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October 16, 2014 - Image 69

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-10-16

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Buy Israeli


m Yisrael Buy, a free app for
those who want to support
Israel by buying Israeli-
made products, downloadable on
all major smartphone formats, was
created by Rabbi Daniel M. Cohen,
spiritual leader of Temple Sharey
Tefilo-Israel in South Orange, N.J.
"There is an
movement called
BDS — Boycott,
Divestment and
Sanctions —
aimed at boycot-
ting Israel and its
products," Cohen
Rabbi Daniel
said. "The move-
ment demonizes
Israel and has, as some of its lead-
ing proponents, anti-Semites whose

Join The Soiree
At Shaarey Zedek
Congregation Shaarey Zedek invites the
community to celebrate its 152nd anni-
versary with an evening featuring good
friends, good food and good music.
The annual Soiree goes from 8
p.m.- 1 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, at the
Southfield synagogue. Enjoy a feast
prepared by Daniel Kohn and Quality
Kosher Catering, sip original cocktails
created just for the evening and dance
to the great sounds of the Rhoedes
The event is co-sponsored by the Lee
Schweikart Memorial Fund, the Detroit
Jewish News, Steve Coden Flowers,
Gerych's, Quality Kosher Catering, Star
Trax, Shutter Booth and Ice Dreams
Tickets are $36 each or patron tickets
are $152 for two tickets. To make a res-
ervation, contact Tobye Bello at tbello@
shaareyzedek.org or call (248) 357-

JCC To Host First
Zombie Apocalypse
5k Run and Walk
The Jewish Community Center of
Metropolitan Detroit will host its first
Zombie Apocalypse 5k run and walk
at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26, at the JCC in
West Bloomfield. The event will begin
at Camp Ruth, located in the wooded
area behind the parking lot to the
north of the front entrance.
Teams of three will compete on a
course filled with obstacles. At the start
of the event, each team receives three
flags — flags that hold a mysterious
appeal for the "zombies" along the way,
who will do whatever it takes to steal
them. To complete and survive the


RUTH BROOKS, 69, of Ann Arbor, died

N.J. rabbi creates new product app.

ultimate goal is the destruction of the
State of Israel. When I learned there
are BDS apps that make it easier to
boycott Israeli products and goods
and spread their hatred, and then
found there was no commensurate
pro-Israel app, I just had to act. That
was the impetus for creating Am
Yisrael Buy."
Initially, Cohen turned to some of
his colleagues in the rabbinic com-
munity to see if they would join him
in helping to promote an app for
Israel. Once they agreed, he contacted
a developer to help him create the
app. The developer had some good
ideas but was moving too slowly, so
Cohen decided to create it himself
using a template-driven app develop-
ment software tool. He taught himself
to use the interface and Am Yisrael

race as humans, teams must have at
least one flag at the finish; otherwise,
players become zombies themselves.
(Zombies are still welcome to purchase
a JCC membership, by the way!)
Creepy, but also amazingly fun, the
Zombie Apocalypse is for any age and,
because it can be experienced as a walk
or run, appropriate for everyone from
beginners to fitness experts, said Jim
Micovich, JCC Fitness Club general man-
ager. Even great-great-great-grandpar-
ents, providing they've got a good arm,
can bring a lot to a team.
The Zombie Apocalypse will include
safe houses where players secure their
weapons — sponge balls, which, of
course, are famous zombie repellants,
much like garlic for vampires — so any-
one who can give a good toss and hit his
mark will be a valuable member of the
human team.
The Zombie Apocalypse costs $20,
which must be paid in advance, just in
case players don't survive the zombies.
To register, contact the JCC Sports
Desk at (248) 432-5425.

