Commentary Revealing The Truth In Vatican Stories Untold W hen the Rev. Martin Luther and Earth, with the prominent rabbi all Semites," he said famously in King Jr. envisioned a Abraham Skorka. Skorka, for his part, 1938, after Mussolini began parroting future in which "black men praises the new pope as an open per- Hitler's attacks on the Jews. and white men, Jews and Gentiles, son and a man of peace. Undoubtedly, He had engaged an American Jesuit Protestants and Catholics (would be) that is true. journalist, John LaFarge, to write able to join hands," he However, truth should not an encyclical in defense of the Jews also quoted the American stand on a scaffold of stories and attacking Hitler's mad campaign. poet James Russell Lowell: untold. Perhaps the greatest LaFarge — who by the way eventually "Truth forever on the scaf- issue outstanding between became a friend and ally of Martin fold, Wrong forever on the Jews and Catholics is the Luther King — worked in secret to throne, — Yet that scaf- question of the Vatican's role write that document that summer of fold sways the future, and, during World War II. To date, 1938. Once complete, he delivered the behind the dim unknown." the Vatican has not released condemnation of Hitler to the Vatican. My interpretation: A all of its files from that peri- Opponents within the Vatican — con- solid future must be built od. Will the new pope do so? servatives, pro-Germans and anti-Sem- on the reality of the past. I have been studying this ites among them — delayed delivery of This is where we stand issue for the last several LaFarge's declaration to the pope. Pius Peter Eisner with a new pope in Rome, years in the course of writing XI, however, was already known to the who has made extraor- The Pope's Last Crusade. The world for his outspoken stance. dinary moves in a short time to book is about a little-known pontiff, "If pessimism is the dominant mode join hands with Jews, Protestants, Pius XI, who served at the close of the year Orthodox Christians, Muslims and the between the wars, 1938," wrote Rabbi Israel leaders of other religions. He wrote to from 1922 to 1939 Goldstein, a founder Rome's chief rabbi, Riccardo di Segni, (not to be confused of Brandeis University saying that he "profoundly hopes with his controversial and later the head of The p 0 PE'S to be able to contribute to the pro- successor, Pius XII). the New York Board of LAST CR USADE gram that Jewish Catholic relations The ailing Pius XI was How on American Jesuit Helped Pope P ius Campaign to Stop Hitler Rabbis, Pius XI brought PETER E ISNER have seen starting from the Second desperately trying to hope and was a hero for sr of The Freedom Line • Read by Adamson Vatican Council." rally world leaders to his "valiant espousal of When he was archbishop of Buenos fight Hitler, Mussolini human rights." Aires, the pope, then Jose Mario and anti-Semitism. Hope died with this Bergoglio, penned a book, On Heaven "Spiritually, we are pope on Feb.10,1939. Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli became Pope Pius XII and buried his predecessor's planned declaration against Hitler in a mountain of files. Those files remain unopened to this moment at the As lawmakers in Washington D.C. work on immigration Vatican Secret Archives. reform, would you support a bill that includes a "path to Some people praise Pius XII, who citizenship" for people who are in the country illegally? undoubtedly protected thousands of • " • Jews in Italy and elsewhere during ❑ Yes. These people need a chance Scan the OR code to achieve their American dream. the war. Others say that the Vatican's with your smart silence when faced with death camps 1 phone to take our .■ is unconscionable. ❑ No. A path to citizenship y survey, or logon to rewards illegal behavior. Under Pope John Paul II, www.jewishnews. an International Catholic-Jewish ▪ com/survey. Historical Commission convened essm4;?..rr Rick JN Survey in 1999 to examine such questions. It disbanded a year later when members said they had been stonewalled by the Vatican in seeking the answer to at least 47 questions about the war period. Then in 2009, still with the files closed, the now pope emeritus, Benedict XVI, placed Pius XII on a fast-track toward becoming a saint. And that brings us back to the new pope, Francis I, who has spoken of the need for openness and compassion. Can he further friendship and speak openly to the world if he stands on a platform of truths untold? Pope Francis The Church faces other challenges as well, concerning, for example, its position on contraception and on the issue of celibacy for priests. No great- er issue will be the airing of the child abuse scandal that has challenged its right to stand as a moral beacon for Catholics and others. However, one issue of the more dis- tant past remains. Rabbi Skorka once raised the question of the Holocaust with his friend, then the archbishop, who replied: "Let us continue search- ing to reach the truth." Skorka takes that to mean that "yes, his attitude will be to search for all of the details and to open all the archives. He will use this opportunity to learn the truth." And the truth will set us free, as Martin Luther King said. "Free at last." ❑ Peter Eisner is an award-winning author and journalist, formerly with the Washington Post, Newsday and the Associated Press. Last Week's Results President Barack Obama is proposing a 2014 budget that includes reductions in the growth of Social Security and other benefit programs. The plan, if enacted, would mean a cut in Social Security benefits of $1,000 for the average 85-year-old and smaller cuts for younger retirees. What do you think? 17% 83% The government should keep its hands off Social Security. 17% Reductions in Social Security are needed to tackle the deficit. CALL THE JN'S SOAP BOX LINE Do you have something you'd like to say to Metro Detroit's Jewish community? Perhaps a comment on a current event or one of the stories in our paper, or maybe a shout-out to someone who deserves some kudos. Call (248) 351-5146. Just state the name of your city and start talking. The best comments will ppear in the paper. a JN April 18 • 2013 49