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December 11, 2014 - Image 61

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-12-11

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home >> at home

Favorite Things

To celebrate 2014, revisit a few of our most
memorable rooms and details featured this year.

Lynne Konstantin I Design Writer

In the eating area of a kitchen in Birmingham, Pamela Singer Nodel, designer and

Toby Sneider Pollak, designer and owner of Sneider Custom Interiors in West

owner of Pamela Singer & Associates in Orchard Lake, covered a window-length

Bloomfield, created a dreamy oasis in a corner of the family room of a Northville

banquette in a striped fabric then finished it in a family-friendly matte lamination.

home. Washed in an expanse of deliciously toasted beige that's been glazed for

"Adding the banquette allowed us to push the table up to the wall and gave us a lot

texture, the paneling draws the eye in, while tumbled stone flooring in a similar

of extra space, plus storage," says Ben Heller, residential designer and partner of

palette perpetuates the lighthearted take on a formal parlor.

Morgan-Heller Associates in Pontiac. The white built-in shelves pop with the jewel

tones of vintage seltzer bottles, which Nodel found in antiques shops.

Favorite Things on page 62

Do you have a home you'd like to share with the community? Contact Lynne Konstantin at Ikonstantin@thejewishnews.com .


December 11 • 2014


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