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March 16, 2017 - Image 26

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-03-16

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The Pasteur “Earth Mosaic”: Detroit Public Library staffers Atim J. Funchess, Executive Director
Jo Anne G. Mondowney and Karlyta Williams of the Friends Foundation with Penny Blumenstein,
artist Gail Rosenbloom Kaplan, Marcy Feldman, Harold Blumenstein, Lisa Howze (chief governor’s
affair officer from the Mayor’s office) and Barbara Cohn.

Art And Books

Pasteur students’ mosaic panel
connects them to Detroit library.


he latest mosaic for the
Detroit Public Library, made
of more than 12,000 colored
glass pieces, was dedicated March
2-3 with 400 little artists in atten-
The “Earth Mosaic” was designed
and created by all the students
from Pasteur Elementary School in
Detroit under the direction of artists
Gail Rosenbloom Kaplan and Dani
Katsir, who worked with more than
1,000 students in five Detroit schools
to create a total of seven mosaic
panels for the library.
This project began with 14 Pasteur
alumni visiting each classroom to
read books about the Earth and ask-
ing students to draw pictures relat-
ing to the Earth for the mosaic. This
project has taught students to see

Our Bar Mitzvah was executed
professionally and with the
utmost attention to detail.
Everybody had a blast!

beyond a crayon drawing and more
about art, and has helped them cre-
ate a permanent connection with
the Detroit Public Library.
The Pasteur Elementary School
Alumni Foundation helped fund the
project to bring art back into their
former public school. Alumna Penny
Blumenstein coordinated the fund-
ing. The foundation, started 20 years
ago, advocates on behalf of students
and families, bringing readers,
tutors, field trips, camp, programs
and art experiences to the students.
Each week, alumni volunteer in the
For details, contact Marcy
Feldman, foundation president, at
(248) 514-5359 or feldman248@com-
cast.net. •

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Create your perfect celebration

contact Crystal at (248) 352-8000, ext. 298




March 16 • 2017


Pasteur Elementary School students wait patiently for the dedication of the mosaic they made together.

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