"I've liked photography since I was a kid. After moving to Fox Run, I began taking pictures around campus, and now we've started a Fox Run photography club." Nina Greenstein of Southfield prepares for Rosh Hashanah with her apples and her "honey," 8-month-old Izzy. You Are What You Eat Holiday fare sparks word play that gives you food for thought. Roche! Burstyn Despite Jews having many tradi- tions based around eating and foods, I've noticed that none are centered oes any holiday bring on the around breakfast or dessert foods. droll food jokes more than Perhaps it's because breakfast foods Rosh Hashanah? It's tradi- have somewhat negative connota- tion to eat apple dipped in honey for tions: cereal goes so well with "killer;" a "sweet new year" and a fish head someone who's about to get into deep because "we want to be like the head trouble will say "I'm toast;" and the and not the tail." straggler at the table with egg on his Why stop there? It can't just be my face is hardly respected. "Flakes" are household that gets out unlikely food often considered dim ... although it is combinations like a fig, rice, lettuce a mitzvah to be "cheeri-o." head and olive to propose things like, As for dessert foods, no Jewish fam- "God, help us figure out how to rice to ily worth their salt skips that course all our challenges and let us all-live in often. Still, I understand the frustrated peace and harmony." parents who might try to avoid the And, of course, my husband's sitting blueberry crumble with a double there praying fervently over his raisin scoop of ice cream (imagine the sym- celery. That's also when a kid will say bolism in that!), but why not add extra that everyone is nuts and someone swirls of whipped cream to the dessert else will point out that we're on a roll. of the henpecked spouse? Better yet, Someone else will hold a can of peas perhaps we should be serving every- aloft and say, "Guess why I'm leaving one an entire mini cake in the hope the table!" It's all in good pun, er, I that this year we "can have our cake mean fun. and eat it, too:' We should probably Rosh Hashanah is a chance to reflect avoid Jell-o, though — it's weird and wobbly. on the saying "You are what you eat" — although if we keep up with this With all the added work the holi- mind frame during Yom Kippur as days bring, we should try to be cool as well it should keep us pretty humble! a cucumber. Don't bite off more than Celebrations for the Jewish New you can chew and things should stay Year also include a new fruit, often just peachy. Celebrating around the a pomegranate, which is symbolic holiday table with your loved ones is of plenty. Things can get interesting literally the best thing ever ... since when you think about symbolism. sliced bread ... challah anyhow. After all, we also eat tzimmes on the If being so corny isn't quite your holidays and what do carrots remind cup of tea, just know my heart's in you of? They remind me of snowmen. the right place (even if, after all these Jews are a nation of contradictions. holiday meals, my hips sure won't be.) We tell our kids not to complain and I invite you to fill your glass with spar- then start every Shabbat and holiday kling grape juice and raise it with me. meal with a little w(h)ine; we tell them ',Chaim to all "Juice" everywhere! May not to bear a grudge and then spend everyone have a delicious and sweet every Shabbat afternoon eating cholent New Year. ... aka stew. And are we trying to raise Roche) Burstyn lives in Southfield. a generation of wimpy kids? We sure feed them a lot of chicken. Special to the Jewish News —Fox Run resident Dr. Leonard Stein Living at Fox Run in Novi, Dr. Leonard Stein has time to work full-time as an optometrist and develop his eye for photography. Since dining, maintenance and 24-hour security are all handled by our expert full-time staff, Fox Run residents have more energy and opportunity to pursue their passions. Fox Run is a great place for seniors who enjoy an active lifestyle. Learn more about independent retirement living at Fox Run in Novi. Call 1-800-989-0293 today for your free brochure. Fox Run Add more Living to your Life® ❑ Novi EricksonLiving.com 8622639 1803160 46 September 5 • 2013