N GUYS GALS Jerusalem. Without these missiles, Hamas is much less of a threat. "If we manage to stop the rearm- ing of Hamas, the cease-fire could last very long:' Gilad says. "We need the help of Egypt. If not, it will likely not last too long. Many Israelis feel frustrated. They feel the next violence is just around the corner." He says it was a good move not to send ground troops into Gaza. "The price would have been very high" Gilad maintains. "We could have done it from a military point of view, but it could have destroyed the peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan. It would have been very expensive in public opinion and from a diplomatic point of view. The room for military maneuvers has been narrowed." This narrowing is not just diplo- matic, but also due to the nature of Hamas. "Using human shields is the most immoral thing to do in war that I know or he said. While saying "Palestinian civilians are the vic- tims of Hamas' nonetheless it does have an effect on Israeli actions. "The IDF is a moral army and Israel is a moral state. If not, we would go inside and take those weapons out of Gaze he said, not- ing that Israeli troops did not enter Gaza City during the 2008 War for the same reasons. Gilad says that a Palestinian state is in Israel's interest, and that thorny issues like Jerusalem, ter- ritorial contiguity and refugees can be successfully negotiated if there is a will to do so, and mutual trust. In this light, he does not see Israel's recent declaration to dust off plans to build in the El area between Jerusalem and the 35,000 person settlement of Maale Adumim as a problem. "We consider the E-1 area to be a strategic asset for the State of Israel; he says, noting that Maale Adumim was started by the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, whose negotiations with the Palestinians pre-supposed that it would remain in Israeli hands. "If you do not agree to a swap of land, you do not support a two-state solution. This needs to be clear' Gilad emphasized. Gilad thanked the JCRC and the Detroit Jewish community for its support. "We are leaning on the Jewish community in America, and the Jewish community in America is leaning on Israel," he said. NOW DOING CUSTOM DRESSES!!! N GUYS GALS 248-851-1260 Store hours: m,t,w,f 10:00-6:00 Th 10:00-8:00, sat. 10:00-5:30, Sunday 12-4 CH MALL • E T B • OMFIELD, MI ORCHARD LAKE ROAD • NORTH OF MAPLE AUTHENTIC CHINESE. eleganza boutique www.shopeleganzaboutique.com __Ary-c ` '-411 ALL We're taken the work out of finding a fashionable holiday wardrobe and that petfect holiday gift. after all, its our job to think about these things. Ani l/ 4 1 r • UPTOWN *A4 SHANGRI-LA AUTHENTIC CHINESE CUISINE 6407 Orchard Lake Road (15 Mile & Orchard Lake) 248.626.8585 ❑ www.uptownshangrila.com Open December 23rd llam-4pm 248-737-2666 Mon.-Fri. 10-6, Saturday 9:30-5:30 www.shopeleganzaboutique.com December 13 • 2012 19