metro Dreaming Big from page 8 presentation platform, comfortable seating easy to move and reconfigure, a "learning cave" with windows, a glassed-in confer- ence area and glass folding doors to open the current library to the school's heart. The area can accommodate 300 people. The second phase is the Innovation Hub to engage students with all aspects of creativity, including art, technology and the environment. The space will include a "libratory," an art studio, science lab, group areas, a greenhouse, gardens, indoor and outdoor learning porches, an audio/video studio and a makerspace, where students can engage in creative, hands-on tinkering and learning blending art and science. Kristin Fontichiaro is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Information involved in the growing Makers movement. She visited Hillel to hear more about the Innovation Hub and perhaps help find a good fit for Hillel's new director of innovation. "Makerspaces are growing across the country:' she said. "They are not unusual, especially in the West Coast independent schools, but they are pretty unusual in Michigan right now. Engaging with our hands is how we grew up playing; children today did not. They want to crochet or sew by hand because it feels good. When kids can learn by doing, it's very powerful." Phase III of the renovation will be the Cafe and Kitchen, designed as a learning and gathering space with outdoor and indoor seating. The smaller Dorfman Gym will be converted into the Cafe and a new music room will be added nearby. Additionally, the traditional main hall- ways lined with lockers and classrooms will become wide avenues filled with comfy furniture and places for quiet con- versation, informal meetings and more. Construction is expected to start June 12 and be mostly finished before school starts in the fall. Phase IV, which still needs funding, calls for converting classrooms into learning communities. Freedman sees potential for the new spaces to be used by the larger Jewish community as well. Tuition Grant Program "Three years ago, we conducted market studies to help us understand our com- munity, how it is perceived and what bar- riers keep people from coming to Hillel," Freedman said. "Cost came out as a sig- nificant factor and also fear of the future — how high will tuition go? Last year, we did the same study with an admissions consultant and the same things came out over and over:' For inspiration, Freedman pondered the words of Pat Bassett, recently retired head of the National Association of Independent Schools in Washington, D.C., to which Hillel belongs. Bassett suggested the con- cept of reducing tuition the longer a family was at a school, which rewards loyalty and also recognizes yearly cost increases. 10 February 20 • 2014 Innovation Hub production/media studio with green screen break-out group makerspace large scale soft seatin eaching greenhouse rt/design studio collaborative technology loun Hillel Day School of Metro Detroit I Master Plan January 21st, 2014 I © Fielding Nair International "He thought relief should be coming along the way and not just at the front end because it costs more to raise older kids than it does younger ones:' Freedman said. "That intrigued me:' Freedman assembled a group of Hillel teachers, professionals, board members and volunteers to brainstorm ways to act on this suggestion. They came up with a tuition grant pro- gram for grades 1-8 that will begin for the 2014-2015 school year. If a child begins the program in first grade, the family will receive a $1,000 reduction that year, followed by an additional $1,000 each year the child remains in the school, with potential to reach up to $36,000 in eighth grade, if all the yearly savings are totaled. "For the student who goes through grades 1-8, the total annual tuition the family will pay through graduation will actually decrease over eight years as a result of this grant:' Freedman said. "This program effectively lowers the real tuition dollars parents will need to pay:' he said. "The program brings predictability to the tuition process, along with stability While tuition will increase modestly each year, the value of the grant will outpace the increase, effectively lowering the real dollars families will have to pay the longer they stay at Hillel." The program is open to any currently enrolled student or students making lateral moves from another school. The $1,000 reduction starts in whatever grade the student may be in when the family enters the program. There is no income test to participate, but families do have to opt in each year. Tuition for the 2014-2015 academic year at Hillel will range from $11,280 for kindergarten to $17,975 for grades 1-8. More than half (54 percent) of the school's 564 students receive financial aid. Families earning up to $160,000 (one child) or up to $200,000 (two children) are eligible to apply for assistance. This leaves 46 percent of families pay- ing full tuition. Many are middle-income families used to being on the giving end rather than the receiving end. Some are reluctant to provide the financial informa- tion required when applying for assistance. "It's a really creative way to provide middle-income families with an incentive to start early and continue with Hiller said Jared Berman of Novi. He and his wife, Amy, have two of their three young children at Hillel. "We would not have qualified for financial aid, but the tuition still is not insignificant to our lives. "We are thinking of this proposition for all three kids because we fell in love with Hillel and love the core values and Jewish identity they are getting. This grant pro- gram could save us more than $100,000 by the time we're done — if the grant contin- ues and if we stay. That's significant. "We are very excited about this. For some, it could be the extra thing they need to commit to Hillel if they are on the fence:' What makes Hillel's tuition grant so unusual is the donor's full coverage of the program for all who want to partici- pate. The Davidson Foundation granted $7.5 million to launch the program, with additional matching funds up to another $7.5 million contingent on funds raised by Hillel for its tuition assistance program through 2018. "Our annual campaign needs to stay strong; this only works if we can do finan- cial assistance Freedman said. "This Jewish community and Federation is how we are able to thrive in a tough recession:' The school's annual budget is $8.6 mil- lion. Its Federation allocation is $609,129, with an additional $491,457 coming from the Shiffman Tuition Assistance Fund and the Jewish Education Trust. "Hillel Day School's tuition grant program is designed to help more Jewish students attend and stay in Jewish school by making it more affordable said Jonathon Aaron, president, William Davidson Foundation. "By promoting Jewish education, we hope to foster a strong, vibrant Jewish community in Southeast Michigan for future generations, as Mr. Davidson wanted." Charles Cohen, an affordability special- ist for PEJE (Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education) in Boston, said, "Hillel is definitely lucky to find a funder like this. The goal is retention — the more time students spend in a day school, the more effective it is at creating a lasting Jewish identity" Cohen says other day schools are try- ing various approaches, including capping tuition at a percentage of adjusted gross income or targeting new students or cer- tain grades for discounts. "Hillel is the only one doing something this comprehensive for both retention and recruitment:' he said. "We will be watch- ing Hillel; it can be a model for other schools:' Freedman looks at the two transfor- mational gifts through the lens of Hillel's overarching mission. "We need kids in Jewish days schools for our future; we need knowledgeable, educated and committed Jews — to the community, Israel and God:' he said. "Our mission is crucial to the future of the Jewish community, and the community is working together to make it as easy as possible for these families:' ❑