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December 11, 2014 - Image 40

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-12-11

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jewish@ed U

for college students by college students

Hillel Happenings

Hillel@WMU enjoys an evening of bowling: junior Lexie

Sittsamer, Farmington Hills; sophomore Lauren Girson,

Southfield; sophomore John Israilov, West Bloomfield;

senior Shira Elyakin, Ann Arbor; sophomore Jessyca

Blase, West Bloomfield; senior Nicki Swartz, Walled



Hillel of Metro

Detroit students

A Apple picking with

Detroit, includ-

■ Hillel @ CMU: sopho-

ing a stop on the

more Hayden Kass,

River Walk dur-

Ypsilanti; senior Ariel

ing its Jewish in

Starr, Oak Park; fresh-

the D program

man Haley Wilson,

enjoy a tour of

Farmington Hills; and

sophomore Casey

Crick, Sacramento,


Shabbat with Albion Hillel: freshman Michael

Bernard, Northville; sophomore Morgan Katz,

Wolverines for Israel:

U-M juniors Jacob

Lipnik and David

West Bloomfield; senior Hannah Bez, East Lansing;

Weinfeld, both of

freshman Henry Carnick, Midland; and Justin Polk,

Farmington Hills, and

HCAM program associate.

Jonathan Friedman of



Jews in Greek Life at

MSU volunteer at Safe

Halloween: sopho-

more Carly Sternberg,

West Bloomfield;

senior Becca Fishman,

Bingham Farms; sopho-

Hillel@EMU at Swoop's Bar Mitzvah Party: sopho-

more Jacob Levine,

more Michelle Betman, West Bloomfield; junior

West Bloomfield; and

Lauren Harwood, Berkley; junior Sydney Glass,

junior Matt Sternberg,

Highland Park, Ill; senior Danielle Friedman,

Bloomfield Hills.

Trenton; and sophomore Ariel Stollman,

Farmington Hills.

40 December 11 • 2014

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