oints of view >> Send letters to: letters@thejewishnews.com Publisher's Notebook When Family And Community Intersect T he weeks leading up to Rosh Hashanah 5774, which begins Wednesday evening, provide the time-tested and well-traveled path of tran- sition, enabling us to reflect upon the past, refine our relationships with each other and God, and recommit to moral and meaningful lives. But this self-assessment and soul cleansing cannot be done in a vacuum. From chaos in the Middle East and political grid- lock in Washington, D.C., to the unimaginable slaughter of elementary school children in Newtown, Conn., and Detroit's ugly financial collapse, we are constantly reminded that our individual lives are framed by larger events. Even if we retreat into a secluded cave to clear our heads and escape these influences, odds are it has a WiFi connection. Perhaps the NSA is watching or listening, too. That's where family and community enter into the Rosh Hashanah equation. Collectively, they provide the history, con- text, continuity and support that enable us, as individuals, to navigate an increas- ingly complex world. In essence, family and community serve as compasses, point- ing us toward the future while retaining our bearings. Much has been said and written over the years about the uniqueness of our Detroit Jewish community. As its immigrant and first- generation families pursued "the American Dream; they also understood they had a responsibility to care for each other. An array of resources, including health clinics and health care for those lacking insurance, schools, recreation centers, campsites, facilities for the aged and those with devel- opmental disabilities, a kosher food pantry and interest-free loan funds were created to provide Jewish continuity and a communal "safety net" The establishment of Israel in 1948, and subsequent waves of immigration there from Yemen, the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia, energized Detroit Jewry as it dra- matically extended its global philanthropic leadership footprint. this November into the On a personal level, Israel Defense Forces. this intersection of fam- Family and Detroit ily and Detroit Jewish Jewish community community is particular- are intertwined for ly meaningful this New Stephanie. Year. Her grandmothers, As I write this, our 41 1 Sally Horwitz and Berta daughter, Stephanie, is Wesler, are Holocaust settling into her new life survivors. Sally as a citizen of the State of survived concentration Israel. She and 124 of her camps and slave labor fellow "Lone Soldiers" factories in Nazi were part of a 330-per- Germany-occupied son Nefesh b'Nefesh Poland before coming Stephanie Horwitz immigration flight to America. Her only earlier this month from surviving cousin New York to Tel Aviv. Through a live web- moved to pre-Israel Palestine and settled cam feed, my wife, Gina, and I witnessed on Moshav Amminadav, abutting the the festivities enveloping Stephanie and Kennedy Forest in Jerusalem. Berta the other ohm (new immigrants) at Ben- escaped Germany following Kristallnacht Gurion International Airport. Every image as part of the Kindertransport and lived of Stephanie from the webcam captured the war years in England. She spent time her joy and happiness at finally being in pre-Israel Palestine with the Haganah, there. She and 23 other "Lone Soldiers" the Zionist defense organization, before from throughout the Midwest are living returning to England and settling in on Kibbutz Ein Dor, being tended to by America. Her sister Klara escaped from their foster families before being drafted Germany to England several months Editorial Israel Must Resolve Its Religious Turmoil T he Days of Awe provide an intriguing backdrop for Israel to consider ways to solve the simmering battle for religious pluralism that haunts the Jewish state. Israel's newly elected chief rabbis can set the stage for a landmark solution by show- ing sensitivity toward the state's chang- ing spiritual landscape. In swearing in Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau and Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef to 10-year terms on Aug.14, Israeli President Shimon Peres declared: "The nation prays for a respected, esteemed Rabbinate that will bring back the spirit of greatness, and eternal values, to daily life." Peres imagined a Rabbinate that knows "how to bring people closer, how to respect differences and how to hold the Ten Commandments up high." Well put, Mr. President. Israel has suffered enough reli- gious unrest. The Orthodox-led Chief Rabbinate may have the government's blessing to oversee Israeli religious life, but that mandate shouldn't per- mit diminishing the state's growing Progressive (Reform) and Masorti (Conservative) religious streams, long 82 August 29 • 2013 considered second class by the Israeli government even as they have climbed in number and stature. It's hard to establish a number, but a recent sur- vey suggests more than 500,000 Israelis identify with one of those streams. The total represents 8 per- cent of Israeli Jews. More than 70 rab- bis are serving Israel's 100 Progressive and Masorti congregations. About 20 percent of Israelis are Orthodox; most Israelis are secular. Israel is the ancestral homeland for all Jews, whatever their religious observance. It should be a beacon of pluralism, not a cauldron of suspicion and division. Disenfranchising the non-Orthodox by rejecting their ability to marry, convert, pray or be buried outside the strictures of Orthodoxy is unjust. Rabbis Lau and Yosef would bolster their leadership standing by learning from much of the Jewish diaspora, including North America, and install- ing a texture of Jewish life that uplifts as opposed to deflates. Torah and its enlightenment are central to all three major streams; no one movement com- mands a monopoly on that Divine gift. There's even strife within Orthodoxy; a Shas rabbi is under fire for recently calling the Modern Orthodox com- munity or perhaps only its political leaders "Amalek," in reference to the archenemy of the Jewish people. It's unclear precisely who Rabbi Shalom Cohen was referring to in denigrating the "knit kippot" community, but it's a good bet he had in mind govern- ment minister Naftali Bennett, who is seeking legislation that would require haredi Orthodox men to serve in the Israeli military. In May, Israel took a significant stride when the Religious Services Ministry affirmed that non-Orthodox rabbis would be allowed to serve in communal positions with state-funded salaries once such a policy was in force. The ruling gives impetus to Progressive and Masorti Jews, who continue to make incremental progress toward level treatment with Orthodox Jews in the eyes of the government. Last year, Israel opted to fund cer- tain non-Orthodox rabbis in outlying areas through the Ministry of Culture and Sport, not through the Religious Services Ministry. The action didn't Rabbis Lau and Yosef grant the rabbis authority over Jewish law or ceremonies, but it did open the reform gates. The initial impact will be limited because most non-Orthodox Jews live in the larger metro areas, not within the regional councils and farming areas affected by the ruling. Israel's government-controlled reli- gious structure has never been whole, forcing the more liberal streams to rely on the American Jewish commu- nity for financial and spiritual support. Giving these streams a toehold in the rushing waters of Halachah (Jewish law) and politics wouldn't endanger Chief Rabbinate oversight. But it would underscore the inclusive nature of the only Jewish state. Pluralism in Israel will stay elusive until religious equality is, as Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, put it, "codified in Israeli law." ❑