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July 16, 2015 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2015-07-16

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The Fun Factor
Of Reality


t was hard for me to deal with the
abstract when I was in school; it
is even harder for me now when I
watch foreign films. (What was that
all about?) Reality is where it is at.
Saying that, I am more and more
aware of the funny things in life if you
really think about them — and, of
course, I do.
The computer
and I are not
friends; we have
sort of a forced,
peaceful co-exis-
tence. However,
I really feel that
there is a need
for a sarcasm
font. Also, I am
always gripped
by fear when I go
to exit and am
asked if I want to
save any changes
to my three-page article when I would
swear I did not make any changes.

Nothing can be worse than that
moment in an argument when
you realize you are wrong.
Looking back from the vantage
point of age, I totally regret all
those times when I was young and
did not want to take a nap.
I do not mean to frustrate my
wife, but how are you supposed to
fold a fitted sheet? (Well, at least I
fold some of the laundry.)
With all its faults, the GPS sys-
tem is a life saver, but I would like to
suggest that MapQuest start directions
with No. 5; I know how to get out of my
I really hate leaving my house con-
fident and looking good and then not
having anyone notice for the entire day.
Is it just me or do high school kids
seem to get dumber each year?
Sometimes I will look at my watch
several consecutive times and still
not know what time it is. I envy those
friends of mine who never wear watch-
es; at least when they ask, they get it the


first time.
How many times is it appropriate
to ask, "What?" before you just nod
and smile because you did not hear or
understand what was being said?
Do you have trouble locating your
car keys or finding your cell phone or
remote control? I bet that you don't
experience that problem when it comes
to pushing the snooze button the first
time with your eyes closed.
Well, those things are what make our
lives interesting. Keep a sharp eye out
since the next funny actions may be
attributable to you.


July16-22, 2015 I 29 Tammuz-6 Av 5775 I Vol. CXLVII, No. 24

Shabbat Lights

Around Town
Arts & Life
Editor's Picks
Family Focus
Israel .... 5, 6, 8,12, 24

Points of View
Synagogue List
Torah Portion


Danny Raskin
Robert Sklar



Shabbat: Friday, July 17, 8:49 p.m.
Shabbat Ends: Saturday, July 18, 9:57 p.m.

Shabbat: Friday, July 24, 8:43 p.m.
Shabbat Ends: Saturday, July 25, 9:50 p.m.

Ninth of Av: Fast begins Saturday, July 25, 9 p.m.
Fast ends Sunday, July 26, 9:49 p.m.

Times are from Yeshiva Beth Yehudah calendar.

Our JN Mission

The Jewish News aspires to communicate news and opinion that's useful, engaging, enjoyable and unique. It strives to
reflect the full range of diverse viewpoints while also advocating positions that strengthen Jewish unity and continu-
ity. We desire to create and maintain a challenging, caring, enjoyable work environment that encourages creativity
and innovation. We acknowledge our role as a responsible, responsive member of the community. Being competi-
tive, we must always strive to be the most respected, outstanding Jewish community publication in the nation. Our
rewards are informed, educated readers, very satisfied advertisers, contented employees and profitable growth.

Cover page design: Michelle Sheridan.
The Detroit Jewish News (USPS 275-520) is

published every Thursday at 29200 Northwestern
Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical
postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and
additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send changes
to: Detroit Jewish News, 29200 Northwestern
Highway, #110, Southfield, MI 48034.

Samantha Greenberg had an
unconventional Jewish upbringing.
In her Bay City/Saginaw/Midland area,
there weren't too many Jews, but
growing up in an actively-practicing
multi-faith family allowed her to start
her Jewish journey.
"I was living under a Jewish rock,"
said Samantha. "When I came to
the University of Michigan campus
freshman year, it really opened up
my eyes to what Jewish culture was
like. It was exciting, but there was a
lot I didn't know that so many of my
peers took for granted, like Jewish
summer camp."
Samantha joined a Jewish sorority,
which she helped re-establish on
campus, and took a birthright trip.
After graduation, she taught seventh
grade in Tulsa, Oklahoma as part of

Teach for America, and although she

enjoyed it, public health and genetic
counseling are what Samantha really
wants to do.
"Helping educate providers and the
public about how we can identify and
better manage genetic conditions is
something I'm passionate about,"
Samantha said. "The program at U of
M is one of the best in the country,
and when I'm done, I'll have two
degrees, in public health and genetic
counseling. But paying for it was a
worry. When I worked in Tulsa, I
saved, and I felt like I was doing
everything right, but I happened to
come across a mention of Hebrew
Free Loan in a Hillel e-mail, and I
never breathed such a sigh of relief.
Dealing with HFL was so easy and
friendly, and they were there for me.
"One of the things I love about the
Jewish community is the investment
in the future. HFL is another stop on
my Jewish journey."

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July 16 • 2015


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