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August 14, 2014 - Image 3

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-08-14

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It's Magic!

West Bloomfield native
creates magical TV show.

Alan Muskovitz
Contributing Writer


rom the first time he watched magician David
Copperfield on old VHS tapes at his grandparents'
home at age 4 and was "struck by the impact of magic
on people Rick Lax was hooked on the artistry of illusion.
Magic made such an impact that a law degree from DePaul
University in Chicago and success as an accomplished author of
three books couldn't quell his lifelong dream of "changing the
world of magic:' Today, the 32-year-old West Bloomfield native
is a highly respected creator of tricks for the world's largest
manufacturer of illusions, Penguin Magic.
Lax is living the dream in Las Vegas and, at 10 p.m. Tuesday,
Aug. 19, he will pull off his biggest trick to date when his brain-
child, the reality competition TV show Wizard Wars, airs on
the Syfy Channel.
It's hard enough just to "take a meeting" with a major televi-
sion producer, but to sell your one-and-only concept is noth-
ing short of, well, magic. That's exactly what happened when
Lax ended up in the capable hands of A. Smith & Company
(American Ninja Warrior, Hell's Kitchen), which made him
a producer and magic consultant. Add the legendary duo of
magicians Penn and Teller as the show's judges and abraca-
dabra, you've got the makings of what should be a reality show
that's actually worth watching.
It all began when A. Smith & Company spotted a magic
video that Lax produced with good friend (and Wizard Wars
star) Justin Flom. A. Smith helped sell the show to Syfy, which
was wonderfully ironic because it was Syfy's show Face Off that
helped inspire Lax to create Wizard Wars.
On Face Off, prosthetic makeup artists compete against each
other to create the kind of scary, hands-over-your-eyes charac-
ters you find in today's modern-day horror films. "To me Lax
says, "the process is more interesting than the end result:'
On Wizard Wars, teams of two magician contestants will be


Rick Lax, right, on the set of Wizard Wars with good friend
Justin Flom, who helped Lax produce the original YouTube
pilot and stars as a "wizard" on the new Syfy show.

given random, ordinary objects that, in a limited time, they will
have to transform into amazing magical performances. Judging
will be based on creativity, showmanship and deceptiveness.
"The winning team of 'challengers' moves on to the Wizard
War:' Lax says. Then they'll face two "wizards:' renowned pro-
fessional magicians in a second round of competition. If the
contestants defeat the Wizards, they walk away with $10,000.
"I guarantee a show filled with nonstop surprises and mind-
blowing illusions:' Lax says. "You'll walk away from each epi-
sode amazed:'
His parents, Chuck and Linda Lax of West Bloomfield, aren't
at all surprised by their son's career track, especially after his
law school orientation.
"The class was welcomed by the dean of the school; Chuck
Lax recalls, "who announced they had a magician in their ranks."
Turns out the dean was also a magician and the two devel-
oped a special relationship, Chuck Lax says, that "included din-
ner at the dean's home the night he finished his bar exam:'
Meanwhile, remember those David Copperfield VHS tapes
that originally inspired young Lax 28 years ago? Well, in true
fairy-tale fashion this story comes full circle. Lax ended up
meeting the legendary illusionist and a fast friendship devel-
oped out of their love of magic, their Jewish upbringing and the
fact that both were only children. Lax even ended up working
for the magician as a creative consultant.
So, apparently, this Lax kid really is good. Poof, he actually
made David Copperfield reappear in his life. I'm sure Lax might
say, "Don't try this at home."

Get a behind-the-scenes look and a preview of Wizard Wars by visiting

www.syfy.com/wizardwars and RickLax.com.


Aug. 14-20, 2014 I 18-24 Av 5774 I Vol. CXLVI, No. 2

Arts/Entertainment ... 51
Business Memos
Health & Wellness ... 50
Here's To
Israel .1, 5, 6, 14, 22, 38,
39, 40, 44, 53
JN Archives
Life Cycles

Next Generation
Points Of View
Staff Box/Phone List... 6
Synagogue List
Here's To
Teen2Teen extra

Shabbat Lights

Shabbat: Friday, Aug. 15, 8:16 p.m.
Shabbat Ends: Saturday, Aug. 16, 9:18 p.m.

Shabbat: Friday, Aug. 22, 8:05 p.m.
Shabbat Ends: Saturday, Aug. 23, 9:06 p.m.

Times are from Yeshiva Beth Yehudah calendar.

Danny Raskin
Robert Sklar .

The Jewish News aspires to communicate news and opinion that's useful, engaging, enjoyable and unique. It strives to
reflect the full range of diverse viewpoints while also advocating positions that strengthen Jewish unity and continu-
ity. We desire to create and maintain a challenging, caring, enjoyable work environment that encourages creativity
and innovation. We acknowledge our role as a responsible, responsive member of the community. Being competi-
tive, we must always strive to be the most respected, outstanding Jewish community publication in the nation. Our
rewards are informed, educated readers, very satisfied advertisers, contented employees and profitable growth.

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to help maintain the lives of
local Jews.



Our JN Mission

Graphic designer Evan Berman
and his brother, business manager
Jared, have taken their clothing
business, FyouNK, in new directions
since receiving funding from Hebrew
Free Loan's Marvin I. Danto Small
Business Loan Program more than
a year ago.
"That's kind of the 'freedom' part in
Freedom You Now Know," Jared said.
"We've been able to jump on some
unique opportunities that came our
way, including collaborating with
musical artists to design their tour
merchandise, and touring along with
them as their vendor. We weren't just
selling a single design concert shirt
in three sizes, we created a concert
shopping experience with stylish,
quality apparel that enhanced the
brand of the artist, as well as our own
identity. We were part of the experi-
ence for ticketholders. It was great."
The FyouNK website remains a
critical revenue stream, and the duo
is expanding their online offerings to
move from just a t-shirt brand into a
"Whole body brand. Hats, shorts,
socks, pants," Jared said. And they
are also exploring new ways to sell.
A successful recent pop-up shop
within Somerset's Urban Outfitters
has them thinking about wholesale
sales. "Evan and I are taking new
steps and recognizing that there's
something unique here," Jared said.
"Hebrew Free Loan helped give us
the freedom to take FyouNK wher-
ever it leads us."

Cover page design: Michelle Sheridan.
The Detroit Jewish News (USPS 275 - 520) is
published every Thursday at 29200 Northwestern
Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical
postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and
additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send changes
to: Detroit Jewish News, 29200 Northwestern
Highway, #110, Southfield, MI 48034.



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August 14 • 2014


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