Nature's First Aid Kit Plants, herbs and spices can have medicinal benefits. 0 Playing It Safe Doctors offer advice on avoiding spring sports injuries. Shannon Mackie Special to the Jewish News S pring is here and residents across Metro Detroit will soon be outside enjoying warmer weather, as well as their favorite sports. Although spring is much anticipated after long Michigan winters, many people may not realize that spring sports offer an increased opportunity for injury. Some of the most common spring sports injuries occur in the hand and wrist. Often, these injuries happen because of falls or overuse after long periods of inactivity during winter. "Sports such as roller blading, biking, skate- boarding and running often result in falls:' says Dr. Larry Dell, who owns and runs Lakes Urgent Care in West Bloomfield. He also has a West Bloomfield-based Dr. Larry Dell practice called Internal Medicine and Primary Care Specialists. "The instinct is to put out your hand to brace your- self, but this can cause fractures:' According to Dell, a member of Congregation Dr. Sandy Shaarey Zedek in Vieder Southfield, the solution is to take protective measures such as wearing wrist guards and falling onto the back and shoulder, rather than the hands. "The wrists are made up of so many small bones, but they often take the brunt of our injury. We need to protect them because we use them in many everyday activities such as writing, typing and driv- ing; he says. For those concerned about an injury that's already occurred, Dell recommends immediately immobilizing and icing the injured area and then visiting an urgent care facility or emergency room. "It's important to take hand and wrist injuries 52 March 28 • 2013 seriously because delayed treatment can be linked to future mobility problems such as post-fracture arthritis:' Dr. Sandy Vieder, who practices in West Bloomfield and is medical director at Botsford Hospital in Farmington Hills, says that hand and wrist injuries from overuse can often be prevented by at least 15 minutes of stretching before exercise. "And, if you've been inactive all winter, it's important to slowly build up your activity; don't overdo it:' he says. When an injury does occur, Vieder, who attends Adat Shalom Synagogue in Farmington Hills, recommends what he calls RICE + AR; the letters stand for rest, ice, compression, elevation, anti-inflam- matory medicine and reconditioning. To ice an injury, he advises using either a bag of frozen peas or freezing water in a small paper cup and then slowly peeling back the paper as the ice melts. Compression can be effective when using an Ace bandage and wrapping the injured area snuggly, not tightly. Don't use compression when sleeping. During elevation, the injured area should be raised above the heart to reduce swelling. And, reconditioning refers to slowing restarting activity. If the pain hasn't lessened after taking these steps, Vieder advises a visit to a phy- sician. "There is such a thing as beneficial pain, but this is separate from the harmful kind:' he says. "I call this benevolent pain, and it happens when you're sore, but often the pain disappears the next day. But, if the pain doesn't go away, that's a sign of something more serious:' For Vieder, the key to gauging injuries is to simply be in tune with our bodies. "Our bodies do a good job of letting us know when we're in trouble; we just need to listen:' Despite the dangers, Dell advocates exer- cise regimens as long as they're undertaken wisely. "Exercise is still the best medicine I could prescribe. Don't fear exercising. Just do it safely, and, if possible, make sure you exercise with a partner who can help you if an injury does occur:' ❑ ur health food and grocery stores shelves are lined with many supplements and medi- cines — trying to determine what to take can be overwhelming. There are many choices that extend beyond the supplement aisle, and there is much to learn about the food universe — even plants, herbs and spices have medicinal benefits. Tea tree oil is an essential oil extracted from a plant that carries the specific scent or essence of the plant. When used topically, tea tree oil is thought to have antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflam- matory and antimicrobial benefits. To this end, tea tree oil can be very helpful in treating fungal infections (athlete's foot), acne, dandruff (when added to shampoo) and yeast infections. I experienced the benefits of tea tree oil personally during a recent beach trip. My legs were bitten more than 100 times by sand fleas, and I found the topical appli- cation of tea tree oil to be very effective in reducing itching and swelling. Tea tree oil is also good for inflammation and as an assist in recovering from injury. Turmeric, a spice often used in curry, has widespread use in preventative medicine. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), "some proponents believe turmeric may prevent and slow the growth of a number of types of can- cer, particularly tumors of the esopha- gus, mouth, intestines, stomach, breast and skin:' Turmeric's active ingredient is curcumin, and both are thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. According to the ACS's website, "Early research has suggested that curcumin may help lower 'bad' cholesterol, reduce inflammation, help ulcerative colitis and reduce arthritis symptoms, although more reliable human studies are still needed:' Turmeric can be used liberally in one's daily diet and can also be taken as a supplement at a dose of 500 mg 1-4 times a day. Holy basil is an herb that has its medicinal roots in Ayurvedic medicine (a traditional style of medicine native to India). There are several different types of basil plants. In India, the "Tulsi" or holy basil is the most famous and is best known for treating anxiety by lowering cortisol levels (stress hormones) and balancing stress and emotions. When sipped as a tea, holy basil is considered a COX-2 inhibitor (natural joint support) and is good for muscles and bones. It also has heart protective qualities and can help move cholesterol out of the body before it is absorbed. Holy basil can be consumed as a tea (ltsp. dried leaf 3-4 cups a day) or taken by capsule (300-1,800 grams a day). Green tea is widely known for its protection and preven- tion properties against a wide variety of cancers including melanoma, colon, breast and prostate. Green tea contains "catechins," a type of anti- oxidant that has been widely studied for its many health benefits. In addition to cancer prevention, green tea is known to be cardio protective and, when consumed daily, may lower the risk of heart disease. Most studies indicate that at least 4-5 cups of green tea a day are needed to have medicinal benefits. Green tea extract is also available in cap- sules and powder (dosage ranges from 250-350 mg 2-3 times a day). Probiotics are "good" bacteria that work, in part, by enhancing digestion and immune function. They have widespread use in many gastrointestinal disorders. A wide range of probiotic strains are avail- able. Yogurt contains probiotic organisms such as acidophilus. Probiotics help to balance the intestinal flora by increasing the existing intestinal microbial population in the digestive tract. When people take antibiotics, often the side effects include digestive disturbances. This is because antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria. Live probiotic strains are available in fermented foods, dairy products and probiotic-fortified foods. Because there are so many different strains of probiotics, there is no set dosage. Most probiotics are dosed by the number of live organisms they contain. Most fruits, vegetables, herbs and spic- es have some medicinal benefit. Garlic, tomatoes, kale and many more can be part of our daily diet. The next time you visit the grocery store, do so with a new way of seeing. ❑ Julie Silver, MSW, Diplomate of Acupuncture, Is founder/president of Michigan Associates of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine in West Bloomfield. Email her at Julie® .