"I HAD A 10% CHANCE OF SURVIVAL. I FOUND MY HEART ATTACK EXPERTS HERE." Geoffrey received the heart attack care that saved his life at the Henry Ford Heart & Vascular Institute. You could have said it to my face. "You're going to have a heart attack." Like most invincible men, I would have just smiled and shook my head. But, when it was me in the back of that ambulance, I'm glad it was racing toward Henry Ford. With their unrelenting drive to shorten treatment times, Henry Ford is among the nation's leaders in heart attack treatment. They gave me a life-saving angioplasty, just 17 minutes after arriving at the hospital. My chance of survival was only 10 percent - now that makes a great story to tell my buddies. Learn more about heart health, screening options and our experts at henryford.com/heart. HEALTH SYSTEM