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June 16, 2016 - Image 52

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2016-06-16

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life cycles »

MAY 11
Shaenna (Sefa) and
Michael Gorman of
Ypsilanti are thrilled
to announce the
birth of their daugh-
ter, Aria Rose (Cyla
Shoshana). Ecstatic
first-time grand-
parents are Nancy
and Joe Gorman of Waterford. Also
sharing their excitement are grandpar-
ents Peggy Lawrason of Ypsilanti and
Grant Sefa of Fenton. Aria is named
in loving memory of her paternal
great-grandmothers Rose Selik and
Charlotte Gorman, and her maternal
great-grandmother Rose Sefa.


Lauren (Garfield)
and Wesley Herrin
of Bloomfield Hills
are thrilled to
announce the birth
of their son, Nathan
Andrew James
(Natan Yaakov).

Darin Jacob Char,
son of Heidi and
Brad Char, will read
from the Torah as he
celebrates his bar
mitzvah on Saturday,
June 18, at Temple
Israel in West
Bloomfield. He will
be joined in celebra-
tion by his brother Jared and proud
grandparents Joan and Sherman Char,
and Marlene and John Storer.
Darin is a student at Sarah
Banks Middle School in Commerce
Township. Among his many mitzvah
projects, he felt the most meaning-
ful was the donation he made to the
United Cerebral Palsy Association of
Metro Detroit in memory of his cousin
John Mulhearn.

Zachary Harrison
Eisman, son of Lisa
and Heath Eisman,
will become a bar
mitzvah at Temple
Israel in West
Bloomfield on
Saturday, June 18.
Joining in his cele-
bration will be his
brothers, Maxwell and Jackson; proud
grandparents, Janis and Harvey
Eisman, Sally and Ronald Lamer, and
Pamela and Anton Sheridan; and

56 June 16 • 2016

Nathan joins big sister Olivia, 4.
Sharing in their joy are grandparents
Joel and Linda Garfield of Farmington
Hills, and Ronald and Phyllis Herrin
of Troy.

Ashley (Bobkin) and
Benjamin Milgram
of Huntington
Woods are elated to
announce the birth
of their daughter,
Mackenzie Lynn.
Kvelling grandpar-
ents are Robin and
Aaron Bobkin of Phoenix, Ariz., and
Audrey Milgram of Schamburg, Ill.
She is also the granddaughter of the
late Jacques Milgram. Mackenzie’s
older brother Jacob is excited to have
a new playmate. Thrilled great-grand-
mothers are Rose Lyons of Huntington
Woods and Judie Blumeno of West
Bloomfield. Mackenzie is named in
loving memory of her great-grand-
mother Marlene Jacobs.

great-grandparents, Caroline and
Chester Machiela.
Zachary is a student at Hillside
Middle School in Northville. Among
his many mitzvah projects, he felt vol-
unteering for Jewish Family Service’s
Shabbat in the Box to be the most
meaningful. This program involved
creating, decorating and filling
Shabbat boxes, which are then deliv-
ered to homebound older adults and

Mandi Sara Fealk
(Miri Sara), daughter
of Staci and Joel
Fealk, led the con-
gregation in prayer
and read from the
Torah on the occa-
sion of her bat mitz-
vah Saturday, June
11, at Temple Shir
Shalom in West Bloomfield. Sharing in
her simchah were her brother Brandon
and proud grandparents Doreen and
Jack Weissberg, and Joanne and
Hillard Fealk.
Mandi is a student at Walnut Creek
Middle School in Walled Lake. Of her
many mitzvah experiences, she found
participating as a classroom helper at
Temple Shir Shalom’s Sunday school
very rewarding and meaningful.

Lacey Jordyn Kohn
will become a bat
mitzvah as she reads
from the Torah on
Saturday, June 18, in
Miami Beach, Fla. She
is the loving daughter
of Dr. Mark and
Leslee Kohn. Lacey
will be joined in cele-
bration by her siblings Melanie, Brianna,
Hannah and Noah. She is the grandchild
of Phyllis Kohn, the late Rozelyn and the
late Ike Benaim, the late Martin Sherman
and the late Alan Kohn.
Lacey is a student of the Clonlara
home school program. She participates
in mitzvot all year long but especially
loves her monthly meet-and-greet with
residents of senior living centers.

Jaden Levi Rockind
will become a bar
mitzvah on Saturday,
June 18, at the
Community House in
Birmingham. Temple
Beth El clergy will
officiate. Jaden’s proud
family includes his
parents, Neil and
Karen Rockind; siblings, Aliya and
Harley; and grandparents, Larry and
Gladys Rockind, and Phyllis Bove.
Jaden attends Derby Middle School in

Aaron Jasgur
Schlussel will lead the
congregation in
prayer on the occa-
sion of his bar mitz-
vah on Friday, June
17, at Temple Israel
in West Bloomfield.
He will be joined in
celebration by his
proud parents, Rebecca and Todd
Schlussel, and brother Ben. Aaron is the
grandchild of Jackie and the late Bruce
Schlussel, and Harriet and the late
Robert Jasgur.
Aaron is a student at Walnut Creek

Middle School in Walled Lake. Among
his many mitzvah projects, he felt the
most meaningful was raising funds and
awareness for the Bear Hug Foundation,
which provides experiential and outdoor
education summer programs for under-
privileged, at-risk and special needs

Tyler Seth Shanbom,
son of Sherry and
Steve Shanbom, will
lead the congregation
in prayer on the occa-
sion of his bar mitz-
vah at Temple Israel
in West Bloomfield on
Saturday, June 18. He
will be joined in cele-
bration by his brother Cory and proud
grandmother Patricia Shanbom. Tyler is
also the grandchild of the late Irving
Shanbom, and the late Ella and Ludwig
Tyler attends Eton Academy in
Birmingham. His most meaningful
mitzvah project involved volunteering
for the Detroit-based Peer Corps in the
Brightmoor district, working in the gar-
den and helping to facilitate community

Fallan Rachel
Sherman, daughter of
Karin Sherman and
Dr. Michael Sherman,
will become a bat
mitzvah at Temple
Israel in West
Bloomfield as she
reads from the Torah
on Friday, June 17.
She will be joined in celebration by her
siblings Danielle and Joshua and proud
grandparents Sharon Hope, Samuel Katz
and Eddie Sherman. She is also the
grandchild of the late Esther Sherman.
Fallan is a student at West Hills
Middle School in Bloomfield Hills.
Among her many mitzvah projects, she
found spending time with the seniors
at the Fleishman Residence in West
Bloomfield to be the most meaningful.

Kimmel 35th


obert and Laurie Kimmel of West
Bloomfield are celebrating their
35th wedding anniversary. A
mazel tov and never-ending love are wished
by their children and grandchildren, Emily
and Stephanie, Avihud and Faiga, Tuvia
Simcha, and Sara Tehil.

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