Pho tos by Sco tt Wa sserman rj 1- 1 L \ / „si 7 ". . . A group of 14,000 proud Jews were able to walk away alive. Millions of our ancestors could not simply turn around and leave Birkenau, yet we can. We have the power to leave and make a mark on our generation by vowing to walk out alive so we can tell the stories of those who never got the opportunity." 0 I ( 4:72' )11. 11 1111 ri I LI L - Annie Jacobson "Marching into the Old City of Jerusalem after just having marched from Auschwitz to Birkenau the previous week was the most powerful part of the trip. I was surrounded by thousands of teens from all over the world, everyone singing Am Yisrael Chai as we marched down to the Kotel. It is an image I will never forget, and I have never felt more proud to be Jewish." - Marni Jacobson Frankel Jewish Academy seniors strike a pose in Jerusalem. FJA seniors experience the agony of Poland and the exhilaration of Israel. "The physical march from Auschwitz to Birkenau was, surprisingly, an uplifting and happy event. I felt proud to be smiling with my Jewish friends at the entrance to Auschwitz." - Gideon Levinson Anna Rubin Teen2Teen Writer he March of the Living will be a life-changing experience..." Those were the words I heard so often prior to leaving on this senior trip from the Frankel Jewish Academy. They were words hard for me to fathom because I had yet to understand what could be so life changing about a two-week trip. However, as I marched with thousands of March of the Living participants, all in blue and white, to the Kotel those words started to really resonate in my mind. It became clear I had just experienced my own life-altering experience that I would carry with me for the rest of my life. It was on that march to the holiest site, where the sun was shining brightly and I was walking hand in hand with my friends, singing Israeli songs, that I took a moment to recall everything I had just witnessed the past week and to internalize the stories I heard firsthand from survivors. When I finally reached the Kotel, I made my way up to the Wall, where I said a few prayers with friends and then silently walked backward, away from the Wall, but making sure to never take my eyes off of the most beautiful thing in the world, the Kotel. I then took a moment to stand alone, and in that brief moment, it all started to hit me. I had endured a life-changing experience. Here I was standing freely at the Kotel with a Jewish star around my neck, not because I was forced to wear one like Jews had to during the Holocaust, but because I wanted to show to everyone that I am a proud Jew. As I stood by myself, all my emotions from the previous week started to hit me. I was deeply saddened as a result of everything I had seen. I was mortified that my people went through such horrendous events. I was extremely happy to be able to stand there and say to myself "Hitler did not win." I am a witness to a great triumphant march where Jews from all over the world came together to see our past horrors and move forward in celebration of the most amazing, beautiful, welcoming place on Earth; the place that allowed me to feel more connected to my roots and thankful for the life I have — Israel, the place I call home. Li Anna Rubin recently graduated from Frankel Jewish Academy in West Bloomfield. She and 46 FJA seniors (plus six adults) participated in March of the Living (Poland and Israel) for their senior trip. Daily Blog Nate Strauss, who just graduated from North Farmington High School, was a local BBYO participant on March of the Living. He wrote a blog during the trip. To see his com- ments, go to . Singing in Treblinka: Polina Fradkin, Helene Glickman, Mollie Darmon, Annie Jacobson, Michelle Shumunov, Allie Lichterman, Gideon Levinson. Freya Gothelf displays her pride in being Ryan Grossinger and Evan Milan at the Jewish at a concentration camp in Kotel in Jerusalem Poland. 120 june '14 2012_