said many times since: That the world was wrong. When they thought that the most important fact about the Rebbe was that here was a man with thousands of follow- ers, they missed the most important fact: That a good leader creates followers, but a great leader creates leaders. That's what the Rebbe did for me and for thousands of others. Act 2: I went back to University, although I still felt the power of the Rebbe's challenge. So in 1969 after getting my degree, I went to study in Kfar Chabad, where I learned with Rav Gafni, and it was a wonderful experience. In 1970 I came back, got mar- ried, started teaching philosophy, writing a doctorate, but I still felt I hadn't done enough to meet the Rebbe's challenge. So I studied for smicha. I qualified as a rabbi, and I thought that's it. I've grown a little as a Jew, and now I'm ready to get back with the rest of my life. That was when I made the second great mistake — I went back to see the Rebbe again. (laughter) January 1978: My friends in Lubavitch told me exactly what to do. You put your question in writing, you give the Rebbe options; one, two, three, and the Rebbe will tell you, the one or two or three. So I set out my options. I said to the Rebbe, "I have a career in front of me, I have three choices." Number one, maybe I would like to be an academic — one day I would be a professor or maybe a fellow of my college in Cambridge. Or number two — I went to university initially to study economics — I'd like to be an economist. Or number three, I'd like to be a barrister, an advocate. I was a member of one of the Inns of Court, the Inner Temple where you study to be a lawyer. I went in to the yechidus [private audi- ence] not knowing what the Rebbe would answer, would it be one, would it be two, would it be three? The Rebbe looked at me and he went through the list; not one, not two, not three. I thought, "Hang on, this is against the rules!" The Rebbe did not give me time to reply. He told me Anglo Jewry was short of Rabbis, and therefore he said to me, "You must train Rabbis." He specified Jews College, where Rabbis were trained in Britain. And then he said, you yourself must become a congregational Rabbi, so that your students will come and they will hear you give — I still remember the way he pronounced the word — "Sermons". They will hear you give sermons and they will learn. He said you say you will train rabbis and you will become a rabbi. Well, I was a little farblonged — a word I've introduced into the English language courtesy of the BBC — but if the Rebbe says do it, I did it. I gave up my three am- bitions, I trained rabbis, I taught in Jews College, eventually I became head of Jews College, and I became a congregational rabbi, in Golders Green and Marble Arch. You know, a funny thing happened. Hav- ing given up all my three ambitions, hav- ing decided to walk in the complete op- posite direction, a funny thing happened. I did become a fellow of my college in Cambridge. I did become a professor. In fact, this year I have three professorships; one in Oxford University, two in London University. I did deliver Britain's top two economics lectures, the Mais lecture and the Hayek lecture, and Inner Temple made me an honorary barrister and invited me to give a law lecture in front of six hundred barristers, the Lord Chancellor — the highest lawyer in Britain, and Princess Anne who's the Master. You know, you never lose anything — by putting yiddishkeit first. And I learned something very deep: Sometimes the best way of achiev- ing your ambitions is to stop pursuing them, and let them pursue you. Act 3: Act three was in 1990. Anglo Jewry was looking for a new Chief Rabbi. It was clear that I was going to be one of the candi- dates. But I wasn't sure that I was right for the job or the job was right for me. And so, I sat down with my family, with Elaine, with my children, and they agreed to permit me to write to the Rebbe and ask his advice. I set out the tzdodim lekan u'lekan — the pros and cons of the job, and the Rebbe wrote a most extraordinary reply, a brilliant reply, without using a single word. You know that the Rebbe, before he was Rebbe, ran the Chabad publish- ing house — Kehot — and as a result he knew — I've written twenty four books and I don't know these things yet, but he knew the typographical symbols that are used by proofreaders. So towards the end of the letter having set out the pros and cons, I wrote the sentence, "If they offer me the job, should I accept'?" This was the Rebbe's reply: The typographical sym- bol for reverse word order. Instead of say- ing, "Should I?" The answer is, "I should. So, thirteen years to the day after I became a congregational rabbi I became Chief Rabbi, and in that job I have tried to the best of my ability — if I succeeded I don't know — but I tried to do what I know the Rebbe would have wanted me to do: To build schools, to improve Anglo Jewish education, to reach out, and to make — not followers — but leaders. Non Jews respect Jews who respect Judaism And I did one other thing, which was a little bit unusual, and I want to explain to you, now, why. I never said this in public before. There was a point when I was a little involved people into people who themselves trans- forms lives and that, through you, is how he changed the world. Through you, his Shluchim and though all the other special people who support you and make your work possible. Search Out Every Jew In Love Alan Zekelman of Bloomfield Hills, MI meets British Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks at the conference. — the board of directors in Lubavitch in London asked me just to get involved a little bit — there was a point in the 1970s and 80s, when the Rebbe developed a very interesting campaign — the sheva mitzvos benei noach campaign - to reach out not just to Jews, but also to non Jews. I realized that in my new position as Chief Rabbi I could do just that. So I start- ed broadcasting on the BBC, on radio, on television, writing for the national press. I wrote books read by non Jews as well as Jews and the effect was absolutely extraordinary. The more I spoke the more they wanted to hear — which certainly proves they weren't Jewish. (Laughter.) The more I wrote the more they wanted to read, and you know what that experi- ence told me — not only the wisdom, the vast foresight of the Rebbe in under- standing that the world was ready to hear a Jewish message — but it taught me something else as well. And I want you never to forget these words. Non Jews respect Jews who respect Judaism. And non Jews are embarrassed by Jews who are embarrassed by Judaism. The Rebbe taught us how to fulfill verau kol amei haaretr ki shem hashem nikra alecha. Let all the world see we are never ashamed to stand tall as Jews. So, at the three critical turning points in my life, the Rebbe was my satellite navigation system, showing me where to go and how. And though I didn't always understand why at the time, in retrospect I see how extraordinary his advice was, and how wise. Most people look at others and see what they seem. Great people look at others and see what they are. The greatest of the great — and the Rebbe was greatest of the great — see others and see what they could become. And that was his greatness. And you are testimony to the fact that, everyone of you, that not only did the Rebbe transform lives, he transformed The Rebbe was the first Rebbe to become Rebbe after the Holocaust. And how can you redeem a world that had witnessed Hitler? And the Rebbe did something absolutely extraordinary; he said to himself: if the Nazis searched out every Jew in hate, we will search out every Jew in love. This was the most radical response to the Holocaust ever conceived and I don't know if we still — if the Jewish world still — understands it. Today, in many parts of the world anti-Semitism has returned, and baruch Hashem [thank G-d] there are hundreds of organizations fighting it. But still, even now, no one is saying what the Rebbe said — not explicitly but implicitly in every- thing he did. If you want to fight sinas yisrael [hatred of your fellow], then practice ahavas yisroel [love of your fellow]. Friends, hands up all those who think there is too much Ahavas Yisroel [love of your fellow] in the world... So friends, we still have work to do, we still have work to do. Anti-Semites, you know, are totally crazy. Anti-Semites believe that Jews con- trol the banks, they believe Jews control the media, they believe that Jews control the world; little do they know that we can't even control a shut board meeting. (laughter) The last point I think is very simple, Chanukah is on the way A Chassid of the Rebbe knows, aron nossei es noisav, if you lift another Jew, you yourself are lifted. If you light with your candle and kindle the flame in the heart of another, your light will not be diminished, you will be lifted; your light will be double. Friends, forty two years ago, one of the great Jewish leaders of all time, took an unknown student from thousands of miles away, and lit a light in his soul that has burned from that day to this, and he did it not just for him, but for ten thousands of thousands of others. And he would be saying to us: number one, live, breath, and sleep ahavas yis- roel; number two, become leaders who turn other Jews into leaders; and number three, be madlik mener le'ner, take your light and make light others. And together, let us light a flame in the hearts of other Jews, and together let us light up the world. Amen. To watch a video of this address go to : 9- 1SEMEtir--- December 15 • 2011 13