points of view >> Send letters to: letters@thejewishnews.com Commentary Editorial Israelis Losing Faith 11 International Guarantees Washington, D.C. Though most still favor a two-state solution, most Israelis aren't going to sacrifice their security for the chimera of an international promise. A sked to comment on remarks by Israel's then-foreign minister, who compared European countries' proclaimed commitment to Israel's security to their commitments to Czechoslovakia in the 1930s, Czech Ambassador to Israel Tomas Pojar correctly told the Jerusalem Post that the parallel is inexact. Nevertheless, he warned, there's one impor- tant similarity: "There are parallels about how much guarantees you can get from outside and how much you should rely on them." Judging by a new poll conducted by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs in late Hezbollah from rearming. Instead, this force November, it seems Israelis have internal- proved so ineffective that two years later, ized this warning. Hezbollah possessed three times as many When asked how the country could best rockets as it did before the war. ensure its security, 61 percent of Similarly, after Israel quit Jewish Israelis (and 52 percent of Gaza in 2005, it was assured all Israelis) said defensible borders that should it henceforth be were preferable to a peace treaty attacked from there, the world — a document enshrining com- would support Israel's right mitments by another country or to defend itself. Over the next countries. Just 26 percent preferred three years, Palestinians fired a peace treaty. This constitutes a almost 6,000 rockets and mor- noticeable shift from 2005, when tars at Israel. only 49 percent preferred defensible Yet, when Israel finally borders. responded militarily in Moreover, Jewish Israelis don't December 2008, it suffered Evely n Gordon believe the world's preferred for- unprecedented worldwide mula for an Israeli-Palestinian condemnation, culminating in deal —the 1967 lines with "minor the Goldstone Report's slan- adjustments" — provides such borders: derous accusations of war crimes (which Fully 72 percent said Israel shouldn't agree even its author has since recanted). Only to that even if Palestinians declared an end eight European countries voted against that to the conflict in exchange; in particular, 73 report in the United Nations. percent opposed ceding the Jordan Valley. That follows logically from the fact that they Crowning Blow don't believe the risks of doing so could be Then, if Israelis still had any doubts, mitigated by stationing international forces came November's U.N. vote on recogniz- ing "Palestine" as a nonmember observer there as various peace plans have proposed. state. This violated the central commitment Only 16 percent said Israel could trust enshrined in all Israeli-Palestinian agree- international forces to ensure its security; ments: that the conflict would be resolved 78 percent said security had to remain in solely through negotiations. Israel's hands. As the 1995 Interim Agreement put it, Probing Deeper "Neither side shall initiate or take any step In part, this emphasis on self-reliance stems that will change the status of the West Bank from skepticism about Palestinian willing- and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the ness to make peace: Fully 83 percent of permanent status negotiations." Israeli Jewish respondents thought that even The United States, the European Union, withdrawing to the 1967 lines wouldn't end Russia, Norway, Jordan and Egypt all signed the conflict. But it also reflects the lessons this agreement as witnesses — 32 countries in all (since the E.U. comprises 27). Yet only Israelis have learned — or re-learned — about the value of international guarantees. two, America and the Czech Republic, voted After the Second Lebanon War in 2006, against a U.N. resolution that not only recog- for instance, Israel withdrew its forces from nized a Palestinian state, but also unilaterally Lebanon in exchange for a beefed-up inter- proclaimed its borders. The others refused to national force that was supposed to prevent Israelis on page 37 36 February 21 • 2013 JPI The Real Meaning Of The Term 'Islamist' T he AP Stylebook, the authority on usage style for most U.S. newspapers and TV networks, defines "Islamists," perhaps the most contentious word today, as Muslims who view the Koran as a "political model." These Muslims range from "mainstream politicians" to "militants known as jihadi." Islamist in this political context is thus distinctive from Muslim, a religious term referring to followers of Islam. In the very political world of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the term Islamist is considered the prov- ince of "Islam-bashers" who hate Islam, but don't want to be too blatant. Steve Emerson's respected Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) describes Washington-based CAIR as "the nation's most visible Islamist group." So it's obvious why CAIR is recoiling over its image and has gone so far as to try to insert "Islamophobia" in conversational English. IPT asserts that CAIR believes popular use of that term would provide an out for attacks on Muslims who have hijacked their religion for political or even terrorist gain. Clearly, the politics of Islamists have no --, \ s 4 place in the religious sphere of Muslims. Says Emerson in a January online post: "Plenty of practicing Muslims work bravely in opposition to Islamist ideology." He cites Great Britain's Quilliam Foundation – "start- ed by Muslims who walked away from radi- cal Islamist thought and now counter the arguments Islamists offer." The Foundation Investigator contends Muslims must embrace "a more Steve Emerson self-critical approach." Washington-based IPT strives to distinguish between the faith of Islam as practiced by individual Muslims and its application as the foundation for political action and law. Certainly, well- intentioned Muslims must stay vigilant against indoctrinating mosques. It's hard to fathom why CAIR has branded Muslims who separate church from state "a mere sock puppet for Islam haters and an enabler of Islamophobia" – other than CAIR believes such separation is a threat to its agenda. CAIR itself may not invoke "Islamist" openly. But as IPT reveals, its co-founders used the term to describe their orga- nization's "voice" as far back as 1993. That's when CAIR met with Hamas supporters in Philadelphia to discuss how to derail the U.S.-brokered Oslo Accords between the Israelis and Palestinians. Hamas isn't the only Palestinian terrorist organization to call itself "Islamist." So has Islamic Jihad. And according to IPT, "CAIR officials also have supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, even as it rammed through a constitution that epitomizes Islamist aspirations and makes religious law the law of the land. The Brotherhood has no prob- lem calling itself Islamist." In its twisted logic, CAIR argues it's OK for the Brotherhood or a Muslim group to call itself Islamist because they under- stand it to mean something positive and progressive, not some- thing "almost exclusively pejorative." In sharp contrast, the IPT take is astute: "CAIR's background – the FBI cut off contact with the group in 2008 over questions about 'whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and Hamas' – should be taken into con- sideration by anyone entertaining CAIR national spokesman Ibrahim Hooper's request to serve as language cop." ❑