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September 17, 2015 - Image 43

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2015-09-17

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Pho to by Sandy La da

May the New Year
bring to all our friends
and family
health, joy, prosperity and
everything good in life.

Rosh Hashanah


The Kraft Family
Karen & Jeffrey
Amy, Matt, & Andrew
Elissa & Chet
Rachel & Scott

Alyse Ruda, Charley and Charlene Steinberg and Joshua Ruda inside the
synagogue in 2012.

meals in Charley's house Parker said.
"All the furniture in the living room
and dining rooms are removed to
make room for long tables to seat the
approximately 30 people who partici-
pate in the yom tov meals. Every fam-
ily has its assignments: what foods to
bring, what foods to prepare. By now,
we all know what favorite foods will be
served at each meal.
"Charlene, Charley's wife, who is
responsible for all-things-food, begins
work weeks before the holiday prepar-
ing meats and soups for everyone:"
And she wouldn't have it any other
"We are so happy to do it every
year:' Charlene Steinberg said. "Every
year I say, 'God give me the strength to
do it again:"

Destination Spring Valley

A couple of weeks before the holiday
this year, the Steinbergs drove to
Chicago to pick up a huge kosher meat
"We have a 100 percent kosher
home Charley Steinberg said. "And
we walk the six blocks to shul with our
shomer Shabbos guests:'
Some visiting relatives stay with
the Rudas and others with Bruce
Steinberg's family about five miles
away in Peru, Ill.
"At our house, we have mattresses
all over the floor;' Charley Steinberg
said. "The door is always open:'
This Rosh Hashanah, the Eastmans
stayed there, too.
"Every year on Rosh Hashanah, I
lament that I am missing hearing my
father daven," she said. "It is a strong
memory from my childhood, and I am
really excited to share that with Ben.
"Growing up in Buffalo, my father
was one of the primary leaders of our
small congregation, Kehilat Shalom:'
she said. "It seemed natural to me
that my father would be interested

in taking part in a small, informal,
but warm community like the one in
Spring Valley."
In Buffalo, Parker was the lay rabbi/
coordinator of the congregation for
about 25 years. A child psychologist
working with families of children who
have developmental and learning chal-
lenges, he also is a community educa-
tor, offering adult Jewish education
courses through Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Detroit.
"For the past 71/2 years, I have been
commuting as the principal/clinical
director of Zareinu, a Toronto day
school for children with developmen-
tal and learning problems:' he said. "I
am now back in Detroit:'
The Parkers live in West Bloomfield
and are members of B'nai Israel
Synagogue, also in West Bloomfield.
Earlier this summer, Parker was
in the Upper Peninsula area with a
"We went to visit Temple Jacob,
a lovely shul in Houghton/Hancock
that is also the same vintage as Spring
Valley and is also, at this point, only
open on the High Holidays:' he said.
"When we went in to visit, my first
comment was, 'This place smells just
like Spring Valley.."
Looking forward to his next trip
back to Shari Tzedek, Parker explained
a reason for going, in addition to the
enjoyment of leading the service and
the connection his family has with the
Steinberg clan.
"It is a mitzvah to help a group of
Jews who want to pray together in
their 'ancestral shul,"' he said.
Goldstein expressed personal grati-
"It allows this great tradition that
my family has had for so many years
to continue and allows a shul that is
now over 100 years old to still be able
to function — even if only once a

May the New Year
bring to all our friends
and family
health, joy, prosperity and
everything good in life.

Rosh Hashanah


Drs. Cindy & Jeffrey Diskin
and Family

May the New Year
bring to all our friends
and family
health, joy, prosperity and
everything good in life.

Marcia & Stan Freedman


Rosh Hashanah


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September 17 • 2015



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