VNIVEP • • OCRA lle 406 SETEN ART IC etiremen ."-„-Q.,...ez-/ / Carl Seidman seized the day and changed his life. Carl Seidman I Special to the Jewish News Cy , cow j, / GOT_ FO DI TONZA_ I F 1 I CookiKe Vie-h4ain DIUnty Gu Ii RED THREAD 7n n died tragically when a tree fell on his tent during a violent storm in Ontario's Algonquin Park. In the six years following, I would lose four more friends: Matt, Ben and Mike from cancer and Elana from compli- cations following a routine medical procedure. Mike, age 42, was the oldest; the others died before they reached 30. The invulnerability I felt as a young adult washed away, and I ac- knowledged the fact that I, too, have an expiration date. We all do. That date may be many decades away or perhaps much sooner. Nothing we can do will provide more insight into how much time we have left. For five years, Karl Pillemer, a professor of human development and gerontology at Cornell Univer- sity, interviewed approximately 1,000 Americans age 65 and older from around the country, and then docu- mented his findings. His questions focused on work, love, marriage and parenting. He also inquired about greatest regrets. Looking back at their lives, these individuals often reported regret- ting not doing the things they always believed they wanted to do most, even if having done so would end in disappointment or failure. Pillemer's interviewees advised taking advan- tage of opportunities and embracing new challenges. They recommended traveling more at younger ages instead of waiting until their children were grown or after they had retired. In particular, they claimed that because travel e'# -sat- Of lel veal Gun t's not every day you tell your friends and family you're go- ing to retire, especially when you're only 32. Setting aside a successful, decade-long career to travel the world and start a business isn't what our culture encour- ages young adults to do. Rather, our society conditions us to believe there is a most-worthy path in life, and, if we follow it, we will be happy and fulfilled. If we don't, we run the risk of enduring hardship and uncertain- ty, making our lives less meaningful and likely more difficult. At the beginning of my manage- ment consulting career, I didn't question this motive. I, like many other Jewish Americans, believed I needed to work 40- to 50-plus hours per week, 50 weeks each year, and be permitted two or three weeks of vacation to decompress. Over the course of the next 40-plus years, I would use the income generated from my work to lead a traditional, comfortable life. Then, after four decades of full- time employment and more than 80,000 hours worked, I could grace- fully retire on my savings and invest- ments at the not-so-spry age of 65 or so. At that age, the kids would be out of the house and graduated from col- lege; I could pursue lifelong interests, enjoy new and existing hobbies, take classes and travel the world. Then, in 2006, everything changed. Jeff Grey, a friend, classmate, AZA brother and fellow Tamarack camper, 34 April 2014 I / // Laaerana A.7Z- J 7, -11 was such a rewarding experience, it should take precedence over other things young people spend money on. Finally, they warned not to spend so much of life worrying; life is too short to waste on pessimism, bore- dom and disillusionment. We sometimes think now is not the right time. We think we'll have more courage, more money and more time later in life, but there is no guarantee that a future date will be any more ideal than the present. Perhaps I somehow developed the foresight to know what I might regret after I got older. Perhaps I was simply more honest with myself, ac- knowledging what was most impor- tant to me and what I really wanted for my life. For years, I believed what was important to my friends, family and culture should have been equally important to me. But while there was certainly much that overlapped, there was also a lot that did not. For me, few things were more haunting than anticipating the regret of not doing what I wanted to do when I had the chance. In order to proceed down a less traditional path, I recognized I would need to make some significant sacrifices. At an early age, I knew poor choices and bad habits would negatively impact my future financial well-being. I have always been very strategic with and watchful of my ex- penses. Throughout my early career, I witnessed some of my peers habitu- ally indulging in instant gratification, ollefrarin thus creating financial hardship. In order to craft an alternative lifestyle, I needed to be mindful of how I lived and spent and how my current deci- sions would impact future opportu- nities. Would cash outlays in the pres- ent undermine my future freedom, or were they investments in my future self? I recognized the lower my financial obstacles, the easier it would be to pursue my vision of an ideal life. In February 2013, I notified my boss I would be leaving my job to travel the world, pursue personal interests and professional endeavors. I named this leap "The First Retire- ment." Many of my peers and close friends found my decisions difficult to comprehend. Why would a highly educated and successful professional leave a seemingly certain career path to venture into the unknown? "I don't get it. You're just going to travel the world?" "How can you afford to do this?" 'What are you going to do when you get back?" What seemed like a natural deci- sion to me came across to my peers and friends as a very audacious move. They didn't understand the urgency I felt to take the time to pursue my dreams now instead of delaying them by perhaps decades. I anticipated a surge of "expe- rienced" people age 40 and older telling me I was making a mistake, ruining my career and my future, and that if I stayed in my position