Commentary Peace Requires More Than a Piece of Paper W e all want peace in the Middle East, specifically for the State of Israel and the Palestinians. Some suggest that it could consist of a few land swaps and security guarantees. That sounds pretty simple. However, if it were that simple, we would have had a peace agreement long ago. We have heard that this is the last chance for peace in a democratic Israel. Also, the solution to the existential threat from Iran is dependent on a peace deal with the Palestinians. Iran and its proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, present a problem for Israel regard- less of its nuclear weapons. There are 40,000 rockets in the hands of Hezbollah; and Hamas has thousands, also. The Arab countries are scared to death of a nuclear Iran and would love to see Israel destroy Iran's nuclear capability. At the same time, the Arabs are making it known that if Iran produces nuclear weap- ons, they will get them, too. The Saudis have purportedly signed a deal to purchase nuclear weapons from Pakistan; and Egypt is considering expanding its decades-old nuclear research program. Interestingly, most people believe that Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons. However, none of Israel's neighbors, including Saudi Arabia, are concerned about Israel's nuclear capability. What the Arab states are concerned about is an apparent lack of resolve by the United States to eliminate Iran's nuclear program one way or another. Their attitude dem- onstrates that there is no linkage between solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and eliminating Iran's nuclear capability. Prior to 1948, it had been the goal of Israel's neighbors, and the people now known as Palestinians, to drive the Jews into the sea. Let's not forget that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was an ally of Hitler who planned to bring cremato- ria to the Middle East to elimi- nate the Jews living there. The destruction of Israel was the goal of wars in '56, '67 and '73, and remains the goal among many of its neighbors today, except Egypt and Jordan where fragile peace agreements still exist. The charters of Hamas and PLO still call for the destruc- tion of Israel. The Fatah Constitution, drafted in 1964 (not to be confused with the PLO Charter), calls for the "complete liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military and cultural existence" (Article 12) and for terrorism as "a strategy and not a tactic ... This struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished" (Article 19). Hamas rockets continue to be fired into Israel despite the truce; and Hamas tries to kidnap Israeli soldiers as terrorism increas- es in the West Bank. Hamas and the Al Qaeda-inspired Salafi-jihadi terror cells are growing in the West Bank. Terrorists who have murdered innocent women and chil- dren are honored with public streets and squares named after them. In schools and summer camps, Palestinian children con- tinue to be taught to hate and to kill Jews. After Israel's pullout of what is now "Jew-free" Gaza in 2005, the Palestinians had the opportunity to demonstrate that they wanted to live in peace. Instead, Gaza became an armed camp with missile-launching platforms. Israel abandoned control of the border between Gaza and Egypt (the Philadelphi Route) and it became an arms- smuggling route even after Operation Cast Lead, contrary to American guarantees. None of these examples sends a signal that Palestinians are interested in peace. President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah Party are shown little respect in the West Bank. He has not held elections since he became president, and his health is failing. One has to ask: Would his signature on a peace agreement even mean anything? The Israelis are being asked to go back to 1967 borders, where their major cities and Ben-Gurion International Airport would be within terrorists' rocket range. Based on trust alone, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry wants Israel to agree to unsecured borders, including eventually abandoning the border in the Jordan River Valley. It was revealed recently that even the Palestinians and the Arab League do not support Kerry's plan. Their position was summarized in a recent article by journalist Khaled abu Toameh as follows: • No to a demilitarized Palestinian state; • No to recognizing Israel as a Jewish state; • No to a solution that does not include all of east Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state; • No to another interim agreement with Israel; • No to the presence of any Israeli sol- diers in the Jordan Valley. Secretary Kerry should be pressuring the Palestinians to create genuine trust. It could begin with rewriting the Fatah, Hamas and PLO charters, and with elimi- nating the incitement to hate Jews that is seen on Arabic TV and in Palestinian schools. Yasser Arafat, the then-Palestinian leader, promised incitement would end with the Oslo Accords in 1992. Promises have meant little and intent has to be demonstrated. Israel can only afford a last- ing secured peace arrangement, not just another temporary hudna (Arab truce) based on paper promises. ❑ Eugene Greenstein is president of the Zionist Organization of America-Michigan Region. Commentary Nazi-Like Salute Foretells Anti-Semitism In Europe T he quenelle, a gesture in the form of an inverted Nazi salute, with right or left hand down and left or right hand to the opposite shoulder, is the rage in Europe, notably in France where it began and is spreading, but also in England, where it has been taken recently by wayward footballers. In one sense, the gesture is a flipped finger toward authority, a protest against "the system:' In another, it is a worrying sign of the broad-scale resurgence of anti- Semitism in parts of Europe. The quenelle is a sign of the rising again from the muck of the longest hatred. Given how people photograph themselves doing the quenelle — near a sign for Anne Frank House, near where Jewish children were killed in Toulouse in 2012, on the railway tracks into Auschwitz-Birkenau — it is also a shocking image museum of high points in the recent history of anti- Semitism. In England, novelist Howard Jacobson writes: "If the quenelle isn't Jew- hating, why is it performed on the railway track to Auschwitz?" Why, indeed. The source of this new performance art is the French comedian, Dieudonne M'Bala M'Bala, a man fined often for hate speech in France and now banned from public performances in several cities. Dieudonne employed the quenelle in a failed politi- cal effort five years ago for the European parliament on an anti-Zionist platform. Dieudonne describes the gesture as an "up yours" move against the establish- ment. But his idea of the estab- lishment is suffused with fantasies of Jewish dominance and power. Jews represent capital. Jews are colonizers. Jews are Zionists. Jews set the limits on public expression. Dieudonne rails against Holocaust memorial cul- ture, calling Jews who embrace memory of the Shoah "Shoananas," a play on the word Shoah and the French word for pineapple. If Holocaust memory is a sacred cow in post-Holocaust Europe, and Holocaust denial a crime, Dieudonne flips it all a rejectionist finger. Behind everything he sees Jews calling attention to their suffer- ing — Jews who control the world. Dieudonne's urban performances pack in large crowds and are a primary means by which the gesture has spread to become a badge of identity among disaffected youths. So, too, are Dieudonne's videos, which go viral on YouTube; even the French government bans on his performances serve to stoke the fire. Rising unemployment, insufficient job opportunities, failing schools, cracks in the wel- fare state — all set the context here. Cultural alienation among immigrant youths also plays in. A certain anarchistic spirit is at work as well, the desire to be free from restraints of all kinds. But there are also more well-defined political currents that figure in, too. Dieudonne has attracted to his banner people who are outright neo-Nazis. Once on the far left, today he consorts with the National Front. Bernard-Henri Levy, the French Jewish intellectual, calls Dieudonne a prime example of the red-brown phe- nomenon [where the hard left (red) and the far right (Nazi brownshirts) join together] and likens his shows to neo-Nazi meetings preaching denial, hatred of Jews and crimes against humanity. Dieudonne once worked with Eli Semoun, a Jewish comic and friend, and spoke out against racism. But the comedian changed after 2002, sensing something new in the air. Pierre-Andre Taguieff, author of Rising from the Muck, says Dieudonne reminds him of the French novelist Celine, who sensed something in 1937, "a feeling that anti-Semitism was becoming a strong cause, with a broad resonance:' Sure enough, the new Dieudonne has, since his own turn, expressed support for the 9-11 attack, praised the Iranian regime, and prat- ed on and on about the decline of the West. "2014 will be the year of the quenelle he declares in a recent video. All this bears watching. It is the tip of an iceberg. ❑ Kenneth Waltzer is the director of the Jewish Studies Program at Michigan State University. JN January 23 • 2014 31