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May 10, 2012 - Image 37

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2012-05-10

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Top: Ross gave the Roths'
10-year-old daughter a

fairytale fantasy with a

fresh, modern feel. The
tufted square patterns on

the upholstered headboard
add clean-lined structure

to the billowy draperies,
suspended from custom

rods mounted to the ceiling
to create a canopy effect.
Ross created a prettier-

than-a-picture wall-to-wall
bulletin board from luxuri-

ous fabric trim. The vanity
chair was upholstered in

the same fabric used for
a throw on the bed while

the armchair was brought
from the girl's baby nurs-

ery that Ross designed,

same gingham fabric and
all. "When people walk into
a bedroom, I want them

to feel like they're at their

favorite hotel," says Ross.
"Whether it's for a little

girl or an adult, I try to
paint a picture for clients

of how they can use the

room so that it feels like a
lifestyle, not just a bunch
of pretty rooms."

Center: The original built-
ins in the Roths' 6-year-old

To enhance the natural architectural flow of the home,
designer Richard Ross placed a long sisal Starck runner,

son's room were painted
sky blue.

bordered in leather, all the way from the front vestibule to

the back door, and repeated the runner along the stairs,

Bottom: "Even thoug

which are lined with the home's original hand-carved oak
banister. A petite daybed, which Ross designed and cov-

this is the newest part

of the house, it feels
like the oldest," says

ered in a velvet Holly Hunt fabric, sits below a Henredon

Barbara Barry mirror with an etched star at its top. "The
mirror was in my dining room in my previous house, but

Ross of the 10-year-old
addition by the home's

Richard suggested putting it here, and it looks like it was
made for this space," says Victoria Roth. "He's amazing in
that he has a vision and knows how to achieve it."

previous owners. "They

even used reclaimed
brick so it flows on the

outside, too. And even
though it's so enor-

mous, it's a very warm,
comfortable and cozy

room." Soaring 22-foot
ceilings are supported

by structural trusses,

the limestone fireplace
was brought in from a

monastery in France and

the flooring is reclaimed
stone from the streets

of Belgium. The famil
room's informal din-
ing table, made from

the hull of a ship, was

brought in with a crane.

Brian Killian designed the living room's soapstone fire-
place, and Ross added the floating glass screen. All of
the furniture in this room was brought from the Roths'

"The Roths bought it
from the previous own-
ers," says Ross. "It

previous home, a testament to Ross' timeless designs


wasn't going anywhere."

and quality of fabrics. "I like things with cleaner lines and

Above it, a steel-based
Holly Hunt lighting fix-

warm colors — a balance of modern and traditional, and he
understands that," says Roth. "Everything from the old
house fit into this space seamlessly."
.. _

ture holds hollowed-out,
electrified candles.


May 10 s 2012


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