oints of view >> Send letters to: letters@thejewishnews.com Guest Column Editorial Jewish Values Dictate Protecting Gay Marriage NEW YORK (JTA) I n the early 1970s, while I was CEO of the Seagram Company, public dialogue about gay rights was largely nonexistent in cor- porate America. Social discourse had not yet even evolved into the "don't ask, don't tell" ethos that dominated the following decades. Homosexuality was simply not dis- cussed and, therefore, by implication, was shameful. During that time, as the head of a company with thousands of employees, personnel issues often came across my desk. One day, the director of human resources came into my office with a recommenda- tion to terminate one of my brightest executives. I found myself puzzled that anyone would want to fire such a promis- ing young man until the director leaned in and confided in a hushed tone, "Well, you know, he's a homosexual." The declaration did persuade me — but not in the way he had hoped. The promising young executive continued on to a distinguished career at Seagram, and the HR director was soon let go. Although my choice was shocking to the director, the decision was obvious to me: to fire a person because of their sexual orientation was not only wrong, it was bad business. It was dis- crimination, plain and simple, and would not be tolerated in the company I ran. More than 40 years later, I still feel such discrimination to be unequivocally wrong, but my views on the subject of gay rights have evolved. Particularly now, as we celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to recognize the legality of gay marriage, I now see marriage equality as a moral imperative because of my Jewish roots. Just as the high court has shown moral bravery in its recognition of gay marriage, the Jewish community should follow its example in our myriad communities. As Jews, we should remember that our tradition upholds the bond between two loving people and the families they create as a source of strength and com- mitment to the betterment of the world. "Justice" is a word we are taught early in life, and we are reminded constantly that it is a principle we should uphold and promote. In Hebrew, the word tzedek is used to promote acts of lovingkindness and righteousness. Its diminutive, tzedakah, is translated as char- ity, but it is much more. We are taught in the Torah, in the book of Deuteronomy 16:20: "Justice, Justice shall you pursue:' In Hebrew, "Tzedek, tzedek tirdorf' It is a vital, active imperative for the Jewish people to be on the front lines of issues pro- tecting and promoting the rights of any group being treated unfairly. To take approximately 10 percent of the U.S. population and tell them they are second-class citizens is clearly unjust. As Jews we are instructed to seek justice for the stranger, the widow and the orphan because too often society discrimi- nates against and takes advantage of those without advocates. I have come to see the protection of gay marriage as a manifestation of the Jewish value of seeking justice for those who are enslaved. To those who cover their prejudice with refer- ence to biblical injunctions against homosexuality, I ask if they are will- ing to live by every other law listed in the Torah. For such literalists, I submit that the very Torah portion of Leviticus that they so often quote also enjoins us to harbor no hatred against our brother and our neighbor. To freeze Judaism in time because of ancient biblical edicts is to deny that Judaism is a mighty river that moves forward through time, a living entity that changes course and becomes renewed through what it meets on the banks. Like a river, it retains its essential character although it is constantly renewed and evolving. Today, the Jewish pursuit of justice must channel itself against the denial of marriage equality. For Jews, who have suffered so much throughout history at the hands of prejudice, to stand idly by while any group is treated so unfairly is unequivocally wrong. I have been inspired in my thinking on gay rights and marriage equality by a woman I have known since she was a teenager. She is now the leader of Keshet, a group that promotes equality for the LGBT community in the Jewish world. Idit Klein first came to my attention when she was in high school. She was a student on a program I founded called the Bronfman Youth Fellowship that targets Jewish teens of excep- tional promise from an array of backgrounds. In my conversations with her over the years, I have learned that the issues facing LGBT Jews are ones on which all Jews need to speak out. Within the Jewish community we must endeavor to include and celebrate the diversity of families and couples within all aspects of reli- gious, communal and institutional life. When our communities continue to open their tents, as our forefather Abraham did, to include all who wish to participate in Jewish life, our peo- ple's possibilities expand and gain strength. ❑ Edgar M. Bronfman, the former CEO of the Seagram Company Ltd., is president of the Samuel Bronfman Foundation, which seeks to inspire a renaissance of Jewish life. He is the author of The Bronfman Tisha B'Av Stirs Hope For Messianic Peace I t's a holiday that commemorates the worst of times throughout Jewish history, especially the destruction of the Jewish Temples in ancient Jerusalem. But it also underscores that as a people, we Jews have done much to make the world better – just not enough to earn the right to enter a peaceful, messianic era. Tisha b'Av is a day to mourn the toppling of the First Temple by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E. and the Second Temple by the INMa.dEMMMEIMM" Romans in 70 C.E. as well as the near-1,900-year disruption of the Jewish homeland. It has become a time to mourn Ilir other calamities in Jewish his- tory, including the Roman defeat of Jewish rebels led by Bar Kochba at Betar in 135 C.E. and the tragic expulsions of Jews by the English and Spanish during the Middle Ages. The dark days of World War I and the Holocaust also have ominous ties to the Ninth of Av. Today, Tisha b'Av has become a time to mourn the current barbarity toward Jews by anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist forces, notably in the Middle East and Europe. The full fast day of Tisha b'Av begins this year at sundown on July 15. The figurative time-out also gives Jews a chance to lament being in exile, scattered through the diaspora. No wonder it's the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. From a religious perspective, Tisha b'Av is a day for Jews to brood over not having the credentials to reach the messianic era, when we as a people will live in eternal peace and har- mony. As a people, we've repeatedly survived genocidal acts, but we've not realized our ultimate possibilities in dispensing mitzvot and chesed (deeds of lovingkindness) and in propelling fundamental, Torah-driven change. God would never honor com- placency over fulfillment. For some Jews, the rabbinic holiday may seem no longer rel- evant, the idea of another fast day unnecessary and the need for a messianic era a distant notion. But let there be no doubt: Messianic harmony and world peace have always been considered the remedy to prejudice, repression, expulsion and persecution. Jews certainly have achieved success and cachet in expanses of the West; yet the Jewish ancestral homeland is a pariah around much of the world. On Tisha b'Av, we must pray for a secure Israel and a peaceful world – both harbingers of the messianic era. To understand the significance of this day of mourning, each of us must grapple internally with our ages-old struggle as a people. We must try to imagine the pain of less-fortunate Jews and others, and harness our energies and conduct accordingly. Those who always put themselves first, at the expense of self- lessness, will find the search for redemption caught in an unfor- giving briar patch. The messianic era will remain a pipedream as long as the human condition aimlessly allows pain to linger, hate to metas- tasize and goodwill to be lacking. Tisha b'Av is not a day to welcome others; good cheer and joyful activities, including the study of Torah, are prohibited. Believing better times are ahead, however, is encouraged. It is a day to ponder, appraise and endeavor to bring about ethical living and the kind of world we are capable of achieving – and the kind of world we know God is expecting. Color it a day of hope. WEIN/ ❑ Haggadah (Rizzoli Press) created in conjunction with his wife, artist Jan Aronson. See page 40 for more on Tisha bAv. July 11 • 2013 35