research, Ariely looks anew at ethical (and unethical) behavior, report- ing on dishonest companies, insider trading, cheating in matters large and small, infidelity and more. A professor at Duke University, he also addresses the question of whether religion improves the practice of honesty. Kick Back from page 37 his years as a journalist, the comforts of literature and the value of solitude, reminding us that grief is not apart from life but encompasses it. Third Base for Life: A Memoir of Fathers, Sons and Baseball (Vantage Point) by Joshua L. Berkowitz is the true story of how the first-time author, a physician, led his son and a team of "Jewish Bad News Bears" from a small Jewish day school in Newton, Mass., who band together to challenge the top 10-year-old talent in the country at Cooperstown Dream Park; as his play- ers learn to stand up to their fears, he learns about his own ability to take the hard road and face some of life's most crucial and difficult situations. Having achieved enlightenment in The Year of Living Biblically and sharpened his mind in The Know-It-All, author A.J. Jacobs tackles self-improvement in Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest for Bodily Perfection (Simon and Schuster) as he explores every aspect of the body — from biceps to the brain, from testosterone to toenails — to get into shape; over the course of two years, he subjects himself to a grueling but entertaining regimen of exercise, diets and experi- ments that yield surprising results. Harvey Pekar (American Splendor), one of America's best-known comic- book writers, died two years ago, just as he was completing Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me (Hill and Wang) with artist JT Waldman. The graphic memoir includes autobio- graphical anecdotes and follows Pekar and Waldman through Cleveland as they discuss Pekar's changing rela- tionship with Israel. His take on the history of the Jewish people and Israel is sure to be controversial. Waldman's art combines American Splendor- like illustrations and motifs inspired by everything from mythology and Islamic art to illuminated manuscripts and Chagall. 38 June 21 • 2012 Road to Valor: A True Story of World War II Italy, The Nazis, and the Cyclist Who Inspired a Nation (Crown) by Alli and Andres McConnon presents the untold story of Gino Bartali, an Italian sports leg- end and war hero. Known as the "Lion of Tuscany," Bartali won the Tour de France twice (1938 and 1948) and still holds the record for the longest time span between victories. Little has been written until now about his efforts to save more than 800 Jews during the Holocaust. The book is based on 10 years of research in France, Italy and Israel. Bartali was born in a poor town in Tuscany and worked and saved to buy his own first bicycle. A devout Catholic, he worked for the Italian resistance, hiding documents in the frame of his bicycle, and sheltering a Jewish family in an apartment through his cycling winnings. The authors are siblings. The Fish That Ate The Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) by Rich Cohen is a biography of Samuel Zemurray, son of a Jewish farmer from Russia. Zemurray, once the most powerful banana importer in America (he led the United Fruit Company for about 25 years), started his larger- than-life career with a pile of overripe bananas and went on to grow billions of bananas in the jungles of Central America. Cohen, the author of Tough Jews and Sweet Life, sees Zemurray's life as a parable of the American dream. The book is now being made into a major motion picture. The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone — Especially Ourselves (Harper) by Dan Ariely is the latest book that challenges preconceptions by the bestselling behavioral economist and author of Predictable Irrational and The Upside of Irrationality. Using lively examples drawn from his own Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking (Crown) by Susan Cain (whose grandfather was a pulpit rabbi for 62 years) argues that the constitution- ally introverted (about one-third of the population) — "who prefer listening to talking, reading to regal- ing, solitude to hanging out with the gang" — have an inward-focused temperament uniquely conducive to creativity, innovation, cooperation, even leadership; she gives examples of successful introverts (like Steven Speilberg) and asserts that risk-lov- ing extroverts out-shouting cautious introverts in the financial industry helped cause the global crisis. She also helps parents with tips for rais- ing quiet kids. Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone (Penguin Press) by Eric Klinenberg, a professor of sociology at New York University who grew up in a Jewish family in Chicago, explores the dramatic rise of solo living ("the greatest demographic changes in the U.S. since the baby boom") and exam- ines its seismic impact on our culture, business and politics; contrary to con- ventional stigmas attached to living alone — that it is isolating and lonely — he found that those who live alone were very socially active and civi- cally engaged and enjoy better mental health than unmarried people who live with others. Rachelle Bregstein's Women from the Ankle Down: The Story of Shoes and How They Define Us (Harper) is a romp through the 20th-century history of footwear, highlighting pop culture's most cherished and iconic pairs, as well as a social history of women as seen through the lens of shoes and the actors, designers and "It Girls" who wore them. "Every woman should have a sexy pump, a comfortable wedge and a great flat," says Bregstein, who owns 75 pairs. Imagine: How Creativity Works (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) from Jonah Lehrer, author of How We Decide, looks at how we can use the latest science to unleash our imagina- tions — and make our cities, compa- nies and culture more creative; it also looks at creativity as experienced in the real world — Bob Dylan's writing methods, Ruth Handler's idea for the Barbie doll — and gives tips for real- izing your creative potential (channel your inner 7-year-old). In Swim: Why We Love the Water (PublicAffairs), broadcast journalist Lynn Sherr celebrates every aspect of this ancient activity that has cap- tivated swimmers from Julius Caesar to Mark Spitz to Michael Phelps, including the Jewish mandate to teach your child to swim, which can be interpreted in two ways: to prevent drowning but also, metaphorically, how to master something by yourself to get through life. Religion reporter Matti Friedman, author of The Aleppo Codex: A True Story of Obsession, Faith and the Pursuit of an Ancient Bible (Algonquin), spent four years and traveled across three continents seek- ing the truth about how the Aleppo Codex — written 1,100 years ago, considered the most accurate text of the Hebrew Bible and housed in a dark grotto in Aleppo, Syria — was smuggled into the newly founded State of Israel and how its most important pages disappeared. Certainly not a beach read but for those interested in global issues, Stuart E. Eizenstat's The Future of the Jews: How Global Forces are Impacting the Jewish People, Israel, and Its Relationship with the United States (Rowman & Littlefield) surveys the major geo- political, economic and security chal- lenges facing the world in general and the Jewish world and the United States in particular. Eizenstat has held senior U.S. government posi- tions in three presidential admin- istrations and is a recipient of the Courage and Conscience Award from the government of Israel. In Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People (Oxford), medical geneticist Dr. Harry Ostrer, orga- nizer of the Jewish HapMap Project established in 2007 to sequence the genomes of the Jewish people and define their origins, migrations and relatedness, shows that Jews from the same and different diaspora groups are linked by genetic threads, some containing disease genes and others of unknown attributes, that provide a biological basis for Judaism. E Sandee Brawarsky contributed to this article.