The Cars Of Tomorrow Get ready for cars that drive themselves. Jackie Headapohl Managing Editor T he car in your garage right now works pretty much the same way as the first Ford Model T that rolled off the line in Detroit. You get in, turn the key to fire up the combustion engine, put your foot on the pedal and go. You're the captain and the naviga- tor, and the car does as you direct. Today's cars, however, are a whole lot smarter, and tomorrow's cars may even be able to think for themselves, meaning drivers of the future may be relegated to mere passengers while the vehicle captains itself. Already in Israel, a fleet of about 10 vehicles patrol the border without anyone in the driver's seat. Deployed in 2008, the vehicles take the place of 62 September 2013 I RD TIIRE11D some soldiers on the front lines and prevent them from coming face-to- face with potential gunfire or violence. The vehicles use several cameras to view surroundings as well as lasers and radar to avoid hitting obstacles, and are controlled by a computer program that controls the car, navi- gates the terrain via GPS and takes in data and "decides" what to do when a surprise arises. The vehicles patrol areas where there is very little traffic or people. "Sensors and cameras and comput- ers make intelligent decisions; they can tell what is normal or abnormal," said Hugo Guterman, a researcher at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, who helped to develop the computer systems that control the car. "The computer system to work with vehicles that Above left: A Terrafugia Transi- tion flying car prototype seen in is designed to act do jobs, snow removal an air show in March. like two people vehicles, for example, or — a driver and a search and rescue vehicles Top right: A Toyota Prius modified backseat driver to that can "talk to each to operate as a Google driverless look to see if you're car driving a test course. other" and work together, driving OK." all with minimal human Bottom right: An Audi A7 outfit- These autono- input. ted with a self-driving system mous vehicles are "In the future," Guter- that uses cameras to detect other manufactured by man predicted, "vehicles vehicles, pedestrians, traffic signs an Israeli company and a range of other roadway will be built for tasks, not information. called G-NIUS. for people. At a certain 'After being pro- point, actual driving will grammed to patrol certain areas, they be just for fun." run on their own," said Gabi David- The technology that will make this son, VP of marketing for the company. possible is probably already in the vehi- Guterman is currently working on cle you drive, albeit on a smaller scale. systems that can "think" and under- According to the National Highway stand different scenarios and process Safety Traffic Administration, there are information. The systems are designed four levels of vehicle autonomy.