Take these to thy people. thing special planned to keep the menu interesting. "The creativity in our kitchen will be unprecedented:' he says. "Every Friday after closing, our kitchen crew will be able to submit their creations for consideration. Those that make the cut will find their way onto our menu." He got the idea from popular cooking shows. "Guests can always expect our classic offerings, and our creative cooks will also be able to provide that 'designer' experience he adds. Guests can find that experience on the menu with his signature dish, Faroe Island Salmon, made with a molasses glaze, exotic mush- rooms and served with fingerling potatoes and cherry tomatoes on a bed of arugula; or Seared Vernor's Chicken Breast, with a big house bourbon glaze and Michigan's own Vernor's and coriander jus lie. Salads include Michigan Shrimp Slaw, made with broccoli, Zingerman's Bridgewater cheese, avocado, bacon, red onion and toasted Michigan soybeans. "Troy has a remarkable shop- ping district, and I believe that LA Square will offer residents a place of retreat:' Djordjevic says. "The Epicurean Group will be there to host their food and beverage needs through multiple concepts that we are bringing to the complex" ❑ A Sampling of Classes Offered MONDAY THURSDAY Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah But Is It Kosher?! A Discussion of Kashrut in the 21st Century Instructor: Ruth Bergman Study central mystical texts that explain how Kabbalah uncovers deep and esoteric meanings of Judaism. The Book of Genesis: Reading it Again for the First Time Instructor: Rabbi Joseph Klein Analyze the complex system of Kashrut, its origin and modern implications. The Bible through Art Instructor: Rabbi Ariana Silverman A close reading and discussion of the sophisticated and carefully crafted text of the book of Genesis. A look at different Biblical stories through the lens of art to critically think about what we "see" when we read the Tanakh. TUESDAY The Many Faces of Elijah the Prophet FedEd Book Group Instructor: Rabbi liana Baden (Monthly) Read and discuss books from a variety of genres, fiction and non-fiction, American and Israeli authors. Jewish Musical Tradition in America Instructor: Professor Howard Lupovitch bubbles, which has the sweet flavor of freshly picked grapes balanced with the tartness of Meyer lemons. Bartenura's Prosecco ($16-$22) is a light, dry wine that has the flavors and aromas of apples, lemon, pine- apple and honey, with plenty of tiny bubbles. Sparkling wines are enjoyed best with friends and family. So as you get ready for you next social gather- ing, don't forget to bring along a bottle of sparkling wine—it's a little liquid magic. As always, be safe and drink in moderation. These sparkling wines are avail- able at Plum Market, Spitzer's Judaica and One Stop Kosher Supermarket. Instructors: Rabbi Joseph Krakoff and Rabbi Aaron Starr A nine-week look through Jewish musical history including Jewish immigrants and their Yiddish Roots; the jazz revolution; Jews on Broadway; Motown; and Jews and rock n' roll. WEDNESDAY Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) Instructor: Rabbi Michele Faudem A lively study/discussion on the some of the most profound quotes from Pirkei Avot, the "Bartlett's" of Judaism. The Teachings of the Talmud Instructor: Rabbi Rod Glogower Explore what the ancient to modern rabbinic sources have to say about a wide range of contemporary issues. Instructors: Rabbi Stephen Belsky Starting with the Passover encounter, through a trail of evidence over 2,500 years, we will track the ever-elusive and ever-changing prophet. FRIDAY Parsha Plus (Weekly Torah Portion Plus Haftorah) Each week a different rabbi or educator will present the weekly Torah portion from his or her own perspective. Ripped from the Headlines: What Would Hillel Do? Instructor: Rabbi Eliezer Finkelman Look at the top stories of the day, and using ancient wisdom, decide right, wrong, and all the gray areas in between. We Deliver Adult Jewish Education! NEW CLASSES START JANUARY 2014 ❑ For additional information about these wines, visit www.royalwines. corn. Jay Buchsbaum is an interna- tionally recognized expert on wines from around the world. For a complete brochure or information 248-205-2557 or jewishdetroit.org/feded Jewish Federation OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT Alliance for Jewish Education We Deliver Adult Jewish Education JN January 2 • 2014 21