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November 06, 2014 - Image 49

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-11-06

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Jewish Stars

Steve Stein
Contributing Writer

The Jewish Community Center of


ere are some facts
you may not have
known about the
2014 inductees into the
Michigan Jewish Sports Hall
of Fame and the Alvin Foon
Humanitarian Award winner.
Alan Davis: The former
Berkley High School and
Michigan State University
football star is an ortho-
pedic surgeon who has
been the physician for USA
Hockey teams, the Cleveland
Erin Konheim
Ed Kozloff
Barons junior hockey team,
Cleveland Ballet and Baldwin
Wallace University.
Alfred "Obbie" Friedman: He scored
Through seven weeks of the 30-week
33 points in a basketball game for Detroit season, the LWL2 team was the talk of
Central High School in 1946, an amaz-
the league because of its commanding
ing number in an era when teams often
lead over the runner-up Yogi's Rollers in
didn't score that many points.
the Pistons Division.
Jerry Greenberg: Another former
LWL2's Ryan Columbus, Jeff Berlin,
Detroit Central basketball star (1949-
Steve Lotzoff and Dave Riger were 117-
1952), he played for the Wayne State
University basketball team that competed
Twenty-four points are up for grabs in
in the NCAA tournament in 1956.
each match, with individuals and teams
Erin Konheim Mandras: She was the
facing each other for points in games and
2002 Jewish News Female High School
total series.
Athlete of the Year following an outstand-
The league uses a 90 percent handicap,
ing soccer career at West Bloomfield
which means the lower average bowler
in a head-to-head competition receives
High School and a four-year soccer
90 percent of the difference between the
starter at Michigan State (2002-2005).
She now runs soccer clinics for the
Rob Greenfield from the Spares Are
Jewish Community Center of Baltimore
a Miracle team had rolled the league's
and the Erin Konheim Soccer Academy
in Baltimore.
highest series through seven weeks. He
Stuart Schwartz: A star lacrosse
had 266-277-201 — 744 in Week 6.
player at Bloomfield Hills Andover High
Gary Klinger's 279 in Week 2 was
School and Duke University, he's now an
the league's high game. The Young Vets
attorney and assistant lacrosse coach at
team member finished the game with
Cranbrook Kingswood High School in
11 straight strikes, then started the next
Bloomfield Hills.
game with three in a row for a combined
Ed Kozloff (Foon Award): President
14 consecutive strikes.
of the Motor City Striders running club
The league bowls Monday nights at
Country Lanes in Farmington Hills.
since 1975, he's directed more than
1,000 races including the Detroit Free
After beginning competition in early
Press Marathon. The Striders have raised
September, it will continue until the end
of April.
more than $40 million through their
races for organizations like the American
Classroom Stars
Cancer Society, Arthritis Foundation,
Detroit Institute of Arts and Barbara Ann We received late information on Jake and
Karmanos Cancer Institute.
Marlee Rothman, 2014 winners of the
The Hall of Fame induction dinner
Michigan Jewish Sports Foundation's Bill
was held last week at the JCC in West
Hertz Scholarship who were profiled here
Bloomfield. Kozloff received the Foon
last week.
Award at the dinner.
Jake graduated earlier this year from
Berkley High School with a 4.14 grade
No Time To Spare
point average and his twin sister
The Brotherhood-Eddie Jacobson B'nai
Marlee had a 3.7 GPA.
B'rith bowling league is rolling along.
They're each a freshman in college.
Sixteen teams are in the league this
Jake is at the University of Michigan and
season, two more than last year. The
Marlee is at Michigan State University.
teams are evenly divided into four divi-
Send news to stevestein502004@yahoo.com .
sions — Tigers, Lions, Red Wings and

Metropolitan Detroit is looking for a new

Chief Executive Officer. We are one of the

nation's largest JCCs, serving thousands of

children, teens, adults, seniors and families

through arts, cultural, educational, health

and wellness programs.

We are seeking a dynamic leader with proven

experience taking businesses to the next level.

Applicants should send their resume to:

detroit@jcca.org .

The Jewish News

Gift Guide

Don't miss our annual guide
to gift giving for the holidays!

Reach the Jewish community just in time for the

holidays by placing your ad in the JN Gift Guide.

Issue date: 11-27-14
Ad deadline: 11-13-14


November 6 • 2014


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