>> Torah portion United We Stand Passover Chol Hamoed Shabbat: Exodus 33:12 34:26, Numbers 2t1:19- 25; Ezekiel 37:1-14. Pam Feinberg-Rivkin RN, BSN, CCM, CRRN, ABDA M ah Nishtanah is the high- light of the seder for many a child — a time to ask the Four Questions that set the stage for the "order" of events to come. "On all other nights, we don't even dip one time, but this night of Pesach, we dip twice!" One dip of the karpas (parsley) in saltwater and one of the bitter herbs in the charoset (sweet, nutty "mortar"). The obvious purpose of this question is to bring out how, at the seder, we are doing things that remind us of the slavery in Egypt. The saltwater reminds us of the tears shed by the Jews as a result of the anguish and suf- fering as slaves to Pharaoh. The charoset reminds us of the cement that the Jews used in their backbreaking labor build- ing the cities Pitom and Raamses. Our sages teach us a second and deep- er meaning behind these two dippings, which correspond to two other occur- rences of dipping in the Torah. The first occurrence is in the sale of Joseph into slavery by his brothers. When the brothers sought to cover up his disappearance, (Genesis 37:31) "... they took the coat of Joseph, they slaugh- tered a goat and dipped the coat into the blood:' When they showed the blood- drenched coat to Jacob, he concluded Joseph was eaten by a ferocious animal. The second occurrence takes place on Passover eve. (Exodus 12:22) The Jews were instructed to slaughter the pascal lamb and to dip a bundle of three hys- sop stems into the blood and touch the blood to the two doorposts and lintel. When God would see this blood, He would pass over the house and not kill the firstborn within. These two dippings represent the beginning of our exile and the secret of our redemption from it In the first instance, the dipping was the result of disunity in the Jewish nation. Disunity is our "Achilles heel" — the beginning of the end of our greatness that we went down to Egypt into exile and slavery. The slavery in Egypt provided the antidote to this disunity. The Jewish peo- ple in Egypt came to the realization that they needed to band together to support each other, otherwise they would perish. Our sages tell us in the midrash that the Jewish people made a pact with one another that they would do kindness and sup- port each other to hold on to their Jewish identity. This is what the dipping of the bundle of three hyssop stems represents. A hyssop is a very small and weak plant. It grows low to the ground, symbolizing humility. One weak hyssop probably couldn't have been dipped three times into the blood and touched to the doorposts and lintel. But binding it with two others represents how the Jewish people in Egypt humbled themselves, put their own troubles aside and joined forces with the other Jews to help them in their difficulties. This was the secret of the redemption. Our sages tell us that ultimate redemption, the coming of Mashiach (Messiah), is also dependent on this same secret. When we are divided, we are vulnerable to every slight breeze that comes along. But when we put our petty differences aside and create a pact of kindness with all our Jewish brothers, we will bring forth the redemption just like our ancestors did in Egypt. Let us take this opportunity on this joyous and special holiday of Pesach, the holiday of our freedom, to put seri- ous thought into how we can increase peace within our Jewish community. In this, may we all merit the coming of Mashiach Tzidkeinu (Messiah of our Righteousness) speedily in our day. ❑ Caring For Aging Parents Feels Like The Toughest Job You've Ever Had. I understand. 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Rabbi Avi Cohen is director of the Jean and Theodore Weiss Partners in Torah Interactive Entertainment for kids program of Yeshiva Beth Yehudah in Southfield. Conversations • Why is Jewish unity important to God? • What can I do to increase this unity? • Give examples of where we are acting in the proper, unified way. WEST BLOOMFIELD• MICHIGAN Orchard Lake Rout • North of Maple For more info visit: www.orchardmallwb.com I April 17 • 2014 37