arts & entertainment Studying 'Orthodox Jewish English' Professor documents the role of language in taking on new, observant lifestyle. Steve Lipman New York Jewish Week Princeton, N.J. 0 ver a kosher Chinese meal at a Lunch & Learn program in Princeton University's Center for Jewish Life, a visiting academic offered some chosen words about language — "Jewish lan- guage," that is — one recent afternoon. Sarah Benor, associate professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies at the Los Angeles campus of Hebrew Union College, related a conversation she had taped as part of the research for her new book, Becoming Frum: How Newcomers Learn the Language and Culture of Orthodox Judaism (Rutgers University Press; paperback; $27.95). Benor, quoting from her book, offered a snippet of conversation with a baal teshuvah (BT), a member of Orthodox Judaism's grow- ing ranks of men and women who become religiously observant as adults. Said the baal teshuvah, in a discussion about Passover: "The mitzvah of the matzah by the seder should be — we're machmir. It's a chumra to have shmura mishas haktsira." Benor asked for comments. "A lot of the words are not English:' one Princeton student observed. Exactly, Benor said. "Their English is dis- tinct in many ways': That's what her excerpt of BT speech was meant to show. And that, in essence, is what her book documents. (Translation, for those not familiar with what Benor calls "Orthodox Jewish English": mitzvah means commandment; matzah, of course, is the unleavened bread eaten during Passover; "by" is the Orthodox way of saying "at"; machmir means strict; a chumra is a stringency; shmura mishas haktsira is matzah watched from the time of harvest.) The non-English parts of the speaker's ostensibly English sentence, with roots in Jews 4I Hebrew and Yiddish, are perfectly under- Conservative synagogue Benor spent a year standable to anyone who grew up in yeshi- nearly a decade ago amidst the Orthodox, vah — and Talmud-based Orthodox society. particularly the newly Orthodox — her field- But many are foreign to many outsiders, in work took place in an unnamed community whose ranks baalei teshuvah were in their in the Northeast — learning how the latter pre-Orthodox largely secular upbringings. became the former. As they acculturate, Benor shows, the In one-on-one meetings and commu- newly Orthodox frequent- nal classes she taped, at ly take on the linguistic Shabbat meals whose trappings of the lifelong details she committed to Orthodox, the Yiddish and memory — out of respect Hebrew expressions, the for Orthodox practice, she How Newcomers Learn the Language and Culture of Orthodox Judaism ubiquitous use of Baruch did no writing on Shabbat, HaShem (thank God), the even out-of-sight of her verbal "clicks" that indi- hosts — she noted how cate hesitation, the "sing- BTs embark on a conscious song intonation." self-socialization campaign Her book shows how to become full-fledged BTs use — and misuse — Orthodox Jews, to be able this acquired language. to present themselves Benor, 37, used so- as FFBs, to become "the called Frumspeak as a FFBs they can never be:' SARAH BIJNIN BENOR tool, one way of looking That is Frum-From-Birth at and understanding Orthodox Jews, as many the larger world of Jewish religious culture. to-the-manner-born Orthodox Jews describe Becoming Frum grew out of her more aca- themselves. demic Ph.D. thesis, Second Style Acquisition: As an outsider, she received a surprising The Linguistic Socialization of Newly amount of access to Orthodox homes and Orthodox Jews. institutions, she says. "I see [language] as a very important part Many, she says, were as interested in her of the teshuvah process" — that's a chiddush topic as she was. Others hoped their associa- (new finding) of her book, which other stud- tion with her would influence her to take on ies of baalei teshuvah mention only in pass- an Orthodox lifestyle. ing, she says. "Some people assumed I would become "Language use is an 'act of identity' Orthodox" — frum, the community's term of through which we align ourselves with choice for Orthodox behavior — "myself' some people and distinguish ourselves from Not likely, says Benor, secure in her own others:' Benor writes in the book's introduc- Jewish identity and level of observance. tion. "In other words, language use not only "About