, identify and pros-
across the country, including
the JCC in West Bloomfield. I condemn ecute the perpetrators of these hateful
these threats in the strongest possible
I was encouraged to see that
President Donald Trump has strongly
JCCs provide educational and com-
condemned these attacks. Recently, I
munity services for both Jewish and
wrote a letter to President Trump, urg-
non-Jewish individuals and families.
ing him to prioritize the appointment
They deliver after care, early childhood
of the Special Envoy to Monitor and
education and elder care to many indi-
Combat Anti-Semitism. In the past,
viduals in our community, and they
this office was critical in documenting
have served and provided our com-
munity with a welcoming and inclusive human rights abuses against Jewish
communities as well as developing
environment for those of every faith
and implementing policies designed
and religious background.
to combat anti-Semitism. This office
However, rooted and founded in the
also contributes to the annual State
tenets of Judaism, there is no question
Department Human Rights Report,
as to who these recent bomb threats
which helps identify attacks, trends
are aimed at — the Jewish people and
and events impacting Jewish communi-
their ability to practice their beliefs
ties abroad.
openly, safely and without fear. These

Contributing Writers:
Ruthan Brodsky, Suzanne Chessler,
Annabel Cohen, Don Cohen, Shari S. Cohen,
Shelli Liebman Dorfman, Adam Finkel,
Stacy Gittleman, Stacy Goldberg, Judy
Greenwald, Ronelle Grier, Esther Allweiss
Ingber, Allison Jacobs, Barbara Lewis, Jennifer
Lovy, Rabbi Jason Miller, Alan Muskovitz,
David Sachs, Karen Schwartz, Robin Schwartz,
Steve Stein

Arthur M. Horwitz
Publisher / Executive Editor

F. Kevin Browett
Chief Operating Officer

| Editorial

Managing Editor: Jackie Headapohl
Story Development Editor:
Keri Guten Cohen
Arts & Life Editor: Lynne Konstantin
Editorial Assistant: Sy Manello
Senior Columnist: Danny Raskin
Contributing Editor: Robert Sklar

| Advertising Sales

Sales Director: Keith Farber
Account Executives : Kathryn Andros,
Wendy Flusty, Annette Kizy, Paige Lustig

Sales Manager Assistants :

Andrea Gusho, Karen Marzolf

| Business Offices

Billing Coordinator: Pamela Turner

America has long been a beacon of
hope for religious minorities around
the world, but it has always started
with our policies right here at home.
We need to send a strong message to
the world that the United States stands
firm in its commitment to protect all
religious communities’ right to practice
freely and openly, and attacks on this
principle will not be tolerated.
These acts are unacceptable and a
threat against not only our entire com-
munity, but also the liberties that define
the American spirit and who we are
as a nation. For more than 240 years,

| Production By

Manager: Scott Drzewiecki
Designers: Kelly Kosek, Amy Pollard,
Michelle Sheridan, Susan Walker

| Detroit Jewish News

Chairman: Michael H. Steinhardt
President/Publisher: Arthur M. Horwitz
Chief Operating Officer: F. Kevin Browett
Controller: Craig R. Phipps

| Fulfillment


America has stood strong as a model of
freedom around the world, and it is up
to us to ensure that this tradition con-
tinues for future generations.
Today, and every day, we stand shoul-
der to shoulder with the Jewish com-
munity here and around the world, not
only because they would do the same
for us tomorrow, but because of who we
are as a people, as a community and as
the greatest country in the world. •

U.S. Representative Dave Trott of Birmingham
represents Michigan’s 11th District in the U.S.
House of Representatives.

| Departments

General Offi ces: 248-354-6060
Advertising: 248-351-5107
Advertising Fax: 248-304-0049
Circulation: 248-351-5174
Classifi ed Ads: 248-351-5116
Advertising Deadline: Monday, 2 p.m.
Editorial Fax: 248-304-8885

Deadline: All public and social
announcements must be typewritten
and received by noon Tuesday, nine days
prior to desired date of publication.

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2 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$153
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Per year foreign . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300

Detroit Jewish News
29200 Northwestern Highway, Suite 110
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©copyright 2017 Detroit Jewish News

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Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical
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OUR JN The Jewish News aspires to communicate news and opinion that’s useful, engaging, enjoyable and unique. It strives to reflect the full range of diverse viewpoints while also advocating positions that strengthen
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March 16 • 2017



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