world Year In Review: By JTA Staff SEPTEMBER 2012 Islamists throw a homemade grenade into a Jewish supermarket near Paris, injuring one. The incident is part of a major increase in attacks on Jews in France in 2012. OCTOBER 2012 William Herskowitz, a member of an internship program in Israel for American Jews, shoots dead a hotel employee in the Israeli resort city of Eilat and then kills himself following a standoff with police. Arlen Specter, the longtime moder- ate Jewish Republican senator from Pennsylvania whose surprise late-life party switch back to the Democrats helped pass President Obama's health care reforms, dies at 82 following a long struggle with cancer. During his time in the Senate, Specter offered himself as a broker for SEPTEMBER Police investigate the bombing of the Naouri kosher market in Sarcelles, France. (Credit: Menahem Ladaev/Anachinfos) 92 August 29 • 2013 Syria-Israel peace talks and led efforts to condition aid to the Palestinian Authority on its peace process performance. Jewish groups pull out of a national interfaith meeting meant to bolster rela- tions between Jews and Christians fol- lowing a letter by Protestant leaders to Congress calling for an investigation into U.S. aid to Israel. Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley, American economists with ties to Israeli universities, win the Nobel Prize for economics. The Israeli Knesset votes to dissolve, sending Israel to new elections for the first time since 2009. Women of the Wall leader Anat Hoffman is arrested at the Western Wall and ordered to stay away from the site for 30 days after attempting to lead a women's prayer group at the holy site in violation