Expo Aims At
Health, Business
Psychologist and Temple Shir Shalom
member Dr. Diane Buffalin, director
of the nonprofit Michigan Professional
Women's Network, has been producing
the largest and longest-running non-
profit Expo for 24 years.
The "Get Your Body and Business in
Shape Expo" showcases 100 commu-
nity resources for business and health
from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday, Oct.
23, at the 2000 Town Center Atrium
in Southfield. Admission is free. Some
exhibit tables are still available at $200

Oct. 9, 2014.
She is survived by her husband, Michael
Brooks; son, Ezra Brooks of Okemos, Mich.;
daughter, Hay Brooks of Portland, Ore.;
sister, Janet Dinerman of Silver Spring, Md.;
brothers-in-law and sister-in-law, Svevo
Brooks, Gemma and Fred Greene.
Mrs. Brooks was the loving daughter of
the late Sam and the late Sarah Avin; dear
sister-in-law of the late Arthur Dinerman.
Contributions may be made to University
of Michigan Hillel, 1429 Hill St., Ann
Arbor, MI 48104; or Congregation Beth
Israel, 2000 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, MI
48104. Interment was held at Arborcrest
Cemetery in Ann Arbor. Services were held
at Beth Israel Synagogue in Ann Arbor.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial Chapel.

Buy was born.
The app offers a list of Israeli-
made products and where to buy
them as well as additional ways to
support Israel.
"As I was putting together the list,
I realized there were other ways to
support Israel, so I added a section
with some of the media outlets that
cover Israel, outlets that help expose
media bias against Israel and includ-
ed a number of ways people can
donate to pro-Israel organizations,"
Cohen said.
With the app still in its grassroots
stage, Cohen is hoping to find some-
one with the development skills and
monetary backing to take the lead
in improving the app, making Am
Yisrael Buy even more powerful and

DAVIDSON, 93, died

Among exhibitors are these business-
es owned by Jewish women: Rebecca
Abel, Women's Divorce Resource
Center; Brenda Mann, Academic &
Behavior Consultants; Stacey Francis,
Specific Wellness; Carolyn Klinger,
Health Markets; and Charlene Levine,
Corporate Wellness Resources.
For more information, email Buffalin
at MPWN44@aol.com .

Klezmer Band At Shir
Tikvah For Simchat Torah
Congregation Shir Tikvah in Troy, a
Reform/Renewal synagogue, will wel-
come Detroit's newest Klezmer band
"Klezundheit!" to its free Simchat
Torah celebration at 6:30 p.m. Friday,
Oct. 17, at the synagogue, 3900
Northfield Parkway, Troy. The band
will play dance music during the ser-
vice as well as a set during the after-
glow immediately following.

Come Downtown
To Celebrate Simchat Torah
The Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
(LADS) will celebrate Simchat Torah
at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, at the
synagogue, 1457 Griswold in Detroit.
The synagogue's Torah scrolls will
be paraded through the streets of
Downtown Detroit following services,
and there will be dancing, singing and
the playing of instruments. Light food
and drink will be offered.
Simchat Torah acknowledges the
annual end of the reading of the Torah.
"There's nothing else quite like our
Simchat Torah celebration in the city of
Detroit!" said Anna Kohn, LADS direc-
tor. "It's wonderful to see such pride in
our Torahs, pride in our synagogue and
pride in our hometown."


Sept. 30, 2014.
She lived a long and
productive life, entirely in
the Detroit area. She was
a third-generation work-
ing mother, beginning in
co-op nursery schools,
then public schools, and finally prepar-
ing teachers at Wayne County Community
College. She loved all kinds of needle crafts,
read constantly and traveled extensively. She
was dedicated to the movement for peace
and social justice, and sang for many years
in the Jewish Folk Chorus.
Mrs. Davidson was preceded in death by
her husband, Morris Davidson, Ph.D.; and
her two brothers, J. Bernard and Arnold
She is survived by her children, Khaya
Davidson and Edward Liddy, Tessa and
Norm Brittenham; two grandchildren;
five great-grandchildren; one great-great-


93, of Southfield, died
Sept. 29, 2014.
She is survived by her
daughters-in-law, Shelly
Fogelman and Marlene
Fogelman; grandchildren,
Marlo Fogelman, Randall
Fogelman, Ryan and
Aimee Fogelman, Erica Fogelman; great-
granddaughters, Olivia and Layla Fogelman.
Mrs. Fogelman was the beloved wife
of the late Max Fogelman; the cherished
mother of the late Dr. Burton Fogelman, the
late Denise Fogelman and the late David
Interment was at Machpelah Cemetery.
Contributions may be made to Jewish
Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, 6735
Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301,
www.jewishdetroit.org ; or to a charity of
one's choice. Arrangements by Ira Kaufman

Obituaries on page 70

October 16 • 2014


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