points of view "I like to travel and I have an active social life. At Fox Run I just lock the door and go." -Fox Run resident Sam Ray Fox Run in Oakland County gives you something your Say What? from page 25 and Politics defines Star of David as "six-pointed star;' Temple Mount as "Noble Sanctuary of Jerusalem" and "Promised Land" as "Land of Palestine to use the Jews and enlist them to further the Western colonialist plans." Weigh that against Mahmoud Abbas' image as a peace seeker. No Endearment Other terms in the P.A. ministry's book chart: • The Palestinian term "Occupied Territory" replaces the Israeli term "Disputed Territory" • The Palestinian term "1967 bor- ders" replaces the Israeli term "The Green Line:' • The Palestinian term "Arab Jerusalem" replaces the Israeli term "east Jerusalem:' The book formalized much of what the Palestinian population already had integrated into their language: "colonies" for "settle- ments," "negotiations are one of the ways" for "negotiations are the only way" and "ethnic cleans- ing" for "Nakba" (Catastrophe, the Palestinian term for Israeli state- hood). In its June bulletin, PMW, quoting the July 27, 2010, issue of Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, a P.A. newspaper, relates how Professor Samih Hamouda of the political science depart- ment at Birzeit University near Ramallah presented an analysis of the research papers written by P.A. President Mahmoud Abbas on the subject of Zionist ideology. "In the president's research;' Hamouda wrote, "the Zionist move- ment is not Jewish nor does it flow from the desires of the Jews them- selves. Rather, it is an imperialist, colonialist movement, which sought Reality Check You'd think the Palestinians have enough to worry about and try to solve. For instance, a new World Bank study found the Palestinian economy is too reliant on foreign aid to support an independent state — meaning a critical need for stepped-up trade and private sector growth. Then there's the fundamen- tal issues left to negotiate: borders, settlements, water rights, and the status of not just Jerusalem, but also Palestinian refugees. Further, it seems to hardly matter to President Abbas and his cronies that the Palestinian Authority qui- etly looks to Israel when the need arises for exceptional emergency medical care. The P.A. encourages "martyrdom seeker" instead of "suicide bomber" and "martyrdom-seeking operation" in place of "suicide bombing" — two idioms favored in a 2011 P.A. TV interview with Ahlam Tamimi, who, in 2001, chose the target and led the suicide bomber to the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem. The murderous bombing left 15 people dead, including eight children. That's all you really need to know about the "intent" and the "ideals" behind Terminology in Media, Culture and Politics — the Palestinian Authority primer on engaging the world in conversation. house never could: a true sense of freedom. Maintenance, repairs and 24-hour security are all handled by our expert, Greenberg's View full-time staff. That leaves you more time, energy and opportunity to travel, volunteer and do the things you love to do. Violence a,c,sainst Israelis and Jews Learn more about independent retirement living at Fox Run in Novi. Call 1-800-604-7624 today for your free 25-page brochure. eridc$69t. LIVING Fox Run Add more Living to your Life Novi = 26 EricksonLiving.com 7361303 August 9 • 2012 iN THE ENDLESS RELAY RACE AXAliggerrr glevegDgromberg-aricom Sv