Sun-Splashed from page 30 said Stacey Deweese, who makes visits along with colleague Dan Greenberg. "It's about making people feel appreciated. It's about not just what more can you do, but also about Dan Greenberg what you've done. We're very grateful for their support" Last year, snowbird Florine Mark, presi- dent and CEO of the Farmington Hills-based WW Group, hosted the event at her Boca Raton Florine Mark home with Bank of America as lead sponsor. During non-event years, like 2014, the Federation development team flies down to conduct individual meetings, much as it does in Colorado and California. Federation's 2010 population survey showed a Jewish Detroit of 65,000 people, down from a 1990s high of 96,000. In the wake of some longtime mega-givers dying and the younger generations of givers and leaders still settling in, it's natural for Federation, the community's major plan- ning and philanthropic agency, to gravitate to long-term and prospective givers in south Florida. Federation isn't concerned about Detroit losing out to Florida-based federations. "Even if our givers support Florida federa- tions to a nominal degree, they very much consider Detroit home Greenberg said. "It's where they built their resources:' Added Deweese, "We don't take them for granted, which is why we stay in touch. Fortunately, Detroit is one of those stellar communities where everyone stays tight" "There might be some money going to Florida causes" said Mark, the JCC president and a Federation governor, "but I think most of us will continue sending most of our support to Michigan. That is where our collective heart is. We Jewish people from Michigan stick together" In 2011, the Southfield-based Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation and the entire Fisher family were among donors that gave toward the opening of the Marjorie S. Fisher Boys & Girls Club in West Palm Beach. The Max M. Fisher Boys & Girls Club opened in Riviera Beach in 2010. The two clubs reach thou- sands of needy kids with a safe haven after school and during breaks. But make no mistake about it: The Fisher family remains one of Jewish Detroit's largest and longest-serving givers. Legacy giving is high on the Federation agenda — at whatever level and in what- ever area that givers elect. Typical ques- tions posed include: "How would you like to be remembered?" "What difference do you want to make?" "What would you like to do with permanence?" "And that message Deweese said, "is really resonating. People want to give thought and effort to do what they can to make Detroit better than they left it:' ollowinq The Lead Jewish Senior Life headed South for the first time last winter, inspired by the suc- cess of the JCC there. JSL hosted a Sunday afternoon spotlighting wellness and car- ing support for 80 Detroit snowbirds at Florine Mark's home. "I remember when I was one of those people who couldn't help others" Mark said. "I went to Fresh Air camp on a schol- arship. Now, it's so great to be able to give back:' Federation survey findings revealed that Metro Detroit has the largest concentra- tion of older Jewish adults outside of south Florida. Keeping them comfortable in their homes as long as possible is central to JSL. Honorary chairs Susan and Bart Lewis of Bloomfield Hills and Delray Beach will welcome guests to the 2014 JSL Florida event Monday, Feb. 24, at Delaire Country Club, Delray Beach. The "It's A Great Day in the Neighborhood" program will fea- ture journalist Lila Lazarus, a Detroit TV personality, talking about healthy living. Guests will be asked to share their bucket lists. JSL CEO Rochelle Upfal, JSL Foundation director Carol Rosenberg and JSL associ- ate director Barbara Giles will highlight JSL services and opportunities. The Fleischman Memorial Lecture Fund will sponsor the guest speaker. Call JSL for more information: (248) 661-1836. "People are living longer and, of course, wellness is important to them" Rosenberg said. Carol "What they need are the Rosenberg ingredients of a healthy life. We want to offer snowbirds a vision of self so when they return to Michigan, they know what JSL offers:' JSL thrives in part because of the good will of supporters with a full-time or part- time Florida address. Temple Israel of West Bloomfield held its sixth Shabbat in the Sun for current and past congregants and their friends on Feb. 7 in Boca Raton. Rabbis Harold Loss and Marla Hornsten and Cantor Michael Smolash led the Kabbalat Shabbat service. Detroiter Rob Bloom, now a Floridian, catered the Oneg. My cousins Ann and Michael Small of Palm Beach were among the 700 worship- pers. The former Detroiters have been Floridians for 43 years. Observed Michael: "I felt a little bit of home here tonight:' Temple Israel execu- tive director David Tisdale said, "Some of our Shabbat in the Sun regulars have moved to Florida permanently and joined synagogues, but there's still no place David Tisdale like Temple, they've told us" On Jan. 14, Congregation Shaarey Zedek of Southfield drew 325 people to its fifth snowbird event. This year's free concert in Boca Raton featured Cantor David Propis and congregant Olivia Brodsky. Rabbi Joseph Krakoff offered an interactive dvar Torah. Ann Arbor Outreach T he University of Michigan doesn't do Jewish-specific outreach in Florida, but rest assured: U-M targets the state through connectivity with alumni and donors. The ties sometimes are organized around a school or college affiliation, for example, the College of Engineering or the Stephen M. Ross School of Business. Says Regent Mark Bernstein of the Farmington Hills-based Sam Bernstein Law Firm: "The University of Michigan is fortunate to have supporters around the country, and we work hard to stay in touch with them year- round. Of course, Florida is home to many supporters - including alumni, parents and future students." Bestselling author Brad Meltzer, a Brooklyn native who lives in Florida, has Mark done donor-related Bernstein outreach on behalf of U-M, his alma mater. "In the money-raising business," he said, "there's no business like home- town business. That personal connec- tion means the most. So if you want to raise money from Detroit Jews, you're going to be spending time in Florida." ❑ - Robert Sklar Karen and Cantor David Propis, Olivia Brodsky of West Bloomfield, Dina Brodsky of Franklin, and Susan and Rabbi Joseph Krakoff "It's a priority of CSZ to reach out to all our members, especially those we wouldn't normally see again until Pesach time" Krakoff said. "Over and over again, we're thanked for remembering our members who winter in Florida and for taking the time to visit with them" A Way Of Life It's natural to want to link back to Jewish Detroit given how tight-knit it has been for 150 years. Only in recent years has there been a disturbing out-migration, prompted primarily by Michigan's eco- nomic downturn and Detroit's central city decay. Those twin factors have forced some young adults to seek careers and urban nightlife elsewhere. Not surprisingly, Detroit's rebound from tough times will be driven in part by returning Jewish young adults and the continuing generosity of their parents and grandparents, wherever they now live. JSUs Rochelle Upfal is right: Detroiters want to stay connected. Whatever the lure — sharing memories, rekindling friendships, imagining a new Detroit — a coming together of Detroiters is a labor Rochelle Upfal of love, not an act of coercion. Retirement doesn't change the dynamic of how Detroiters view giving. Mort Plotnick, a former JCC executive director and now a JCC development consultant, confided: "Those people who have been donors for years continue to be. Those that never were, do not become donors and will not be supportive of anything more or less than they were up North" With all its troubles, Detroit as a region remains dear to Detroiters. It's as if Detroit, from the French word for "straits" is magnetic. 1-75 serves as a sort of North- to-South straits. Upfal put it well: "Detroiters, probably unlike any other Jewish community, are so loyal to their roots, to where they grew up, to where their families grew up, to where family is still living, to which they invested so much in. Once a Detroiter, always a Detroiter" ❑ February 13 • 2014 31