metro >> on the cover Up close an personal, Judge Kim Small explains why her critics don't bother her and how she stays optimistic. Ronelle Grier I Contributing Writer 1 ,O= CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "It wasn't about you; it was about him," she said, "his limitations and his pain?' Then came the moment of truth. "I'm not going to put you in jail;' she told the man, whose relief was palpable. Instead she ordered him to serve probation, to attend AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings and to work with a sponsor, and to write, but not mail, a let- ter to his father. "It's time to dump your anger:' Small told him. "Sometimes we can't help what happens to us, but we can always control our response:' It was the second sentencing in one afternoon that did not include jail time. The first was a young man below the legal drinking age of 21 who was arrested for being intoxicated. He had a 10-month-old daughter and was attending 0 college 0 to become a nurse. After talking to him at length about the devastating effect his behavior could have on his child, Small sentenced him to one-year probation and to attend mandatory AA meetings. "I don't think you have any idea how good you are Small told the young man. "I just threw you a lifeline. Thank me with your life. Look in the mirror and become somebody you respect:' These situations might surprise those who decry Small for being excessively hard on drunk drivers. The 51-year-old judge became the subject of nationwide media attention last summer when she sentenced sports analyst and former NBA basketball player Jalen Rose to 20 days in jail for driving while intoxicated. Critics decried Rose's punishment as unnecessar- ily severe, citing that it was his first such offense. Small makes no apologies for taking a tough stance with those convicted of drunk driving. She acknowledges that not everyone who drinks and drives is an alcoholic, but she maintains that it is a preventable crime. "I don't believe that people get to roll the dice on our lives," she said. "it's simple — make a phone call. People who would never consider stealing a 0 get behind the wheel after they've been drinking. There's a disconnect out there." Although she cannot discuss the spe- cifics of Rose's case, Small said that he handled himself "like a gentleman?' What does disturb Small are the accu- sations of bias or impartiality, such as the recent motion filed by local attor- neys Robert Larin and Ken Mogill. The lawyers want Small to disqualify herself from hearing a case involving a West Bloomfield man who was arrested for driving while intoxicated. It was his first offense. In a hearing before Small on Oct. 13, Mogill said that public statements made by Small have created the perception that she is biased and that she has a sentenc- ing policy regarding drunk drivers. "A judge is free to have personal feel- ings, but when it causes her to have a policy that goes against legislative policy, it crosses a line Mogill said. Small contended he was confusing "policy" with "philosophy; and that her sentences were determined by the cir- cumstances of each individual case in accordance with four guidelines judges are required to follow: the likelihood that the defendant will repeat the offense, rehabilitation, punishment and deterrents to the rest of the community. "I consider what it is going to take to 0 a. 12 October 20 a 2011