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December 22, 2011 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2011-12-22

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frontlines >> letters


Letters from page 5

Arthur M. Horwitz

Publisher / Executive Editor


Jackie Headapohl
Managing Editor


Keri Guten Cohen
Story Development Editor


Gail Zimmerman
Arts Editor


Deborah Schultz
Corporate Creative Director


Senior Copy Editor
David Sachs

Editorial Assistant
Sy Manello

Senior Columnist
Danny Raskin

Contributing Editor
Robert Sklar

Contributing Writers
Bill Carroll
Suzanne Chessler
Annabel Cohen
Don Cohen
Shelli Liebman Dorfman
Ronelle Grier
Lynne Konstantin
Allan Nahawjeskl
Robin Schwartz
Steve Stein

113 MEAD


Jackie Headapohl
Managing Editor

Executive Editor
Gail Zimmerman

Contributing Editor
Keri Guten Cohen


1942- 2011

6 December 22 2011

determined to be "right:' By claiming
to be the only legitimate voice of the
Jewish/pro-Israel communities, these
few make it appear as though we agree
on nothing. Worse, they force us into
wasting time quashing false rumors and
defending our efforts to each other.
The Anti-Defamation League makes
every possible effort to simultaneously
maintain a respectful and constructive
dialogue with our Arab and Muslim
neighbors, while also maintaining a
strict rule not to work together with any
organization that does not recognize
Israel as a Jewish state. We will continue
to do our best to stand with our fellow
descendants of Abraham when they are
wronged, to disagree with them when
they are wrong, and to denounce them
when they wrong others.
We know that we cannot perfectly
judge the true heart of every apparent
ally, but believe working together in
mutual respect is the only way to move
forward and not back.
More important, as a Jewish com-
munity we must respect each other, and
each other's views. Sure, we will disagree
on what is "best" for Israel, or for Jews,
but we must recognize that although our
visions may differ, we share this com-
mon goal. We will also disagree on the
route that will bring us closest to our
goal, but perhaps we can agree that nei-
ther name-calling nor rumor-mongering
are on it.

Daniel M. Levy

West Bloomfield

Increase Caregivers
At Nursing Homes
What is to become of our aging popula-
tion if nursing home care is needed?
It is imperative that we write to our
state legislators to change the state
guidelines for the ratio of caregivers to
patients. It is inadequate at present.

actresses until I read every page of the
Congratulations to all of the par-
ticipants who were on the stage and
those behind the curtains. Also, to the
teachers, coaches and advisers, costume
designers and scenery managers, and
the audiovisual staff.

Gerald J. Sukenic

West Bloomfield

Israel's 'Doomsday' Subs
Raise Interesting Questions
Regarding "Doomsday Weapon" (Dec.
1, page 47), as a graduate engineer with
a legal education I am innately curious
about this revelation about Israel sub-
From this article that concentrated
on the psychological and sociological
aspects of staff selection and man-
agement, we know that the plan is to
increase the fleet from three to six in
the next five years. The crew is approxi-
mately 40 individuals. The officers are
required to serve at least nine years.
I am curious about the vessel itself. Is it
nuclear powered? Who built it? Who will
build the next three? What kind of ordi-
nance does it carry, missiles, torpedoes,
etc.? What is the tour of duty of an enlist-
ed person? U.S. ship crews essentially are
on sea duty for six months and alternate
assignment for the other six months. Is
it an all male service? Why are the crew
referred to as soldiers not sailors?
As a patriotic U.S. citizen and mem-
ber of the Jewish diaspora, I prefer not
to know more. If I, as an average citizen
know, so do my terrorist advocates. If
these top-secret submarines are meant
to be a deterrent, why is their exis-
tence such a secret? Or, is this article
designed as a sneaky way to let the cat
out of the bag?

Joel G. Bussell, JD, PE,

Associate Faculty

Judith Ginsberg

University of Phoenix

Farmington Hills

Detroit Campus

Usher Impressed With
Fare At Berman Center
Last Saturday night I had the privilege
of being an usher at the Berman Center
for the Performing Arts. I have been on
the usher corps since the theater opened
last spring. I have attended many perfor-
mances as an usher and a donor/patron.
Most of the performances, excluding
the Marwil film festival, have been by
members of our local community, i.e. the
Cantors Concert. The performers have
displayed absolute professional skills (as
expected) with appeal to a wide and var-
ied audience appreciation.
Recently, I sat in awe watching the
Frankel Jewish Academy production
of Wizard of Oz. I couldn't believe I
was watching and hearing students of
the academy. I began to think the per-
formers were professional actors and


• The editorial "Anti-Bullying Law Is
Only A Start" (Dec. 15, page 52) incor-
rectly reported that Matt Epling, the teen
who committed suicide in 2002 after
being viciously bullied, was gay. On the
website MattEpling.com , his parents
noted many inaccurate news reports
and wrote, "Matt was not gay, nor does it
matter." They added, "Matt was assaulted
for being who he was, a bright, caring,
outgoing young man with a world of
promise ahead of him."

• In the story "Students Find Their
Jewish Identity" (Dec. 15, page 22), the
Jewish Resource Center (JRC) event
was held at Young Israel of Oak Park
not Temple Israel, and Rabbi Fully
Eisenberger has been the director of the
JRC for one year, not five.

F. Kevin Browett

Chief Operating Officer


Keith Farber
Sales Director


Account Executives
Ann G. Abrams
Jan Haskell
Melissa Litvin
Heidi Martin
Rick Nessel
Dharlene Norris

Senior Sales Assistant
Kim Metzger

Customer Service Asst.
Jan Shain
Billing Coordinator
Pamela Turner
Collections Analyst
Hazel Bender


Scott Drzewiecki
Jeffrey Meyer
Pam Sherevan
Michelle Sheridan




Michael H. Steinhardt

Arthur M. Horwitz

Chief Operating Officer
F. Kevin Browett

Craig R. Phipps

Corporate Creative Director
Deborah Schultz


Customer Service Manager:
Zena Davis


General Offices: 248-354-6060
Advertising: 248-351-5107
Advertising Fax: 248-304-0049
Circulation: 248-351-5174
Advertising Deadline: Monday, 4 p.m.
Editorial Fax: 248-304-8885
Deadline: All public and social announcements must
be typewritten and received by noon Tuesday, nine
days prior to desired date of publication.
1 year
2 years
3 years
1 year out-of-state
2 years out-of-state
Per year foreign

Detroit Jewish News
29200 Northwestern Highway
Suite 110
Southfield, MI 48034
© 2011 Detroit Jewish News

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