Chief of Staff Lt. Gen Benjamin Gantz speaks to 1,30 supporters at the national FIDF gala in New York" Michiganders take part in national Friends of the IDF gala that raised $26 million. Keri Guten Cohen Story Development Editor New York A s Israeli soldiers worked to keep cities within striking distance of Gaza safe from the rocket bar- rages that had escalated early this month, more than 1,300 supporters of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) gath- ered for the nonprofit's largest single fund- raiser of the year. Within hours, $26 million had been raised at the annual black-tie FIDF National New York gala dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on March 13. This year's sold-out event benefits the organization started in 1981 by a group of Holocaust survivors to provide for the well-being of the men and women who serve in the IDF as well as the families of fallen soldiers. At least 11 Metro Detroit FIDF supporters helped to fill the hotel's grand ballroom to capacity. Among them were five who had served in the IDF: Michigan FIDF Vice President Josh Berkovitz and Avi Yazdi, both of West Bloomfield, and FIDF Michigan Region Executive Director Tamir Oppenheim, his wife and office manager Elian Oppenheim and executive assistant Keren Toby. In addition, Chairman emeritus and board member Ann Newman of Bloomfield Hills fought in the 1948 War for Independence; board member Aliza Nivy of Bloomfield Township served as a registered nurse during the 1948 war. Others Detroiters included Michigan FIDF board member Eugene Sherizen of Huntington Woods, Marilyn Karbal of Bloomfield Hills and the Rev. Tim and Kay Munger, local representatives of the New Jersey-based Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, an evangelical Christian group. "No question I felt motivated and re-energized in my commitment to the organization back in Michigan after the gala:' said Sherizen, a first-time attendee. "It is important to take part in a big national gala dinner to be witness to the strength of the organization and its strong support for the soldiers, and then to come back home and continue the amazing job the Michigan community does for the soldiers:' Oppenheim said. Heavy Artillery Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. (Res.) Benny Gantz was to have been the keynote speaker but remained in Israel because of the rocket escalation from Gaza. He spoke live via satellite from a base protecting Ashdod with the Iron Dome anti-missile system, which the IDF says has intercepted nearly 90 percent of its targets. "The terrorists know now that the rockets they are firing at us are being intercepted by the Iron Dome, and they also know what will happen in the future if they continue to pursue terrorism:' he said. "Active defense systems represent a historic and important shift in military strategy" Gantz thanked the attendees for their partnership with the IDF soldiers, saying, "This is very important for us to know that we are not alone Appearing with Gantz in the pre-dawn darkness in Israel was Sgt. Doron Gertner, an Iron Dome intercept specialist. "When you are in the box, you have to make quick decisions and you know what lies in the balance Gertner said. "You have to know what kind of rocket [is fired] to choose the interceptors. The right choice and you see who you save. "Out of 200 rockets, I personally inter- cepted four," he said to great applause. "What I love most about this unit is that you can see results instantaneously. It's very rewarding. I'm so proud to serve in this unit?' In a video message, freed IDF soldier Gilad Shalit thanked the audience for prayers and support during the five years he was held captive in Gaza by Hamas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also appeared in a video message. "The IDF is the basis for our existence and is the guarantee for our future he said. "Today, now that we have a country and we have a strong army, we have the capa- bility to stand up against attacks on the Jewish nation:' Twenty-nine IDF soldiers talked one-to one with supporters during the reception and were dispersed among the tables at dinner, bringing an added level of com- mitment to the cause among supporters. In a tearful speech, bereaved mother Mir Hadassi spoke of her son, Yonatan Hadassi, killed in 2006 at the onset of the Second Lebanon War while serving in Maglan, an IDF covert operations unit. A live satellite feed introduced a Maglan unit training in Lachish, Israel, showing their cramped quarters and an artificial hillside that provided cover for their operations. An IDF soldier named Dave from Long Island did the talking, until he was sur- prised to be greeted by his parents in the New York audience. His weeping mother sent her love, shared her pride in his work and told him to return safely. Adding Their Voices Similar video feeds, stories and heart- warming connections are a hallmark of Michigan's annual FIDF dinner as well and help in getting supporters to raise the ante on their pledges. At the New York dinner, everything was on a much larger scale. Unlike in Detroit and most other cities, a majority of the pledges were made in tableside announce- ments around the ballroom. Pledging lasted more than 90 minutes and included every amount, from $180 from a bar mitzvah boy to $9.25 mil- lion from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews in Jerusalem. "This dinner and this cause have become the central event of Jewish life in North America;' Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder of the Fellowship, said as he announced the evening's largest pledge. Though lengthy, the pledging was an emotional testament to the support for Israel's soldiers. A repeated theme was that the IDF was defending not only the Jewish homeland, but also Jews worldwide. In Detroit, the annual Michigan Region FIDF dinner last November raised $1.6 million. The new goal is $2 million. Local supporters number 2,000 households. Among Detroiters, favorite programs to support include Impact!, which provides grants for four-year scholarships to Israeli Salute To Soldiers on page 12 10 March 22 • 2012