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December 11, 2014 - Image 20

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-12-11

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metro >> around town

Early Holiday Meal

Kadima's annual Thanksgiving tradition continues to grow each year.


or the past 20 years, Kadima has
held a special Thanksgiving dinner
for the individuals it serves. This
annual event continues to evolve and grow.
On Nov. 18, nearly 100 individuals served by
Kadima, staff and close to 20 board members
and volunteers all came together for a beauti-
ful Thanksgiving meal.
The dinner, held at the Lois and Milton Y.
Zussman Activity Center in Southfield, was
sponsored by Gail and Robert Katz.
As the mother of a daughter with men-
tal illness, I am so keenly aware of how
critical Kadima is to our clients and their
family members:' Katz says. "The Kadima
Gail Katz of West Bloomfield
Thanksgiving dinner is so important to the
and Karen Rouff of Bloomfield
clients, who may not have family or friends
to connect with them at this holiday time.
Having the board of directors and staff be
part of this dinner is making Kadima the supportive
family these clients desperately need:' IEI

Kadima staff and board members are ready for the party to

Phyllis Schwartz of Bloomfield


Jews and Muslims join together

on a cold day to clean up

Hamtramck neighborhood.


raving frigid temperatures, a group of
warmly wrapped Muslims and Jews
worked together to clean up brush
and fill dumpsters with debris in Hamtramck,
on Sunday morning, Nov. 16.
As part of the national Muslim-Jewish
Twinning Weekend, the group decided to
help spruce up a neighborhood in this Detroit
enclave where many Muslims from Albania,
Bosnia, Bangladesh and Yemen reside. The
effort was coordinated through the Common
Word Alliance, an interfaith leadership group
headed by Assistant Imam Arif Huskic in
The participating Jewish groups were from
the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue in
Detroit and Congregation T'chiyah in Oak
Park, as well as members of the Jewish com-
munity of Metro Detroit at large.
Two rabbis also offered their muscle power
and their spiritual leadership — Rabbi Alana
Alpert and Rabbi Dorit Edut. Following the
three-hour cleanup, the group enjoyed a hot
meal together in the Royal Kebab Restaurant
in Hamtramck. A future get-together of the
Jewish and Muslim communities to do social
action projects together and enjoy social and
cultural exchanges is planned for January at a
food bank in Oak Park. ❑

Assistant Imam Arif Huskic of Common Word Alliance, Imam Abdullah
El-Amin of the Muslim Center of Detroit, Rabbi Dorit Edut of Detroit
Interfaith Outreach, Shimon Edut, Syma Echeandia of Congregation
T'Chiyah, Lou Echeandia, Rami Miller and Dawood Zwink of Michigan
Muslim Council Conference

Anna Kohn, Downtown Synagogue

director, and Rabbi Alana Alpert of
Congregation T'chiyah


December 11 • 2014

Lindsay Ackerman and Imam
Abdullah El-Amin

Shimon Edut, Nora and Arif Huskic, Lou Echeandia, Dawood Zwink and
Rami Miller

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