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September 04, 2014 - Image 12

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-09-04

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>> on the cover


Decision about Rabbi Krakoff leaves rift Shaarey Zedek is working to heal.

Keri Guten Cohen I Story Development Editor


the contract of Rabbi Joseph Krakoff, who
had been at the synagogue for 16 years
and whose tenure ended July 31 after a
separation agreement was signed.
SOS's hope was to have the board
reverse its decision and keep Krakoff in
place. Barring that, the petition called for
a vote at the special meeting to remove
officers and three at-large executive com-
mittee member and replace the officers
with three SOS candidates — CSZ mem-
bers Larry Berry, Jackie Zeff and Dr. Gary
The petition, written according to CSZ
bylaws, represented a no-confidence vote
in the current officers and spoke to major
objections voiced by members at a CSZ
Town Hall meeting on July 15 about the
lack of transparency and congregational
input regarding the Krakoff decision.
The special meeting did not happen.
The synagogue board voted down the
meeting, explaining in an Aug. 13 letter
to congregants that the "petition does not
meet legal standards" according to bylaws
and Michigan law.
The letter explains the executive board
may only be removed if there is "cause"
and prior board approval — neither of
which was satisfied.
Also, the letter states
that only the board
has the authority to fill
vacancies, not a vote by
general membership.
An April 1 annual
meeting, including elec-
tions, was set. April 1
Larry Berry
is the earliest date pos-
sible in the two-month
window stipulated in the
On Aug. 24, instead of attending the
special congregational meeting they
sought, SOS held its final gathering at
Akiva Hebrew Day School in Southfield.
About 275 people attended. Larry Berry
led the meeting.
SOS leaders disagreed that their petition
did not follow bylaws.
"The only way to compel the officers to
schedule the special meeting as requested
in our petition would be to institute a
lawsuit; your advisory board unanimously
rejects that course of action:' he told
the group. "SOS does not want to be the


September 4 • 2014

entity that makes this 'fam-
ing. I couldn't stay anymore.
ily' dispute a matter of public
"They did not tell the whole
record, thereby harming
board about the decision about
the entity we are working to
the rabbi — maybe some select
board members, others, but
He also discussed the mat-
nothing was brought up at the
ter of reinstating Krakoff.
board level at any time. I still
remember when I heard about it.
"In conversation with the
rabbi, he related to me that
I was totally shocked.
he, Susan and the children
"I did participate in SOS and
are doing well:' Berry said.
did not feel it was a breach of
"Further, he is busy planning
board membership:' Neuman
the next phase of his career
said. "The best thing I could do
and returning to Shaarey
was to help this group save the
Zedek is not an option at this
synagogue — that was their goal.
"To be honest, I hope it can
"Therefore, with retaining
be healed," he said. "I don't see
our rabbi no longer a viable
Shaarey Zedek going back to
option and not wanting to
what it was because a lot of
pursue legal action ... it is, as
things have been said and done.
we say in the Army, time for
They say time heals all wounds,
SOS to 'stand down:"
but I'm not sure about this one:'
He went on to say that
Now Neuman says his family
although the desired result
will be shopping for a place to
The interior of Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield
was not achieved, "it would
celebrate the High Holidays.
Krakoff and his family will
be a grave mistake for any of
pants in the final SOS meeting had mixed
us to think this effort was for naught.
celebrate the holidays at Adat Shalom
"Due to the SOS movement, more mem- reactions.
Synagogue in Farmington Hills as new
bers of the congregation became actively
"A percent voiced their opinion to work
members. Their son's bar mitzvah date in
engaged in congregational affairs:' he
within the system, keep the fire on low
2015 is already scheduled.
said. "Further, issues of congregational
and get them in April [at the annual meet-
The rabbi will continue teaching Jewish
ing]:' he told the JN. "Others were more
governance that were privy only to the
Federation FedEd classes and a Friday
leadership of the congregation were openly emotional, saying they were not sticking
beit midrash class at Hillel Day School in
discussed and debated by the general
around as synagogue members. At the end Farmington Hills. He will consult with the
of the day, all have to do what's in their
Jewish Hospice and Chaplaincy Network,
"However, I believe the most important
and continue to officiate at life-cycle events.
achievement of SOS was the fact that 550
Synagogue board member Phil Neuman
He also is working on a resource guide
individuals had the courage to take a stand of Farmington Hills has decided to go. He
for Rosh Hashanah rabbinic sermons about
tendered his board and family member-
and act to correct a decision that offended
Operation Protective Edge for the Israeli
ship resignation from Shaarey Zedek in a
the collective sense of justice:'
Embassy in Washington, D.C.
letter dated Aug. 14.
Time For Healing
"It was a very hard decision:' he told the
Into The Future
Fallout from board actions and subsequent JN. "I had been at Shaarey Zedek for more
Shaarey Zedek's board reacted to the rift
reactions from many in the congregation
than 20 years and made many friendships.
in the congregation by holding a town hall
will include loss of membership. No one
I looked forward to Shabbat services; it
meeting in mid-July attended by more than
can predict how many of the 1,300 families was where I hung out. I was a gabbai [rit-
600 members.
will seek other synagogues.
ual director] and was honored to be one. I
After hearing feedback about the board's
"We have had some resignations:' CSZ
enjoyed that very much.
lack of transparency and failure to seek
President Mary Knoll
"But things changed
member input about the Krakoff decision,
told the JN.
after they did what they
as well as gauging the emotion attached
"We've also had many
did to Rabbi Joey" he
to the situation, the board instituted
people step up their
said. "It caused a tremen-
Congregational Conversations.
commitment financially
dous rift, and the syna-
So far, three of the parlor meetings —
and in their involve-
gogue just simply wasn't
open to all members — have been held.
ment. We do have a plan
the same place any more
Knoll says they will continue.
"They offer an exchange of ideas:' she
for full recovery. Change
for me. I was so disturbed

takes time:'
by what happened, and I
said. At first, there are questions for lead-
Phil Neuman
Mary Knoll
Berry says partici-
had no idea this was corn- ership. We learn a great deal having an

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