halfway through my fieldwork:' she reflects social categories; it also helps to con- writes, "a community member embarrassed stitute them:' me publicly because I was not becoming Benor approached her research as "both observant. insider and outsider:' "This shaming may not have been inten- "Non-Orthodox but religiously engaged:' tional because it happened on Purim, the an "active member of a minyan ... part of a festive holiday when there is a tradition for >1111 Nate Bloom :1 Special to the Jewish News Love Story Surprise ‘12 Most baby boomers will remember (1) Love Story, the mega-hit 1970 film that co-starred Ryan O'Neal as Oliver Barrett IV, a rich WASP Harvard College student, who weds Jenny (0) Cavalerri, a working-class Italian- American Radcliffe College student, played by Ali MacGraw, over the objections of his snob father. The late Erich Segal, who wrote the story, was a practicing Jew. Also Jewish was the late John Marley, who portrayed MacGraw's father (he was W 30 January 2 • 2014 JN BECO MING FRUM the film producer with a horse's head in his bed in The Godfather). But here's the surprise: A friend who is a family history expert has confirmed that MacGraw's mother's parents were both Jewish. The actress has only admitted to "maybe" having a Jewish grandmother. He also tells me that Ryan O'Neal's maternal grandmother was the daughter of two Jewish parents (his other grands weren't Jewish). I'm not sure if O'Neal and/or MacGraw even know they are "hala- chic" Jews. Still, I don't think I can watch the movie again without think- ing that its famous tag line should be changed to: "Oy, Papa, love means never having to say you're sorry. Nu?" Ephraim Extra! At the time the ABC series Last Man Standing, with former Michigander Tim Allen and Nancy Travis, debuted in 2011, I thought that Molly Ephraim, now 27, who plays the couple's daughter Amanda, might be Jewish. Her participa- tion in a fun 2013 Passover seder video confirmed it. Ephraim Ephraim has made Jewish men to get drunk." Which that man probably was, she says. Her most vivid memory: the 5-year-old girl in an Orthodox home where Benor was spending one Shabbat who put a hat on the visitor's head, tucked Benor's hair behind her ears and declared, "Now you look like a lady' Coming from a kid, it wasn't patronizing, Benor says. Sometimes, the men and women she met expressed surprise that she — not a member of the Orthodox community — was familiar with frum life and language. "I often tweaked my self-representation in an effort to navigate the boundary between access and honesty:' Benor writes. "Like some newly Orthodox Jews, I did not want people to think I was an impostor, pretend- ing to be a strictly Orthodox Jew. `Another area in which I maintained dis- tinctiveness was my language," she writes. "I did use many elements of Orthodox Jewish English, pronouncing most Hebrew words according to the Ashkenazi norms com- mon in the community. But when I used liturgical Hebrew aloud, I generally used the Americanized Modern Hebrew pronuncia- tion that I grew up with:' Her Princeton speech featured references to "flipping out" (usually young people from Modern Orthodox families who take on haredi beliefs and levels of observance after studying in Israeli yeshivot and seminaries) and the "bungee effect" (baalei teshuvah who go to halachic extremes before bouncing back to a more moderate levels of action). As an undergraduate at Columbia University, Benor read an article about the multiplicity of Jewish languages and dialects, and a career was born. Her Ph.D. in linguis- tics is from Stanford University Founding editor of the Jewish Language Research Website and moderator of the Jewish Languages Mailing List, she is editor of the Journal of Jewish Languages. ❑ three feature films: College Road Trip (2008), Paranormal Activity 2 (2010) and Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. The latter flick opens on Friday, Jan. 3. Ephraim reprises a character named Ali Rey, who once again jousts with demonic ghosts. Ephraim has a bachelor's degree in religion from the University of Pennsylvania. In 2010, she starred in an Off-Broadway production of The Diary of Anne Frank, which was praised by the New York Times. By the way, Nancy Travis isn't Jewish, but she and her Jewish hus- band are raising their kids in their father's Jewish faith. ❑