Orderly an honielike, Camp Take 4bfke in An n "?bor helps e homeless. Kate Miller Special to the Jewish News Ann Arbor F our months ago, Jackie's son dropped her off at an Ann Arbor homeless shelter. With no beds available, she was given a bus token and a map to a nearby tent community. Scared and alone, Jackie hesitantly approached some campers. "They took me in," she recalled. "They gave me a tent, tarp and sleeping bag and helped me set up for the night. They made me feel OK. I haven't been scared since." Jackie, 58, had arrived at Camp Take Notice, a grassroots community of home- less people currently residing in Ann Arbor. Located in the woods next to 1-94 near Wagner Road, this collaborative community offers a safe, substance- free home when traditional shelters are stressed beyond capacity. In the past, the Delonis Shelter, Ann Arbor Police Department and Washtenaw County's Project Outreach Team (PORT) have all referred homeless people to the camp as a refuge of last resort. The Michigan Itinerant Shelter System: Interdependent Out of Necessity (MISSION) is the nonprofit that partners with Camp Take Notice. Created nearly three years ago, MISSION provides a platform for professionals and volunteers to access homeless people. Instead of tak- ing a mission trip to Africa, community members can help people just as in need in their own backyard. As the name implies, this organization was born out of the necessity for inter- dependence. Brian Nord, president of the 8 December 1 2011 MISSION board, says that "... every soci- ety needs a place and a tight-knit com- munity where some of its citizens can go to start over, to develop a support group, to tell their story and to listen. Every society needs a place, a 'hot springs' for the soul to rejuvenate and re-invigorate a connection to oneself and to the society" While Camp Take Notice offers a fruit- ful environment for the homeless, it lacks the means to obtain basic supplies and to take advantage of available resources. To ameliorate this issue, the MISSION board reaches out to individuals and faith- based organizations for humanitarian aid donations, as well as to government agencies, law enforcement, the press and others to advocate for Camp Take Notice and the homeless. In the spirit of Tikkun Olam, the generosity garnered from this outreach has helped to provide campers with propane to keep warm in the winter and water for those hot summer days. Life At Camp Take Notice The tent community has an established order, based on a self-governing process. Upon arrival, a camper receives a sleep- ing bag and tent and is welcomed with open arms. Campers and visitors convene every Sunday at 6 p.m. for a community dinner brought by rotating volunteer groups. All are warmly welcomed to attend; it is a great opportunity to meet individual campers, tour the camp and gain a better appreciation of what Camp Take Notice is all about. (Interested par- ties should email Peggy Lynch at marga- retannlynch@gmail.com beforehand). Dinner is followed by a 7 p.m. com- munity meeting, during which campers raise, discuss and vote on community issues. Often visitors are refreshingly sur- prised that a group of homeless people does such an outstanding job of staying organized and respectfully observing the rules of discussion. This structure provides campers with the opportunity to take control over their living conditions, form lateral friendships and help others instead of always being dependent on help. Through the mutual support within the camp community, campers begin to realize that they can make a difference — for others and in their own lives. They regain confidence and are ultimately enabled to look for- ward to the next step. "We want to help people hear MISSION Secretary Brian Durrance explains. "Self-governing triggers this healing. Engaging in the process of build- ing a tent on the first night is a very therapeutic process for people who feel disengaged and alienated ... I see people think about their lives and where they want to be. I see them go back to school, connect with family members and build those bridges that were lost. They develop a sense of ownership. And with owner- ship comes pride. And with pride comes re-engagement." This process has had a particularly profound impact on Tate Williams, a camper of four years. Tate has chosen to remain at Camp Take Notice to help oth- ers the way that he was helped. "At Camp Take Notice, I have been able to utilize my military survival training as well as my leadership skills to guide oth- ers in their growth:' he says. "The great- est joy I feel is watching a person leave the camp on solid ground, able to main- tain a 'normal life' and not return." Those who live in camp find ways to adapt. Mutual Respect In addition to the strong community cre- ated within camp, MISSION helps foster relationships between the homeless and "homefur Campers and volunteers come together in solidarity to accomplish com- mon goals such as raising awareness of homelessness, fundraising for supplies and maintaining the infrastructure of the camp. This unique environment promotes a mutual respect between these two com- munities. With this new perspective, vol- unteers often find that their stereotypes are quickly redefined. A homeless person is no longer someone on the corner asking for money, but is instead Jackie, a mother of three, grandmother of five and a gradu-