oints of view Commentary Is Netanyahu Turning Left? W ith Syria and Egypt aflame, why is U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry return- ing to the Middle East for his sixth visit since February to focus on more Israeli-Palestinian shuttle diplomacy? In part, because he and other liber- als think that the Arab and Iranian (and now Turkish?) war on Israel boils down to an Israel-Palestinian conflict and, therefore, they over-emphasize this dimension; in part, too, because he subscribes to the liberal illusion that Israel-related issues constitute the "epicenter" of the region (as James L. Jones, then Obama's nation- al security adviser, once put it), so their resolution must precede dealing with other Middle Eastern problems. But there's another possible reason for Kerry's enthusiasm; he took the measure of Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and found him indeed serious about reaching an accord with the Palestinians, and not just pretending enthusiasm to please Washington. This, anyway, is the thesis of David M. Weinberg of Bar-Ilan University writing in Israel Hayom: "Netanyahu has been making uncharacteristi- cally passionate statements about the diplomatic process; statements that go beyond the expected chatter about Israel's desire to engage the Palestinians and negotiate a two- state solution." Weinberg finds Netanyahu "desper- up center- and left-electoral support, and presumably coast to another electoral victory. This explanation does not convince me. Iran poses a potentially existen- tial threat to Israel, and coping with it quite suffices to "sustain his prime ministership." The Israeli public is focused on Tehran, not Ramallah, and Netanyahu, who boasts that he spends 70 percent of his time on security issues, hardly needs diplomacy with Mahmoud Abbas to prove his leadership. Rather, his motives prob- ably lie elsewhere. Like other prime ministers of Israel, Netanyahu suffers from what I have dubbed the "Ben- Gurion complex," a desire to go down in Jewish history as a renowned leader. (David Ben-Gurion oversaw the founding of modern Israel). In his third term and (after Ben-Gurion himself) the country's second-longest serving prime minister, Netanyahu is all the more susceptible to this aspi- ration. Post-1948, the Ben-Gurion complex translates into ending the external threats to Israel. Unfortunately, this worthy ambition has inspired repeated duplicity and distortion. As I described the phenomenon in 2004, "First, every elected prime minister [since 1992, being Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, and Netanyahu] has broken his word on how he would deal with the Arabs. Second, each one of them has adopted an unexpectedly concessionary approach." Netanyahu made a campaign prom- ise in 1996 that, were he in charge, Israel "will never descend from the Golan"; but a mere two years later he tried to offer Damascus the entire Golan territory in return for a mere slip of paper. (Had Netanyahu suc- ceeded then, imagine the consequenc- es today, what with Syria aflame and Al-Qaeda units approaching Israel's borders.) Fortunately, his cabinet col- leagues obstructed him from imple- menting this folly. These days, a center-left consensus intones that eliminating the external threat to Israel requires a two-state deal with the Palestinians. (I dis- agree.) Will Netanyahu turn to the left, defy his constituency and sign such an accord to win re-election? The pattern of wayward prime min- isters plus Netanyahu's biography has caused me, since 2009, to worry about such a betrayal of his mandate. But perhaps we will be spared from learning an answer. Palestinian intran- sigence is annoying Kerry and might, yet again, take the diplomatic pres- sure off Israel. Those of us in the anti-hunger move- ment are very concerned about this major change. After all, families who are poor don't have a voice, money or the politi- cal clout to make their case by educating legislators. If the nutrition legislation is debated on its own, spending alloca- tions could be reduced dra- matically by legislators, which would endanger the welfare of the 40 million Americans who rely on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), formerly known as food stamps, the "cornerstone of our nation's food assistance safety net." Practically, splitting the bill into two creates a larger divide between the House and Senate, who ultimately have to ham- mer out a compromise. It doesn't seem that the Senate will agree to a Farm Bill that doesn't include the nutrition pro- gram. Likewise, the president has already stated that he will not sign a bill that doesn't include the nutrition component. When all is said and done, it seems that our legislators need to sit down together, do what they were elected to do and come up with a reasonable compro- mise. While cost cuts on all sides are predict- ed to rein in the deficit, the majority of the cuts should not be on those who are most vulnerable. One doesn't need to be a policy wonk to figure that out. Please contact Congress and tell them to work out an agreement that doesn't jeopardize the lives of vulnerable fami- lies. ate for diplomatic movement, [having] bought into the left-wing argument that the status quo is unsustainable." Weinberg perceives preparations now under way for "a unilateral Israeli initiative to concede significant parts of Judea and Samaria." Why should Netanyahu, who emphatically did not campaign on this plat- form, make such plans? Weinberg looks mainly to domestic politics: Netanyahu has no other national agenda item to sustain his prime minis- tership. He needs a new message that will reposi- tion him as a leader in the public mind, and the Palestinian issue is all he's got to work with. The lead on economic and social matters has been grabbed by [political competi- tors Yak] Lapid and [Naftali] Bennett. There's little Netanyahu can do about the hot situation in Syria or Iran. His job is to react wisely and cautiously to developments on these fronts, not lead Israel into confrontation. A unilateral Israeli withdrawal, Weinberg notes, "would blow the Lapid-Bennett alliance out of the water – something which is Netanyahu's highest political priority." The prime minister would then "bask in the glow of praise of Washington and Tel Aviv elites," pick ❑ Daniel Pipes is president of the the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum. Looking At The Farm Bill I am not a policy wonk. Put some legislation in front of me, my eyes glaze over and I start thinking about donuts. Unfortunately, the House of Representatives is forcing me to forgo donuts and read up on its proposal to split the Farm Bill into two separate pieces of legislation — one that addresses agricultural programs and one that addresses nutrition. The first Farm Bill was created in 1933 to establish crop prices and income sup- ports for farmers. In 1964, the Food Stamp Act was included in the Farm Bill to pro- vide food support for Americans. Since the connection between agriculture, food and nutrition is obvious, the Farm Bill has continued to include both farming and nutrition legislation. An added bonus was the idea of encouraging rural and urban cooperation, resulting in political expedi- ency among legislators. 44 July 25 • 2013 Congress reviews the Farm Bill every five years to negotiate funding for the programs within the legislation. Drafts of the bill are discussed and voted on in both Houses. Then a (revised) joint version of the bill is created, which then gets voted on by both Houses. The resulting ver- sion is then sent to the president to sign. Assuming presidential support, the bill becomes a law. This time around, the House and Senate continue to be very far apart in their recommen- dations, and even the Super Committee (a bipartisan group of legislators) can't reach an agreement. House members decided to split the Farm Bill into two separate bills by removing the nutrition legislation, which cuts out the food stamp program (SNAP) to get the bill advanced. ❑ Lea Luger is executive director of Berkley- based Yad Ezra.