metro >> on the cover , A n Attit ude ofGratitude Students share what grateful for this Than Nancy Cohen's second-grade class at Hillel: First row: Ethan Grey, Maya Aisner, Mia Mechnikov, Jacob Mills, Sophia Tsentsiper, Mia Jacobson; Second row: Harlan Goldman, Merrick Michaelson, Luke Zeff, Dylan Israel, Jacob Goodman, Evan Weitzman, Catherine Bean; Standing: Nancy Cohen, Talya Berger, Alexa Hernandez, Alli Feldman and Harper Sollish. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "I'm thankful for my great-great-great- great-grandfathers because [without them] I wouldn't be alive ... I'm thank- ful that I have a nice house to live in. If I didn't, I would have to live on the street:' — Joey Winer, Akiva "I am thankful for many things in my life. I am thankful for water. I am thankful for food. I am thankful for life on Earth. I am thankful for friends. And last but not least, I am thankful for a loving family:' — Dylan Israel, Hillel "I am thankful that the New York hur- ricane did not go down my Aunt Sarah, Uncle Mike and cousin Cobi's street:' — Talya Berger, Hillel "I'm thankful for sports cars, for par- ents, for monster trucks, for boxing, for family, for freedom, for democracy:' — Josh Steinberg, Akiva "I am thankful for food because if we didn't have food, we would all be starv- ing. I am thankful for family because if you didn't have family, you wouldn't know anybody and you would be homeless. I am thankful for freedom because if we didn't have freedom we couldn't have the right 10 November 22 • 2012 to vote or decide anything:' — Ezra Grossman, Akiva "I am thankful for going on vacation. I am thankful for being a boy and for going to Hillel and being able to play sports. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for food and water and for my house:' — Merrick Michaelson, Hillel "I am thankful for my iPhone. It means a lot to me. I love my family, especially my parents. They get me everything. I am also thankful for having enough money for my gymnastics classes:' — Jordana Jacobs, Akiva "I am thankful for my family that I love so much, the food and water that I eat and drink, the health and happiness my fam- ily shares, my home and electricity that I use every day, my friends that I play with, to be able to go to school, all my toys that I love so much, my bed and room that I sleep in:' — Harper Sollish, Hillel "I am thankful for friends and family helping me with my troubles. They can be young and old, like my grandma. She is old (sorry, Bubbie) or my friend Zelda (we call her Zeldy). She is cute and little. And any time I make a mistake they forgive me Lynne Farber's third-grade class at Akiva: First row: Dalya Zwas, Kiki Hyman, Yaffa Klausner, Daniella Weil, Elana Stebbins, Caleb Kleinfeldt; Second row: Elisha Grand, Jordana Jacobs, Elana Hochbaum, Yona Kelman, Aron Adler, Joshua Steinberg, Dalya Apap, Leah Philips; Back row: Meira Goldman, Olivia Adelaide, Joey Winer, Joey Goldman and Johnny Kornblum. ... Friends can be young or old, but you love them anyway." — Elana Hochbaum, Akiva "I am thankful for ... being a boy, for liking sports, for Hillel, for a brother, for food, for my house, for my family, for myself:' — Luke Zeff, Hillel "I am thankful for my family because if I didn't have parents, I wouldn't exist. I am thankful for my friends so I have someone to play with:' — Yona Kelman, Akiva "I am thankful for my family and my house and my books. I am thankful for a backyard and a bat and ball and all of my toys and a bed and stuffed animals. I am thankful for clothes, too:' — Jacob Mills, Hillel "I am thankful for freedom because you can choose which religion you do. I am thankful for family because if I didn't have any family, I would be lonely. I am thank- ful for shelter because I would get cold in the winter." — Leah Phillips, Akiva I am thankful for my mommy and daddy. I am thankful for the food that I have. I am thankful for my school:' — Sophia, Hillel "I'm thankful for the teachers to teach me and thankful for money so I could buy everything I need:' — Yishai Hyman, Akiva "I am thankful for many things in my life like ... my Legos I play with every day, the food I eat, the TV I watch and so much more:' — Evan, Hillel "I'm thankful for my wonderful life. I'm also thankful for my family because with- out them I would be nothing:' — Dalya Apap, Akiva "I am thankful for winning my hockey game in Traverse City. I am thankful for my dog. I am thankful for my family:' — Catherine, Hillel "I am thankful for freedom. I like to be free so I am not in danger:' — Joey Goldman, Akiva "I am thankful for karate, for my pet toad and for my X-Box:' — Jacob G., Hillel "I am thankful for my sister surviving appendicitis. I am thankful for my par- ents, family and life:' — Olivia Adelson, Akiva ❑